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Everything posted by candlesayshi

  1. I speak a little French, so... I head over every now and then to see what's going on.
  2. Candle Nine is my stage name when I do music. candlesayshi comes from the David Bowie song "Everyone Says Hi"
  3. I love Babylon 5. That's a series that put me on the edge of my seat. Some of the best overall writing in a series, IMO. Also, love Star Trek, of course. My opinion of them: TNG > TOS > VOY > DS9 > ENT Been looking for a good hard sci-fi space series for a while to no avail. People always suggest Lexx to me, but that's very far from hard sci-fi. I also can't really get into it. "Oh, but it's so unique!" They always tell me. Yeah, but that doesn't mean it's good. I'm boggled as to how the series lasted as long as it did.
  4. NEAT! Something to look forward to! Still remember looking out at Hale-Bopp in the sky when I was young.
  5. Hmmm.... At high throttle the ones in the pack were doing this, too, but at least I've managed a stationary orbit.
  6. I want this pretty bad. Especially as one of my favorite things to do is launch and return shuttles. Also, kind of want a small visual/audio effect for breaking the sound barrier.
  7. Yeah, I figured as such. Will be switching them out soon. Also, I dunno, I think the OMS in your mod are a little too flat against the orbiter, but it doesn't look bad. Not in the least. (Not saying that the stock OMS looks perfect, by any means, either though, of course.)
  8. How about the Vega rocket with the IXV (I think it's called that... was from the CNES's Pre-X design)?
  9. Trying to get a shuttle into stationary orbit, but I'm using the radial mount engines as the orbital maneuvering engines instead of the ones provided in the pack (because it looks more "shuttle-ish"), and the shuttle just starts tumbling over itself whenever I throttle the engines after decoupling the boosters and EFT. Frustrating.
  10. I would really love this version if it didn't crash every time I try to go back to a building from any other screen.
  11. Wow... Anyone else finding that it's extremely unstable?
  12. Cool! Reasonably new player here! I've been trying to build a nice authentic space shuttle all day with the stock parts, and this looks great! Going to be my first custom download! EDIT: Eek. Download not available anymore. That's what I get for letting my excitement get ahead of me. Hope to see it back up soon then!
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