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Posts posted by Castun

  1. @Castun: yeah, it turns out there's a bug in the Turbojet module manager fix. It needs to be changed to this:

    @maxThrust = 200
    @key,0 = 0 0.7 0 -0.00098

    @key,1 = 140 0.63 0 0

    @key,2 = 400 0.7 0.00049 0.00049
    @key,3 = 900 1 0 0

    key = 1800 0 -0.00098 0

    Good, I'll patch that in and see what it does to the engine. I did a couple orbits and was able to increase my apoapsis to well beyond the Mun! :)

    Also, I'm pretty sure the issue with my jet spiraling even in outer space was due to a controller I forgot was plugged in and wasn't centered, so it was giving the slightest bit of upward input.

  2. I also had an odd issue with a spaceplane that would start to spin out of control in outer space even with SAS enabled, might have been from a flight assistance being left on or something though.

    On another funny note, it's not even meant to be a spaceplane, just a small jet with 2 engines that I designed, that ended up reaching a 178km apoapsis because it reached a good 2,400m/s at 35km. Stock engines are definitely OP I would say.

  3. Hello!

    I want to say that this is a very good mod, beautiful animated model, good job!

    but I have a problem:

    Engineer data changes as i move parts\ so i dont know how much dv i have(

    i use ksp 0.23, KW, FAR, Kerbal Isp Difficulty Scaler (far to stock universal). on stock Scaler settings there no such strange readings\

    You have another problem, don't use tinypic. That's 2 of your hotlinked images that are now showing as pictures of women...

  4. On another note, And I don't know if this has been pointed out or not, but with FAR the Terminal Velocity at sea level is approximately 350m/s, by the time you get up to 3km it's about 700m/s, once you get above about 10km it balloons to 3km/s. If you are getting reentry effects it's because the game is thinking that you are going super fast for your altitude, but in reality you are not (relatively speaking) and while MechJeb is actually limiting you to Terminal Velocity, your rocket might not actually be going that fast anyway.

    Is there a chart for new terminal velocity in FAR?

  5. I really like the idea of KAS struts which have to be attached EVA in space. However, I experiency major wobble even though I used plenty of struts to connect my docked parts (a feeled little to no benefit vs only dockign ports). Is this a bug / is there any possibility to increase the struts' strength?

    Just use Strut Guns from the Quantum struts pack. You just have to remember to add them while building the pieces you're going to dock, and aim them where the other docked craft will be.

  6. If by off-center lift you mean the plane always pulls to the side on the runway, even with a perfectly symmetrical build? Because that's been happening for a long time, and I don't think that's limited to cargo bays. Or are you talking about something else?

    Also, first time trying to build any planes since .21, and thought I suddenly got bad at plane design with the wobbly gears. The B9 Heinlein or whatever doesn't seem to suffer from this problem, but that thing has a ton of those invisible strut pieces too I think to keep everything from flexing.

  7. Mine doesn't show a debug mode option in the cfg file.

    It has to be added, it's not there by default. I used it to generate new deposits on Kerbin until there was one underneath the KSC to test out the vehicles. It worked just fine at first, so I don't think enabling it caused the problem in the first place, but who knows. Also, I'm not using anything from Romfarer or kOS, so no idea there.

  8. Mine was working fine just the other day, but now I also have a missing grid, and the menu itself is kind of glitched, just a little green bar now with no buttons or text. It definitely must be something else I recently installed...

    Fixed my problem somehow. Tried to reinstall Kethane mod, as well as uninstalling a bunch of other mods and starting a new game, just to check. No dice.

    Ended up going into the settings.cfg and turning debug mode back off and setting the display mode back on True, and voila it suddenly worked!

  9. Notice you can grab and move ladders, but seems with the extending ladders at least, you no longer have the ability to use them. You can extend and retract them, but they have a collision box (maybe caused by grabbing and moving while extended?) so you can't get close enough to grab onto it, it just gets pushed around out of the way. Unsure if saving and reloading fixes the issue.

  10. I used the one from here. Where'd you put yours at? I'll give that a shot.

    What I quoted below is the latest 'fixed' version...if this is the one you downloaded and it's not working properly, I could always pack mine up and upload it. My version still has the blank dummy part in the VAB list, but I tweaked it so it doesn't need to be placed to work.

    Cool. :)

    Well, regardless I've updated the plugin so you do not need the dummy part.

    Same link.

    There are a few things in the original code I would change now that I've had a look through KSP's Assembly-CSharp classes.

    But never-the-less, the plugin works as it is. :)

    DynamicWarp (partless)

  11. I wasn't getting the popup for Lazor Systems at all and couldn't use or operate any laser (Anything from Rom's mods it seemed). Dynamic Warp worked wonderfully though, and I'd love to get it back, but the lasers are proving very useful atm.

    Are you using the unofficial fixed version? Mine still works with Lazor.

  12. Hi all, im not sure if this will help but i was having major problems for days with mechjeb in both 0.20 and 0.21. After many many hours i found the culprit myself. Now it may not be exactly the same problem but could be a lead in the right direction. I used to have the control part to attach to ship but no menu tabs ever appeared. This is a copy of my post from a different thread that worked for me.

    Ok, problem solved. Here is what i did. After days of messing around with this thing i finally found the culprit. COMODO Anti Virus blocks certain applications if it does not recognise its certificates. I tried telling it that KSP can go do what it wants with no restrictions but still didnt work so i just uninstalled COMODO, Uninstalled KSP 0.20 and reinstalled KSP 0.21 with mechjeb 2.0.9 in the gamedata folder. I then gave it a test and all works perfectly. I then installed B9 parts and NovaPunch2 and tested again succesfully.

    Jokes on you, now you're addicted to KSP!

  13. I haven't tried out the new decoupler yet, but is it possible to have an interstage decoupler that remains in one piece and remains attached to the lower ejected stage (similar to the KW Rocketry interstage decouplers?) Even if it involves modifying the config so there is only 1 side attachment node? I had modified all the preexisting fairings to be 2 part so they played nice with FAR so it would seem simple enough, as long as the code actually supported it.

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