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Posts posted by Castun

  1. I think they just need to disable roll control entirely in MechJeb (or at least let us do that) because MechJeb can't properly handle it. I don't remember this ever being a problem in MJ1. When I build my ships, I pre-rotate them in the VAB 90° so I have to pull back on the stick to gravity turn, and keeps the ground 'up' from my POV. But as soon as I tell MJ2 to turn to a node or a particular facing, it rolls it back 90° so it's sideways. More and more I'm finding myself using KillRot mode just because it doesn't want to spin itself.

  2. The problems I've seen:

    MechJeb will do full throttle ascents, since it doesn't see any air resistance. You can get around this by playing with the max accelleration value, I think.

    MechJeb will have problems with reentry predictions, since again, it isn't seeing any air resistance.

    MechJeb can have problems with non-aerodynamic craft. Well, to be honest, people can too. If you turn too far off of prograde with a craft that has to much drag up front, the craft will try to flip around. The ascent profile in 2.0.X looks like it would play nicer with FAR, at least.

    As to 0.20, I can't speak for the 1.9.X branch, but yes, 2.0.8 claims to work with 0.20

    I've had no problems using the 'limit to terminal velocity' in the ascent guidance / throttle control.

  3. You might want to go back to 0.20.0.

    There's a bug in 0.20.1 that causes png textures to need 4x as much memory as they did in 0.19.x and 0.20.0, and B9 (like most mods made since 0.18 part tools came out) is all png.

    Uhh yeah...I'm crashing at loading screen, crash log shows 0 memory available or somesuch...ugh. :(

    I'm on Steam version so that's not really an option unfortunately.

  4. Aren't there a couple of folding dishes included in RemoteTech? Like the small Communotron and the very large SatDish 9000? Combined with Damned Robotics one can build quite some crazy folding satellites and rockets. Slap on some nose cones from Fairing Factory and you got some quite 'realistic' stuff going into orbit.

    Yes, I had a nice satellite that started out folded up quite nicely inside a payload capsule, and it would deploy and unfold with 1 hotkey combo. But then 0.20 broke DR. :(

  5. I don't. After it loads, I press the Windows key to get back to the desktop and activate the client. I don't think the game likes when I return to desktop no matter if I'm loading, on the menu, building or flying. I'm forced to deactivate the full screen to avoid this issue. Thanks for the reply, though

    You can (and should) activate the client and connect to a server before you even start to load up KSP. Doing it the other way around has been known to cause issues, IIRC.

  6. I'm having an issue with this mod. It is not allowing me to end a flight or go to the space center. Anyone else been having this at all?

    I found out it is this mod by taking out each mod that I have installed and reloading.

    Known issue that I've suffered from before too, even only using the Docking Cam. No idea if they figured out what caused it.

  7. If it worked, and I doubt it would easily, it'd ruin performance massively and I'm not sure how you'd do that for, say, five players.

    For your setup, you just need teamspeak or similar to talk and can completely get rid of KLF (besides maybe the map orbit info - but the chat and screenshot stuff is silly when you also get everything streamed).

    The way I see it, it wouldn't kill performance. It's just an embedded link, where all the processing is done by Twitch itself, and not the game server. And even so, you'd only be looking at a small video stream, and could only see one at a time (similar to how screenshots are already handled.) Not taking difficulty of implementation into account, it shouldn't require any processing power than having a second monitor and browser window up.

    I was just thinking it could be a lot easier than manually asking people if they had a stream channel, etc.

  8. I am using KSP 0.19, and MJ 1.9.3

    I can see and use the Mechjeb parts, however I still cannot access the mod's tab that supposed to be on the right side. It also seems like after launch and I nearly hit Kerbal orbit the ship disappears, which I suspect to be because of MJ not working properly.

    I bought the game a week or two ago, downloaded 1.19, then .20 when it was released. I have noticed that when I unzip KSP there is not any Plugin folder. I have made one and placed the MJ dll in inside.

    Also is there any autopilot mods that can help me reach orbits and helps stability so I do not have to keep correcting the path.

    I'm confused...are you still using 0.19.1 or did you upgrade to 0.20? If you're still using 0.19.1, you can't use the latest version of MJ2 because it was updated for 0.20 support. You would have to go with 2.0.7 or earlier, I think. If you want the latest version of MJ1, I think 1.9.8 was actually the last version.

  9. I'm pretty new to modding, but when copying the files over to their locations there is no Innsewerants Space Agency folder to be seen - just Parts, PluginData, Plugins etc...

    Again, sorry for being stupid.

    Drop the Innsewerants folder into the same folder that the Squad folder is in (GameData.) This is a new file structure intended to help keep different part packs separate for easier organization.

  10. I just had a really interesting idea, but not sure if it's possible. What if you could embed a Twitch.tv stream in the interface? Then this could be a true LiveFeed plugin.

    I got this idea when playing with my friend, after we first tried out the KLF plugin and being disappointed about a lack of actual video feed (no offense, but the screenshot does essentially scream video feed even though it's just a screenshot. But this is basically what me and my friend do; we use the KLF client still, but we also both have a 2nd monitor which has each others Twitch stream. Rather than being limited by low-res screenshots, it gives us an even more 'connected' experience.

    I know you can embed a Twitch stream in websites, but not really sure if this would be similar enough.

  11. Another feature request here: can you stop MechJeb from rolling the craft when aligning to a node or bearing? I feel this may help with some of it's odd corrective tendencies. I've noticed that if the node isn't too far of where you're already facing, it doesn't roll much if at all, but when it has to make a significant adjustment it always wants to keep the roll angle of the craft at a certain angle, and it doesn't seem to be a constant either. This also means that rather than making a straight adjustment from your current angle to the needed angle is almost always a curved line instead of being straight, so tends to not be the most efficient, particularly if you're using RCS.

  12. Can anyone tell me how to add new parts to KSP with the RemoteTech functionality? I have the probe compatibility pack and I thought all you had to do was put them into the mod folder under a different part name if you wanted the stock probes plus RemoteTech probes.

    EDIT: The above post doesn't seem to load for me ^

    You have to overwrite the stock Squad parts. Dropping the compatibility parts into the RemoteTech folder won't work, because they share the same name and ID as the stock parts. All I ended up doing was manually adding in the RemoteTech module section to each part.cfg file before the newest compatibility pack was released.

  13. Everything fine and dandy for me.

    Used Mods:

    Crew Manifest, KSPX_Remix, Subassembly Loader, Deadly Reentry (Heatshields only), Romfarer LazorSystem 27, FusTek CBM3+KappaPod+StationParts, Aviation Lights, TAL_Spherical_Tanks,RemoteTech+CompatibilityPack, MechJeb2, Engineer Redux, AlarmClock, Protractor, Graphotron, Logomatic

    Tested Mapsat at Kerbin in orbit heights between 70km and 1283km and varying coresponding inclinations.

    As allready said very nice results, but I have some serious performance problems with the Dev-build:

    i can´t use timewarp 50x anymore, no matter which resolution i use (tested 15-300 in carious different orbits). On Kerbin, only in very high orbits (1000km+) I can use 50x with approx res 150-300. RAW-data disabled off course.

    Maybe the new version uses some stuff that has poor performance on older cpu´s?

    My box is quite old, but has really nice performance in other quite demanding games (DCS-series, X-Plane, Mechwarrior online, Warthunder etc.)

    Specs: Intel Q6600, oc´ed to 3.1GHz, 8GB RAM, Win7-64, GTX560

    Besides the drawback that I have to scan at 10x max I´m very happy with the dev-build, thx for releasing it :)

    Only problem I encountered: after alt-tabbing to another program MapSat stopped to scan, no matter if switched off or on, I could not reactivte it. Switching to the tracking station, selectig something else and reselecting the MapSat solved the issue tho.

    I assume you're still running .19.1 to have all of those mods actually working?

    I also cannot warp faster than 10x. I have a similar system, but faster i5-760 quad core @ 4Ghz, 8GB Ram, and GTX660ti-3GB. I haven't fiddled around with the resolution at all, but the default gives me lines at 50x warp too.

  14. Update on the issues I was having (see earlier post):

    I've figured out that my freezing issue is a memory problem. To make a long troubleshooting story short, removing a bunch of parts unfroze everything, and I was able to refreeze things by turning up the texture graphics. That's pretty much conclusive evidence (for me) that it's a recurring memory allocation issue that I've run into before. (I have waaaaay too many parts. It's an addiction.)

    I'm thinking they may be a memory leak in the latest version of KSP. My friend doesn't run any parts packs, only a few mods like MechJeb, RemoteTech, and ISA MapSat. He's noticed that although he's never suffered a freeze or crash, his performance steadily gets worse. I, on the other hand, use several packs such as NovaPunch and B9 Aerospace, as well as those others. And even though I don't have any giant ships with a large number or variety of parts, I will eventually freeze up or crash (usually without a crash log too which never happened before) after an hour or so, and usually only when I go to switch craft.

  15. Thanks, good to know I wasn't crazy hah.

    I noticed that the Jeb's BruiteForce Entineering 2.18m short SRB booster isn't listed in the parts list now. I've still got them in the legacy folder, and while the regular 2.18m SRB shows up, this one isn't. Not really sure why either...

    Seems that it didn't like the jettisoned fairings. After I removed that module, it shows up now. Guessing some of the other engines with the same type of fairing module defined may not work. Keeping my eye out for others.

  16. I've just updated the probe compatibility pack for 0.20. I had to use the old method of overwriting the stock configs since the override functionality of the new part loader isn't working properly yet. There is also the option of changing the parts programatically, which is certainly worth exploring.

    Seems Romfarer's method is purely plugin based, it's able to modify the stock docking port this way without replacing any parts. Going to test out the latest new release and see how it goes!

  17. Meh, isn't there a faster way to put these lines into the cfg. files instead of doing them one by one?

    Using Notepad++, I recorded a macro that added the lines at the beginning and end, and then saved. It's still irritating, because it doesn't seem like there's any way to just tell the program to do it to all files in a directory. I have to manually open up each file, and hit the hotkey combo to run the macro. You may as well just leave them in the legacy location; they'll still work fine as far as I'm aware (not sure about that 150 part limit though.)

  18. Is it possible to like just make a folder in /Gamedata named "B9", make a folder named "Parts" and put all the B9 parts there.

    After that make a folder called "Plugins" and put the Firespitter.dll file there?

    Also, Taverius, any chance of updating your UAV&Jets Pack? :)

    You also have to create the category subfolders (not sure if it's necessary to put them in proper subfolders yet.) However, you ALSO are forced to add the new "PART { }" lines if you move them out of the legacy folder. If you don't, they don't load. Seems the legacy compatibility only works if they're in the legacy location.

  19. Sadly the compatibility pack will need to be ported over to account for the new folder structures. I'll make sure to update the pack simultaneously with releasing RT

    As far as I've been able to tell, targeting still works just fine. If you're referring to the dishes physically rotating towards their target, that's a feature currently in development and hasn't been released yet.

    I've gone and manually added the RT module to all the stock probes and dishes in their new location and they seem to work fine now.

    If anyone is interested I could zip them up and upload them somewhere.

    If the new compatibility pack is released, will they overwrite the stock folders like they used to, or will they be in their own separate folder with other RT stuff, and be loaded instead of default stock parts? Only reason I ask is because I think Romfarer's docking cam mod used to replace the stock docking clamps, but with the newest release for .20 compatibility it seems that it can be in it's own folder and still be loaded instead of the stock parts.

  20. The texture issue is caused by KSP Mod Manager. This is likely because the mod manager is not updated properly to account for the new file structure. You see, lazor uses the latest 0.20 file conventions.

    I suggest not using any mod managers for the time being and just copy/paste the contents of the zip files over to the game directory.

    I also would recommend to not ALT+TAB out of the game during the loading process. The same thing happens with MechJeb windows if you do so. Either watch the loading screen, or run it in windowed mode. FYI, there is also borderless windowed mode if you add -popupwindow to the shortcut. :)

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