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Everything posted by Shpaget

  1. From right to left - Jupiter, Io and Ganimed. Callisto was visible on the other side, but it wouldn't fit in the frame. This picture is actually using two frames since exposing properly for Jupiter makes the moons too dark, and exposing for the moons leaves the Jupiter overexposed.
  2. 300 000 000 is closer to 299 792 458 than 10 is to 9,81. In either case, both fine for high school and back of the envelope calculations. Not mentioning the correct value is a bit weird, though.
  3. It's a spaceship in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that can travel to any place in the Universe almost instantly. It's also a time machine.
  4. I wonder what's the probability for the universe to stop chasing me?
  5. In the movie, HAL starts to malfunction. Frank and David decide to shut it down. In the novel, HAL simulates the malfunction. Supervisors on Earth decide to shut it down. Seriously guys, why DeLorean? Yeah, it's a cool thing and I'd like one, but compared to the Heart of Gold it is useless. X-Wing? With its little pew pew guns? HoG just calculates it away or, preferably, turns it into a bowl of sour gummy worms. HoG is the most OP thing ever built in the entire Universe, since it can do anything, literally anything.
  6. Why would you want a homicidal computer? I'd like the Heart of Gold.
  7. It's a stop motion camera, not a high speed one. The "shutter" is fast, but the frame rate not so much.
  8. There is no choosing in genetic inheritance. There are dominant and recessive alleles.
  9. That was the premise of the original question.
  10. You would hesitate to die even knowing that you would be revived moments later, with no adverse effects? In the scenario where you get to travel across the globe practically instantly, with all your thoughts and memories preserved, the price of dieing seems like a bargain if you don't even notice being dead.
  11. From my current point of view, that could have happened. Like I said in my previous post, the current "me" could be a clone as far as current "me" perceives it. So what? That doesn't bother me.
  12. As long as "now I" don't feel unreasonable discomfort, I'm fine with it. Let's take a real world example of what actually happened to me. I was in a traffic accident, banged my head real hard and don't remember 15 minutes before the accident and a few hours afterwards. Otherwise, as far as I can perceive them, my though processes are the same, my other memories are all intact and I continue. If there had been no physical injury and doctors running around me covered in blood, I would know nothing about the incident and continue to live my life as if nothing happened. Imagine that situation. You live your life with just a small period of time your memories can't account for. Why would that bother you? Clone or not? I may be a clone, so what? Granted. So what? Me: "It is not me. I am not it. It is it. I am me." It: "It is not me. I am not it. It is it. I am me." We are two independent individuals.
  13. Which I don't care about, since the moment that being is recreated and all my memories and thought processes transfered into it, I will notice no difference and still consider myself - myself.
  14. At the moment of clone generation those two individuals become separate, but both consider themselves as "me". Each has its own point of view, why would they share it or jump from one to another? Do identical twins share points of view and jump around? Both are individuals with separate experiences. The only difference is that they became separated further back in time than the clones we talk about.
  15. What is the difference to "you" between 1) walking in a teleporter and exiting on another side, knowing that you are disintegrated on entry and built up again on the other side, (assuming you notice no difference and are in fact a perfect copy) and 2) going to bed and waking up in the morning noticing no difference? In both cases you are unconscious for a period of time and feel no different afterwards. As far as you know aliens might be probing you while you're asleep, disintegrating and rebuilding you every night. We most certainly do not know that consciousness is not movable. The fact that we don't know how to move it doesn't make it immovable. A perfect copy of myself is as far as I'm concerned still me.
  16. If I'm eating my steak and drop the knife on the floor, I just take another one and continue eating. I'm not concerned if it's the same knife or a perfect copy. If it cuts the meat just as well as the original, I'll take it. If my body works after exiting teleporter just like it used to before entering it, I don't care.
  17. When speaking of sterlings and PVs, let's not forget concentrated solar thermal power. Kind of compromise.
  18. Get off the phone? Find something to learn all by yourself? Find a book to read?
  19. I don't mind the mobile site layout. It's almost functional. I say almost because on couple occasions I tried editing my own post after posting it and it just went poof into oblivion. I retyped it, tried editing again... poof into oblivion again. Retype one more, and sausage fingers me again produced multiple typos that needed fixing. Third time the charmed in editing, right? Nope... it went poof again. Fourth time retype, check for typos and post. No editing. A bit vexing
  20. Using nuclear+stirling (not RTG) you produce power even in shade, so PV advantage diminishes. Nuclear doesn't need as much batteries. PVs get another hit. As I mentined earlier PVs are a major source of drag and increase propelant usage for station keeping. Speaking of radiators, there is very little difference. Power generated by PVs eventually turns to heat which also needs to be dealt with. The difference is only the efficiency of sterling. Public opinion on nuclear? You do realize how many nuclear power sources we have already flown? Americium or something else... Unless we see a dramatic increase in PV efficiency, nuclear is the future.
  21. Solar panels can provide enough power to the ISS, but they are a major source of atmospheric drag and orbital decay. Getting rid of them, or reducing their size would significantly reduce the amount of propellant needed for boosting. For example, just the fact that they orient the panels edge on to the direction of travel when in the Earth shade, reduces the propellant usage by about 1000 kg per year.
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