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Everything posted by Payload

  1. For all of you that are having problems, try this. Go into mechjebs plugindata folder and delete all of the cfg files but the global one. See if that doesn't fix some of your problems. I haven't really had a single problem with it since I did that. I even tried the docking auto-pilot. It worked, but of course it is still super slow and wigs out if you have too much cat physics. AKA reaction wheel torque. Try shutting some of them down.
  2. Well I tried this with the small lander cabin and it doesn't seem to work. I initially just wanted to do things like landing legs but the MeshesToChange thing doesn't seem to be working. Is it possible that it is case sensitive? I have it just like you have shown but all that is getting the reflection is the grab handles at the door and the window glass. The rest is still dull grey no matter what I do. Someone else want to test the small lander cab and see if it is just something to do with the model?
  3. Nope. 1080p here, the tab covers up the resource menu. Has since 2.0.7. Don't know why. Just know it needs to be fixed or it needs to be moveable. There is already a Global MJ config file. Add an adjustment. For this problem to continue is rather annoying when it could be have been fixed a long time ago. People have been reporting this since the fist version after 1.9.8.
  4. Don't forget to bring a towel. Nukes are great for landing and taking off from Duna. After all, no one lives there and who really cares if we make it glow. It will just be easier to see.
  5. That's good advice there. I actually moved my station out to 650 before it grew too large. I basically used the opportunity to get it's fuel storage tanks full while it was still small and then moved it out there. I will have to modify my fuel transport vehicle to start refueling missions but it has two full orange tanks sitting at 650 right now so that will be a while. Icarus IP Refueling Station is a go.
  6. Sounds like you are missing the plugins that make b9 stuff work. Everything in the gamedata folder that comes with b9 has to be in your gamedata folder. Not just the b9 folder. All of them. They aren't just suggestions, they are requisite.
  7. The issue is that the quad sections are bugged and don't work properly when you load saved ships and when you revert a ship to the VAB. The part with two sections works just fine even as inter-stage. I have seen no tendency for the double sided one to hang up on anything that is a lame excuse to have four sides. Certainly since it doesn't work properly.
  8. Nope. If you have the latest version that is 2.0.9.... then you most certainly have docking autopilot. You can see that the latest update is 8 days old. I'm afraid you don't have a newer version or a version without the docking autopilot unless you removed that module yourself. http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/ I say look again. It's there you just aren't seeing it.
  9. It's for reasons like this that I tend to build my stations in small pieces.
  10. Yes. I have the newest version. I'll check again but I'm pretty sure I have the newest build from 6 days ago. Nothing newer on the hub.
  11. This version of mechjeb has some serious issues. I get floods and floods of null exception errors whenever I have mechjeb as a part on my ships. This is causing the stutter issue worse than ever before. In previous versions it was nearly non existent. Before I could go 4x physical warp with even the largest of my ships and not ever see red. Now, even 2x Pwarp causes the time counter to go red and it's synced with the stutters. Another new problem is it doesn't seem to want to allow me to go to the tracking station. I can hit the button all day but nothing happens. It forces me to revert the mission. I have done a fresh install of kerbal and added my mods one at a time. Had no problems until I added mechjeb. When I remove it, everything works fine. I don't have kethane or anything like that installed. Basically, I just have mechjeb and b9 and KSPX.
  12. I have managed to find an old archived copy of 3.0c on my hard drive and compared the radial ramp intakes new and old. I made the changes to my cfg and the intakes preform as they did. I did not look at the radial engine mount ramp intakes. I suspect that the situation is much the same. I won't go as far as to tell b9 that he needs to change his own work to reflect my wants. I think that is a little over the deep end. I just wish that I could have at least been informed of the change. Certainly the patch notes say the change was only cosmetic and it clearly isn't.
  13. I just want the Intakes from 3.0C back please. If someone has those, could they post the cfg please so I can fix these useless intakes we have now? I really don't know what happened, but they are 6 times bigger and 4 times heavier than the in game intakes. THE REASON THEY NEED TO BE GOOD IS SO I DON'T HAVE TO USE 25 INTAKES TO MAKE MY SSTO WORK! My shuttle that has four of the giant moving ramp intakes can't get to 15k without running out of air. I was forced to add SIXTEEN stock ram intakes. I am sorry that some people choose to abuse this so they don't even need rockets to get to 100k apokee. That is their prerogative. You always could airhog. You always could infiniglide. You can still do it. This Intake nerf is just making those parts useless. They are effectively the worst Intake in the game now. No reason to use them.
  14. OK, I don't know where you guys are getting this but my capsules don't generate any kind of power. This must be a product of some mod that people have and just don't know it. My capsules have a battery that can store power. However, they will run out given you don't add any power source. Check that you don't have power generator turned on in your romfarer mod. I use lazer docking cam and if I turn on the power generator option the ships have cheat power. Otherwise this is a misnomer. No capsules generate power that I know of. I could be wrong and it wouldn't be the first time, but all of my capsules require a power source. Manned or unmanned. YMMV.
  15. You can already do that. Click show landing predictions under the landing auto-pilot. I do it all the time. If you are asking if you can get MJ to control you through aero-capture and then to descent. Then I don't think you understand the "gravity" of the situation. When it auto lands it is just waiting for a window. Aero-capture is a much more dynamic event.
  16. I have an SSTO Rocket that can get there I think. It was designed as a 100% reusable MunShuttle. It serves that purpose well. It takes one kerbal to the Mun and back to KSP on one fill up. It has 3300m/s of fuel left once it's in 100km circular orbit. Last time I went to Laythe, it cost me about 2300m/s to get circular around it. I didn't use aero-capture and I didn't land. Hmm what is the atmosphere on Laythe? Can I use jet engines on Laythe? If I cant, I can't land then, because I use the jet engines under chute to land softly at KSP.
  17. They could easily add an extra option in the action group settings menu. Every part could just have a "Lock position to parent" button. That part is really simple. Actually locking the position of objects to the parent without causing other problems seems like it would be more difficult.
  18. This is the first fully operational Variable Geometry Fighter/Bomber aircraft that Payload Orbital Solutions has released on the open market. Earlier test variants proved to be stable and robust. However, they were limited to purely terrestrial duty. Our clients asked for greater speed and range. Once addition funding was provided, our R&D department set its brightest minds to cramming in the extra features required to make this the best direct intervention solution available on the market today. Features. Strike anywhere capability allows direct and swift interdiction anywhere on the planet. Variable Geometry Wing configuration provides high stability in transonic conditions. Auto traverse weapon mounts always keep your weapons pointed in the correct orientation for enhanced accuracy. Integrated drop tank system designed for maximum flexibility allowing you to tailor your fuel load for the mission. Weaponry. 4x 450Kg non-guided high explosive drag stabilized bombs. Action Groups 1. Switch Engine Mode. 2. Toggle Sweep Lock. 3. Toggle Outboard Bomb Stabilizers. 4. Release Outboard Bombs. 5. Toggle Inboard Bomb Stabilizers. 6. Release Inboard Bombs. 8. Sweep Forward. 9. Sweep Backward. Warning! Do Not Under Any Circumstances Attempt To Vary The Wing Angle While The Sweep Lock Is Engaged! This May Result In Catastrophic Failure! REQUIRED MODS. B9 Aerospace. KSPX. Quantum Struts. Infernal Robotics(Damned Robotics Fork). Procedural Wing 0.4. MechJeb CRAFT http://pastebin.com/3pU2HCaq
  19. Don't forget about the DV you use to get to that high orbit. That counts. It will be interesting to see if you actually save anything at all. I suspect you will not save much.
  20. Just so you know I am not pulling your leg. Whatever monstrosity you have built to do this is just lifting fuel for fuels sake. Here is what I am talking about. Look at that Dv! That is easily enough to get to orbit. My lifter is just two SRBs. On the pad. In orbit with 700m/s fuel left. After you dock you can just jettison the other parts.
  21. What are you even talking about? Take orange tank. Add 2.5m control package. Add Clampo-Tron Sr at each end. Use radial decouplers and attach RCS tanks and RCS thrusters to the side of the orange tank. Add an orbit insertion engine under the bottom clamp-o tron Sr. You now have and upper stage that you can dock to whatever and all you have to do is make a lifter that can get it started. The orange tank stage stays the same. Just change the launcher based on where you are going. Once you have it docked, you have just one orange tank that has the RCS stuff on decouplers that you can jettison. You can jettison the engine because it is attached to a decoupler. You will have just one orange tank and two docking ports and the 2.5m control package. That is not hard at all. It's actually easier than what you are trying to do now. It just takes a little thought. Heck, another orange tank and a mainsail underneath for the lifter would probably get the thing to munar orbit. I just described a rocket with like max 15 parts that will do exactly what you want.
  22. I vent fuel all the time. AS IT LIFTS ME TOWARD THE SKY! Why on earth would one want/need/attempt to build a ship that burns fuel doing nothing? There is even an empty tank mod. Not sure what that accomplishes. Whatever, it's your game I guess. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/18-empty-stock-fuel-tanks-set/
  23. This has been fixed. Guys get the new DLL from gethub. It's on the first page. There is a repository for a reason. The only outstanding bug that I have encountered in the newest version is concerning the landing auto pilot. If you try to enter landing co-ordinates before you have reached the landing body's SOI, mechjeb still thinks you are trying to land on the previous body.
  24. So I finally got this mod yesterday because I was just at my wits end with ugly wings. Turns out these wings have way too little lift for Vanilla KSP and the COL indicator is incorrect. I managed to ignore it with mostly no problems but a person with no experience with how the game handles lift, and little space plane experience, will find a frustrating experience. My only other gripe is that it is still impossible to build a working space shuttle! Still not enough lift until the wings are so big it looks like a 747. Literally, the Vanilla Canard has more lift than my entire shuttle wing assembly. We really need a separate version of this that is for Vanilla KSP. I don't want FAR. I don't care about it in the least. Until then, this is just a Mod for a Mod.
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