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Posts posted by Castun

  1. I think you're wasting your time... as far as I know you can't accomplish this through simple config edits, but I could be wrong. My attempts have been unsuccessful.

    Right, you can't add MapSat functionality to other parts right now because the mod doesn't use the standard module identifier sections.

  2. On the next update, are you going to take advantage of the new model / texture management features in KSP? I went through locally and reduced the models / textures / configs to 8 files (one model, one part.cfg, and six textures). No sense loading six identical models if you don't have to. I'll be happy to supply the cfg file and instructions on how to do it.

    I think I'll have to do this too. With all the parts and mods I have installed, every little bit of memory used makes a difference.

  3. This is one of the best mods for the game in my opinion. I love it! However, there is the bug which is apparent in the picture below. From my searches, it seems that this has been existing for a while. Is there no fix for it yet?? Or have I missed something?

    Not only does it send my rocket into an annoying wobble, but it is aesthetically awful ;.;

    Yes it has been a bug for a while. Only way I've found to fix it is to put a few struts on the bottom edge of the fuel tank and attach the other ends near the top ring of the engine itself.

    What is that bug? I've never had it.

    It's where the engine doesn't seem to be properly attached to the bottom of the tank and wobbles loosely.

  4. That's not even slightly true. If WinXP needed 4gb of Memory no one would ever have been able to use it at all back at it's launch, when 2gb of RAM was considered almighty luxury; The minimal system requirements are only 64mbs of RAM Of course, drivers, anti virus etc add to the overhead, but even with all services packs, firefox and skype and pidgin and MS Security Essentials and an open Windows Explorer window, I can currently see only 1GB in total use right now (and there's 1GB of dedicated graphics ram waiting to ease pressure during gaming on top of system RAM).

    Win 7 is actually a fair bit more efficient with how it handles actual memory usage than WinXP, although it needs more of it due to the slow bloating of modern software; it does require roughly 2GB for basic operation. But even so, if you're seeing that sort of usage for a browser alone (4gb?!) you've got something seriously wrong with your system or are just being utterly lax about system hygiene because you can brute force through it with hardware; As I'm typing this, my Firefox with Ad-block and a few other plugins, is only using 380,000k Ram, or 1/3rd a GB.

    The problem a lot of us are seeing though, especially with KSP which is still an unwieldy memory hog even with the latest patch, is that there's very little space left on top for Mods that haven't got a reasonable footprint once it's unreasonably eaten up your system. The last version of Mapsat seemed to be nice and snugly sized, so I was happily using it. And with 8gb you should be able to run 2 triple-A titles at once, so you won't notice the difference between old or new map sat; but the latest blows up for game for me now I'm afraid, which can hopefully be found and fixed.

    No, my browser isn't eating up 4GB, that's just my total memory usage with a few programs open, such as my browser, Steam, AV, etc. Also I didn't mean that Windows itself needed that entire 4GB for itself, only that it has to share that with KSP and any other programs running. 32-bit Windows can't even make use of that whole 4GB either. IIRC, it can only use around 3.3GB. That right there means you're already limited to a little over 2GB for the game itself to use, which puts it at a significant disadvantage to someone like me who has plenty of RAM. I also read that supposedly, even video card memory eats into that usable limit (I'm guessing maybe memory addressing doesn't specify between video and system memory?)

    Regardless, KSP itself has a memory leak even with little or no mods. Take note of its memory usage, then let it run overnight and check it again and you'll see it is using a good deal more memory, even if you let a ship orbit a planet the whole time.

  5. Similar is not identical though, and this sort of playing around might break any number of things in your game, especially any ships saved with the full compliment of models.

    As long as you don't change the name of the parts themselves in the part.cfg files, they will still load up those parts just fine.

  6. Oh right, 32bit... my bad. Ug that explains some things.

    You're right though, he's only got 4GB of system RAM which Windows itself needs to use. I myself have 8GB and Windows and browsers alone can use up to 4GB sometimes when I'm doing a lot. Windows 7 by itself likes a good 2 GB which means if you've only got 4 GB you're already somewhat handicapped.

  7. But to which file and in which section of that file...

    If you have 20.2, you shouldn't need to, but here. You can add it near the beginning, I don't believe it has to be in exactly 1 section or the other, but I usually see it next to the rescaleFactor.

    Just be sure you're not mixing up normal fairings with expanded ones!

    name = KW3mExpandedFairingCone
    module = Part
    author = KW Rocketry

    mesh = model.mu
    scale = 1
    rescaleFactor = 1.75


  8. I don't know, I sometimes run at 1680x1050 in windowed mode if I want to easily switch out to other programs to do stuff while on a long mission. Other times I run at 1920x1080 full screen and the MJ menu tab is directly on top of the mission/ship information buttons in both instances. GUI scale settings in the game itself might make a difference though.

    Luckily, enough of the info buttons stick out so that they can be clicked on, but it is a bit annoying. It would be nice if the MJ menu button could be moved up & down on the side of the screen, or heck, popped out to be anywhere on the screen that is convenient.

    I run at a high res too (1920x1200) with large UI size, and have this issue.

    Also, did you know you can run KSP in borderless windowed mode? Just add -popupwindow to the shortcut or Steam launch options. This allows you to run at the same matching resolution of your monitor, with no borders, and allows you to switch to another window easily..

  9. Has anyone else had issues with wing mounted turbines not providing symmetrical thrust, even though the aircraft itself was built 100% symmetrically? I've noticed on certain builds of mine, one engine supplied slightly more thrust than the other, so once you got up high enough, you yaw into a flat spin if you don't manage the throttle. It even had some affect on takeoffs, as it had a slight pull to the side.

  10. I could probably do it if i could throttle the main and the shuttle engine separately 1 feature i think ksp should have and someones going to say how would you control it well you have 2 shifts and control keys and on top of that you assign second throttle in the action groups seems like a straight forward idea dont you think

    Yes, the game definitely needs throttle grouping. You should be able to fire up all engines, and then switch manual control over to say, the main shuttle engines themselves. Bonus points for being able to use a throttle quadrant controller!

  11. Here ya go. :)

    It will provide an invisible part under the utilities tab in the VAB/SPH. Attach that somewhere on the ships you wish to be able to 'DynamicWarp' with.

    I have not used this mod before so I don't know how it was originally. I tidied up the code (no functional changes, just micro-optimization on a couple of lines) and made a new part and config to match for 0.20.

    Don't do what I did and while on the launch pad/runway, put time acceleration to max (100,000x) then DW it up to the max as well. May cause a seizure o.O.

    Thanks, I'll check this out!

    The old version had a dummy part also, but it didn't require attachment. There is a way to apply the effects globally somehow, because there are a few other mods out there that do this (KLF and Romfarer's Lazor mod for instance) but I have no idea how myself, I don't make my own mods hah.

    Maybe you should take a look at the EdTools mod too. :) It semi-works, as in it expands the size of the VAB and gives you symmetry options higher than 8x, but things like toggling attachment modes, mirrored vs symmetry, etc. don't work anymore unfortunately.

  12. I think I know what the problem might be. It seems that parts that don't include the "Scale = 1" line in 0.20.x are downsized a bit. I had the same problem with some of the NP parts, even though they are still in the legacy parts folders.

    When I combined the fairings and such, I made sure to add that line to all the config files, and I haven't had that problem.

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