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Posts posted by Castun

  1. Is anyone using v1.5 of TR along with KSRPC? It was working fine with TR 1.4, but when I upgraded to 1.5 I started to have this bug. It's only certain command pod textures that are replaced by KSPRC. All of the other Squad parts being replaced load just fine.

    FWIW I did a FULL uninstall and reinstall of ATM, TR, EVE, & KSRPC. As soon as I move over the Squad replacement textures from KSRPC it gives me this problem still:

    It's all of the replaced command pod textures, including the hitchhiker & cupola module, but excluding the 1 man capsule and 1 man lander can.


  2. mmmm... that is rly weird... could you send me your ksp log? Mac or PC? Are you using ATM?


    PC, and yes using ATM.

    I deleted the Command folder in \Texturereplacer\Default\Squad\Parts\ and fired up the game. The original stock textures for the command parts worked just fine. Replaced your Squad Command textures back in, and deleted the ActiveTextureMangement cache files and restarted the game, and the problem still persists. Like I said, think I'm going to do a complete reinstall of ATM, TR, EVE, and KSPRC and see how that goes.

  3. Try to reinstall only the plugin folder of TR.

    I mean, delete "Plugins" folder inside TR folder and then put the new "Plugins" folder inside the installed version.

    Looks like some is wrong after merge that folder, a reinstall of that part should solve it.

    Didn't work. I noticed it's only certain crewed parts: The 1 man capsule is fine, but the 3 man capsule, the lander can, the cupola, and the hitchhiker container. All the other replacements still work just fine.

  4. The reason it does this is because it marks the menu as dirty whenever something changes. This causes the menu to be redrawn, and updates the values for all resources. If this was not done, the values shown would be wrong. I guess it could be disabled for all parts that do not hold fuel or other resources. This is still not a solution I like, though. On the other hand, with free scaling, the current solution is horrible. I guess not updating the menu is the lesser evil.

    I'm not sure I understand - the same part, with the same defaultScale, has a different minimum size when maxScale is 2 than when it's 4?

    Yes, I'll take a couple comparison shots when I get a chance. I couldn't get it small enough until I set the max scale to 2.

    Oh, and another update! This time, support for solar panels, you can now drag the slider (only for freeScale or parts without resources, as a test), and mass can be coupled to surface area and diameter in addition to volume (for parts where thickness would be unchanged with scaling, like solar sails, solar panels, etc).

    name = GoodspeedTweakScale
    massFactors = 0, 1, 0 // Scale with surface area, not volume

    Oh awesome! Is the energy generated also scaled appropriately then?

  5. Yep, same is happening with the Soundtrack enhancements you've added. Most people just say "I use my own music"...but that defeats the immersiveness (is that a word!?!) that comes from using the KSP music and the enhanced soundtrack that is provided in your pack. I can't play KSP anymore w/out your pack Proot, so know you have my full appreciation!

    I agree. Unfortunately, I don't have the available RAM to run Soundtrack Editor. Unity uncompresses the music files when it loads them into memory, and because I've already got a handful of HD planet textures installed on top of a few parts packs (which I've since shaved down a LOT, like B9's) I crash.

    Instead I made a compromise, I just copied all the song files into another folder and play them outside the game with a media player. It's not dynamic, but it's as close as you can get until the author of Soundtrack Editor figures out how to stream the music without it being loaded into memory. The Unity engine sorely needs a way to stream textures as well rather than loading them into memory up front. Most all major graphics engines are capable of this, but that's another topic.

  6. Hi! I see you have a blue background at the top of your screens. I added this as well, by editing the background overlay image. It now has a transparent red background. The problem is, though, that the text falls behind the overlay (naturally, it's an overlay=P) making the text a bit red. How did you manage to keep the letters all white, with that blue background?

    The text along the top is part of the overlay image itself.

    If you're comfortable with hacking config files, you should have a look at these two pages:

    https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/wiki/Action-handlers <Tie-in between RPM external plugins. I think it's mainly used for buttons. Anyways, there's a variable there for clearing nodes; "ButtonClearNodes" You could try assigning that to a button somehow=P

    https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/wiki/Defined-variables <All variables that are used inside the MFD's - in other words, internal RPM. It's good to know about, if you wish to add information to the MFD pages. For instance, I've added Total/Stage Delta-V to my resources page=)

    I'll take a look, thanks.

  7. The units are in Kerbal-days of life support (using 24 hour days). 1 unit of Oxygen, Food, and Water will support 1 Kerbal for 24 hours (or 2 Kerbals for 12 hours, 3 Kerbals for 8 hours, etc). They are not really volume units in any sense. The densities of the resources (Food, Water, and Oxygen) are adjusted to values that give what TaranisElsu considers accurate mass values for 24 hours of that particular resources (i.e., for water, a single unit weighs 1.8kg, so he is assuming that a Kerbal uses 1.8 kg of water per 24 hours).

    Well I think technically you mean Earth days since they're 24 hours. The latest update actually fixed the game clock so that 1 day is now only 6 hours (so now 1 Kerbal day.)

  8. That's actually already possible:

    name = GoodspeedTweakScale
    freeScale = true // Default false
    stepIncrement = 0.1 // Default 0.01 when freeScale is true

    With this module definition, you can scale your part from half scale up to 4x scale in 10% increments. By changing stepIncrement, you can fine-tune the smoothness.

    Thanks, that works pretty well. I used 0.05. For the part I was trying to resize however (which was the stock spotlights) I was having an issue trying to smoothly resize it: the menu jumps everytime you resize it so you can't just click and drag the slider as every increment breaks the click since the menu moves. PFairings parts dynamically change size and other variables when you click & drag the slider, whereas this plugin seems to kill the part and reload that increment size which is why the menu jumps.

    Another question (and I realize my application of the plugin is probably going beyond the scope of what it was originally intended for) but is it possible to allow an even wider range of scaling? Like right now, it can only go down to 0. If the default scale is 1 for the spotlight, will changing the default scale to 2 just means it defaults to bigger? I manually cloned the two stock lights to have a rescalefactor of .25 which is about the size I needed, but rescaling the original stock one down to 0 is still a decent amount larger.

    EDIT: So yeah, by limiting the min & max scale from 0 to 2, this enabled the minimum size to be much smaller for some reason, whereas the default 0 to 4 didn't let it go that small. Seems that 0.25 scale matches perfectly with the manually rescaled .25 light.

    Just before I found this mod, I even applied the PFairings module to the stock light to test it out. It resizes smoothly, but for surface mount parts it doesn't scale the attachment node, so it floats. One of these days maybe I'll get around to comparing the source code between the two and see if I can tweak it.

  9. I hope not.

    My experience with tweakables in stock parts as well as in other mods, but especially in this one, has been awful.

    It is too clunky and limited and the lack of alphanumeric input fields is jarring. Try setting a wing thickness between 0.01 and 0.36. I dare you.

    I haven't used this mod in a little while, but did it also add the sizing variables to the tweakable menu like other procedural parts? If so, setting the size through that menu is an issue with the other procedural parts (like PFairings) and even resources for stock tanks. For whatever reason, the slider has a gap near the bottom of the slider which causes a huge jump between 0 and a larger increment.

  10. Fixed! ...hopefully. However, what you're doing there won't really work the way you probably want it to. If you look at the comment after defaultScale = 1, you'll see that a value of 1 means it's a 1.25m part. Not every single part in the game is. If you do what you've done above, then place a 2.5m part, the scaling on it will be wrong - a value of 0 will make it a 1.25m part, 2 will make it 5m, 3 will be 7.5m and 4 will be 10m. For a smaller part the result will be the opposite - 0 will be 31.25cm, 2 will be 1.25m, 3 will be 1.875m, and 4 will be 2.5m.

    Instead, you will have to make a ModuleManager config for every part, and set defaultScale accordingly.

    I know, I just wanted to test that it would work. I grabbed that .dll and it still didn't work, not sure if ModuleManager is even loading the config properly or what, or if it doesn't like the wildcards used. Manually putting in the module code works fine. EDIT: Got it working, think I forgot a bracket or something somewhere.

    Are there any plans to support 'smoother' resizing like what is possible with other procedural parts mods?

  11. I just upgraded to the latest version of procedural fairings. I notice that some values snap from 0 to a large non-zero number. For instance "extra height". I want to have a very small amount of extra height, eg 0.05. In the past, all values were smoothly sliceable from 0 to a large number, but this doesn't seem to be the case with the new UI. Is there a workaround for this?

    Holding down the keys while mousing over the part itself and moving the mouse works. It's something weird with how the tweakable interface works.

  12. So I created a ModuleManager config and put this in to test:

    @PART[*] {
    name = GoodspeedTweakScale
    defaultScale = 1 // For 2.5m parts. 3 for 3.75m parts, 4 for 5m parts, 0 for 62.5cm parts and 1 for 1.25m parts.

    But I don't seem able to tweak anything (except your parts obviously.) I should be able to just right click on a part to adjust it's scale, correct?

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