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Posts posted by Castun

  1. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44135-0-22-Universe-Replacer-v4-0/page164

    I can't find the instructions right now, but you should be able to google and find them. They're somewhere there, I just can't find it.

    Edit: Here you go: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer?p=577857&viewfull=1#post577857

    Ignore the part about putting in his sun flare, unless you want his instead of the one I linked you. If you can't get it to work, let me know, I know how to do it.

    Your first link is just to the thread for Universe Replacer, rather than a specific sun flare to use. Did you mean to link to this : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44135-0-22-Universe-Replacer-v4-0?p=850946&viewfull=1#post850946

    I'll try out the flare in the 2nd link and see how that goes, thanks.

  2. This mod seems to cause me some crackling sound effects when in IVA mode. I'm also using Atmospheric Sound Enhancement, but this never happened beforehand.

    I've also just got finished with a very large single launch lander vessel to Duna (220 parts, 562 tonnes) so my 1st stage has the large 3.5m Kerbodyne engine along with 4 stretchy SRBs, and BOY does it shake in the cockpit. You better have your menus setup before launch, because it's almost impossible to click any buttons. Kind of wish you could smooth out the shaking a bit more, it seems a bit too 'random' with how it jars your POV.

  3. Also first saw this on Blu-Ray right after it was released. Was rather hard to enjoy with the inaccuracies, but I feel the same way about movies that involve military hardware or weaponry too. I'm a stickler for realism, so it's rather hard to employ the suspension of belief when they get certain details glaringly wrong.

    The debris in the satellite belt travelling precisely the opposite direction? Their orbits magically meeting up every 90 minutes? (LEO is roughly 90 minute periods, but when the debris is travelling the opposite direction that changes things.) I haven't read through the entire thread so not sure yet what's been touched on already.

    Stunning graphics though.

  4. The interstage adaptor is a "dummy" decoupler - activating it does nothing! This is so dv calculators such as MechJeb and Kerbal Engineer Redux know that there is a stage present and can calculate dv correctly.

    The way to decouple things is to decouple the fairings, at which point the interstage base softly and silently lets go. If you use fuselage panels by mistake then these can't be decoupled and nothing will happen. (And it is best to make sure the interstage adaptor base has its decoupler icon in the same stage as the fairings, for the sake of the sanity of MechJeb et al.)

    I've used the interstage base along with the structural 'fuselage' piece as a cargo bay with a lander in it. I just placed an upside down decoupler on the topmost floating node so I could decouple, then turn around and dock and extract the lander (much like Apollo's TD&E maneuver.) I did this because I didn't want fairings to eject. I did run into a problem however, where initially the decoupler didn't actually disengage. Turns out you have to disable the automatic fairing strut to prevent this. Seems the decouple force isn't enough to 'break' the strutting.

    Why is it I cant make a point with the interstage adapter anymore? I used to make custom nosecones with it in .23, but now I cant get the fairing to form a point.

    Why not use the regular fairing base then? I know I've done this before. It's a little expensive weight wise though. You could also use the Stretchy SRB cone tank and change it to an empty structural fuselage, I think you can narrow the top to a point.

    Here's what can be done with the interstage fairing bases in jets. Really would like the ability to disable decoupler in this part! Trying to figure out a way to get two intakes like this to feed one jet engine.


    Why not create a copy of the part and just remove the decoupler module?

  5. It's caused by a missing texture, from where is stops, it means the next texture from it is not loaded, can you check that? It's easy, the folder integration is by Name so the next texture is either the next texture name in the folder or the next folder's texture (I hope you understand that)

    Figured out my problem, I had capitalized the blackheart folder so naturally the case sensitive .cfg files didn't see the textures.

  6. For people hitting the memory limit, did you guys consider using ogg? Unless I'm terribly mistaken, the files are substantially smaller than mp3's. I have fourteen custom tracks and I hit 2GB upon starting the game, the majority of that is Texture Replacer for having several custom suits and around twenty Kerbal heads, and Environmental Enhancements for all its cloud textures. Soundtrack Editor is probably the last place I would go for savings since most my ogg's are 2mb or less.

    The tracks that come with this mod are all ogg, and they're all I use. It still hits the RAM usage significantly because as pizzaoverhead stated above, the Unity engine decompresses them on loading. I run a number of parts mods as well as Texture Replacer, and the difference is easily 600MB from my experience with adding and removing this mod.

  7. So after a long day of searching i've narrowed this problem down to some .cfgs in realism overhaul. Pods_Squad/AIES Probes_Squad/AIES/AIES_New to be precise. Without those .cfgs any NEW ship i make performs correctly. If i load up a ship i made with those .cfgs enabled it retains the old behavior of not steering.

    I have no idea why these configs would mess with mechjeb though. Nothing in them really pops out at me.

    Are you sure they don't remove the reaction wheel torque? I know BTSM did this on all the stock pods and probes.

  8. So I tried out your Stretchy Tank addon textures, and only installed the KW & Stock ones since that's all that I use right now. When I go to cycle through the tank textures, after I cycle through the normal textures, the next half dozen choices are never loaded, instead getting stuck on the last Stretchy-SRB texture until it gets back to the beginning of the cycle. Seems like it's expecting your textures but they're not being loaded at all. I dropped them into the /GameData/blackheart/ directory.

  9. I've read back a few pages to see if this is a current issue but didn't see anything, please humour me if it's already been covered.

    Since the update to 23.5 I'm getting the heavy breathing at a couple of my existing unmanned sites... Kethane refineries on Duna and Minmus that have no Kerbal present.

    It's hardly game breaking... but I'm making a lot of vids and it does rather sound like I'm rubbing myself.

    Same. At the very least, you can always open the settings and turn the volume all the way down for those effects.

  10. My latest batch of configs. Includes tool bar fixes previously posted and new configs for Denny's OLDD, Romfarer's Lazor system,KER and Firespitters aircraft. ActiveTextureManagerConfigs

    To install simply remove old file and replace with new version from download. File location is here :


    Awesome, thanks.

    I know I mentioned this issue a long while back, but I find it odd that the ATM mod compresses the Toolbar icons in the first place. Even with basic compression, they come out looking like a blurry, pixelated mess. I always ended up removing the config for Toolbar because of this. I can't imagine the RAM savings for it are that great.

  11. Is there a way to get certain sounds to ignore the muffling filter? I noticed that with the Chatterer mod, certain sounds it adds (such as breathing when in EVA, and the hatch airlock repressurizing when entering and exiting EVA) are completely muffled in space, while the background ambient noises such as the hum of the craft itself are not, even in IVA mode.I would love to be able to hear the breathing and airlock sounds, especially for when doing an all-IVA mission. I also have a first person view mod for when in EVA, so the breathing would be awesome in that situation.

  12. This mod certainly bumps up the RAM usage something fierce. Without it, I typically start at ~2.8GB in use after loading a craft onto the pad. With the mod, it's usually ~3.3GB, and since memory usage climbs with time while you play, it usually eventually crashes after about half an hour or so. Does the Unity engine decompress the music files or something when they're loaded?

  13. Glad the FAR implementation has finally been released. Itching on trying it out now!

    I think the collision body on the procedural part doesn't cover the whole thing? Or doesn't scale properly? Not really sure, just know that I had a devil of a time trying to use PF fairings as a Mars reentry aeroshell.

    I don't think that's the problem, the collision mesh is definitely scaled with fairings, as can be seen when they bounce off a craft and such.

  14. Er. Castun that was a very simple sentence. How did you manage to misinterpret it?

    You didn't quote anyone, so I interpreted your comment as saying that the author wasn't allowed to retexture Squad parts. I don't think that's explicitly forbidden (assuming the mod ONLY includes new textures) thus my confusion. I don't think my problem was misinterpreting your sentence, it was your sentence being a little vague as to whom you were addressing.

    What if I make my own textures that look like theirs but an HD version?

    Fairly certain that would be allowed. You wouldn't be distributing the original model or texture in any way, and just your own. Otherwise, how would other mods exist that replace stock textures such as the Skybox and planets?

  15. Keeping an eye on this mod, seems interesting. If you haven't had a chance to use ModuleManager for the changes, maybe I'll give that a go too.

    I'm having a massive problem. When I'm in the "real" world (anywhere outside of VAB, main screen, etc.) there's a loud wind-like noise. I need to remove this mod until I figure out what's wrong but I don't know how.

    edit: scratch that, apparently that's something Chatterer added.

    Does Audio Muffler muffle these sounds?

    Chatterer has a volume control for the extra ambient sound effects.

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