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Pixel of Life

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Posts posted by Pixel of Life

  1. I was going to send a manned ship to Hale (one of the moons of Sarnus, from the Outer Planets mod) and was already in interplanetary space when I noticed my heatshield had no ablator left. Apparently I forgot to put an insulator between the shield and the rest of the ship, and the engines consumed all the ablator since they ran quite hot during the several long burns required just to get out of Kerbin's SOI.

  2. Trackmania Turbo looks amazing. I started playing Trackmania back in 2006 when Nations ESWC was released and been addicted to the series ever since - looks like this one is another must-buy.


  3. Not really a part, this is just a simple ModuleManager config that adds NearFuture's fuels to ProceduralParts fuel tanks. The Procedural Fuel Tank now has an option for LqdHydrogen ("NF Lqd Hydrogen"), and the Procedural Xenon Tank has an option for ArgonGas ("NF Argon").

    When calculating the config values, I kinda just eyeballed it by using a procedural part and adjusting it so that it's roughly the same size as the fuel-containing part of the NF tanks so the new parts may still be a bit unbalanced. Improvement suggestions are welcome!

    For now, this'll be a standalone "mod", but I may ask the NF devs (OtherBarry and RadarManFromTheMoon) if they'd like to include this in the mod (If you two see this, let me know if you're interested! :)).

    Requires ModuleManager and Procedural Parts.

    Download: https://github.com/CaptainKorhonen/ProceduralNFTanks/releases

    License: GNU GPL V2. Feel free to modify and/or redistribute but please credit me as the original creator.

  4. That's a good idea, also, we have a unofficial steam group. People are in the chat usually all the time.

    *The members who actually use the group chat - there's 85 people in the group but only like 10 of them regularly visit the chat :P

    But yeah this skype thing is definitely a good idea - I hate not being able to use the group chat when I'm not at home (stupid steam mobile app doesn't support group chats). Whatsapp could also be an option, but it needs your phone number so some people might not like that.

    E: And there's also the KSP IRC - this would probably be the easiest option since it works great on computers as well as mobile devices.

  5. Update the card's BIOS (if an official update is available) and make sure the cooler's connectors are clean (if not, clean them). If it's still not working, it might be a more serious software glitch or the card itself is broken. Send it back for repairs or ask them to send you a replacement.

    Also, I don't know about Geforce 700 series GPUs, but on some 900 series cards the fans don't spin up at all before the temperature reaches 70 degrees C - maybe yours also has such a thing?

  6. What if someone started a kickstarter to buy Burya for a museum or get RKK Energia to move it to their museum? Burya is probably worth $50 million or less due to the lack of electronics, being incomplete, and the overall decay.

    I don't think that'll happen, seeing as most people don't really care about space exploration... How do you convince them that the remaining Buran-class shuttles are culturally and historically priceless objects that must be preserved? Then there's still the problem of actually raising enough money to buy and restore one of the shuttles. If we assume the whole process costs $50 million, Star Citizen's kickstarter campaign is the only one that has ever surpassed that - but you gotta remember that gaming is a hell of a lot more popular than space exploration. The #2 crowdfunding record holder doesn't even get anywhere close to the $50m figure at a puny $20 million.

  7. *snip*

    A little variation to Step 6: You can actually point your nose below the horizon during the "coasting to apoapsis" phase and start burning - this will raise your periapsis without raising the apoapsis. Very useful, especially for low-TWR craft.

  8. Looks nice. By the way, you can link the Imgur album directly to the forum post by using the imgur tags. Simply put the album's ID (the little string of characters in the URL) between the tags. In your case, the ID would be 1LpQl.

    Like this (this is a screenshot of the tag code, not actual text, otherwise it would post the album):


  9. I'm not at a university yet either, but will (hopefully) be starting my studies at the University of Helsinki or at the Aalto University School of Science and Technology in August.

    E: I, too, will be using public transport - I live in a place with really good connections so I've got lots of different routes I can use to travel to and from school.

  10. So, uh, how do you astrophotography? you just held the camera up to the eyepiece? no special $$$$ connector lens needed?

    I guess that's one way to do it. Or you can jury-rig a mount for a phone phone/webcam/compact camera. For a heavy DSLR/when you want maximum quality, you're definitely gonna want to buy proper mounting hardware.

  11. Wonder why the hell they're targeting a quiet residential neighborhood that has no tactical importance whatsoever. Die.

    A more realistic scenario would be one in which the missiles hit downtown Helsinki and/or Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport. According to http://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/, I might survive an 800-kiloton surface burst at either of those locations, as long as I somehow managed to shield myself from the heat. The wind is usually to the east, southeast or northeast, and since my house is located farther west, I wouldn't really have to worry about the mushroom cloud dropping radioactive dust on top of me.

    Even at 250 kilotons, I'd survive with first degree burns (I'm assuming this is if you don't take cover). At anything less than 150kt, I could pretty much just go about my business unless I was ordered to leave due to safety reasons.

  12. My Duna lander/return vehicle + launcher, built in 1.0.2:


    Those big tanks are at least 10m in diameter, yet it flies just fine.

    OP: Don't fight the rocket. Don't try to force it to do something it doesn't want to do. Be gentle on the controls and just let the rocket do its thing. Manage your throttle to avoid overheating and/or aerodynamic failures - going full throttle all the time in a high-TWR rocket is asking for trouble.

    Remember, double the velocity = four times the drag, half the air density = half the drag, according to the drag equation. Air pressure (and thus density, since KSP ignores temperature) increases exponentially as altitude decreases. In terms of drag, flying at 5km and 150 m/s is roughly the same as ~30km and 2400 m/s. The first 10-15km are the worst, but after that the drag drops off very quickly. Just take it slow when you're ascending out of the thick lower atmosphere. Throttle down if you start seeing shock cones or flames.

  13. I'm assuming these are government owned... But surely they'd be willing to sell them (and maybe the blueprints as well?) to someone for a good price since they have no use for them anyway? For them, it's probably just useless rusty junk sitting in a hangar somewhere. Could a crowdfunding campaign raise enough money for buying and restoring both, or at least one of the shuttles and then placing it in a museum?

  14. This looks cool. Any word on whether multiple players can be controlling different systems on the same ship? That would be awesome. Like Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, but a million times better :D

  15. I mostly follow F1, although it's been quite boring the past few years due to all the stupid rules and regulations... Screw safety and eco-friendliness, bring back the 1000hp V12/V10 monsters from the 90's and 00's!

    V8 Supercars and Le Mans are kinda interesting too.

    E: A video with more racing in it:

  16. Android all the way. I personally really like the 5.0 UI. Clean, fast and does what I need it to. I've had two iPhones, but the moment I got an Xperia Z1 I knew there was no going back to iOS. Currently using an Xperia Z2. Great looking phone with a big display, nice camera and fast CPU, plus it's IP58 rated so you don't have to worry about it breaking if you use it in the rain etc (but the screen may do funny things when there's water on it). All this for a couple hundred euros less than a 64GB iPhone 6. Hands down the best phone I've ever had.

  17. I finished my high school (college) finals like three and a half months ago. I've got university entrance exams on Monday (University of Helsinki), Tuesday and Wednesday (Aalto University School of Science).

    E: I'm also graduating from high school on Friday :)

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