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Posts posted by Castun

  1. Can you list all mods you have installed?

    I think I figured out part of the problem, at least. I toned down the max thrust tweakable in the VAB and it really seems to lower the volume a lot when you do that. So much so that you can sometimes barely hear it. I reinstalled the latest version and didn't copy over anything from KSPRC just yet. Unfortunately ASE still can't properly do anything to the sound of them, as far as the shock cone is concerned anyway.

    If I comment out the audio sections of the config, will the game use the stock sounds then?

  2. Tried out Hotrockets finally since it's a dependency for KSPRC pack, and I tried launching a probe core with a small stock SRB and had no thrust sound for some reason. I'm also using ASE so maybe that's the problem?

    Even removed the ASE mod and it still didn't work. Not sure what the problem is, but after removing the HotRockets folder the rocket sounds work again.

    Is it possible for you to separate the audio and visual effects? I like the visuals, but I'm completely losing all engine sounds for the rockets.

  3. OK, I have a problem with Hotrockets. The visual effects are nice, but the sounds are completely broken. I built a simple probe vehicle with a couple stock SRBs and they have zero sound whatsoever. Thought maybe it was ASE interfering, but after removing it, no go.

    Is there a way to remove the sound modifications without losing the graphical improvements? This might be a better question in the actual Hotrockets thread.

  4. Simple question perhaps, but I, like some others, would like to town down the blue a bit when on the surface of Kerbin. How do you go about adjust the values in the RSS config and what do they mean? I'd much rather ask anyone that's familiar before I go adjusting values willy nilly. I would assume the wavelength is in RGB, and opacity, but the first value seems incredibly high for it being the Red.

    outerRadiusMult = 1.026
    innerRadiusMult = 0.966
    waveLength = 0.9251, 0.5616, 0.4291, 0.8

  5. Having an odd issue with 7-3. I haven't done much messing around with the GUI until now. I'm using the KSPRC configs, but wanted to add the icy mist effect on Minmus from Better Atmospheres, so decided to try to just add it manually while in game.

    When I click add layer, it adds a white layer at 1,000m, but any changes I make to the new layer don't have any effect even after clicking apply or save. If I click the first layer that was already present and go back to the new layer, all the settings are reverted to default. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

  6. I think I figured it out, by going into the subassembly craft file I had.

    name = ModuleLight
    isEnabled = True
    isOn = False
    lightR = 1
    lightG = 1
    lightB = 0.65

    Lol I didn't mean the building lights,

    But how do you change the color of the spotlights on ships?

    You right click on the light when you're in the VAB/SPH. Then you can individually adjust the red, green, and blue values.

  7. Or just make your light a subassmebly with the appropriate values, and use that instead of the regular ones.

    That's actually a really good idea. I've already done this with docking ports that have down-scaled floodlights and colored navigation lights attached. I was also hoping to be able to create a 'welded' part by combining part modules in a .cfg file.

    Wait, when could we adjus Tthe color of the lights?

    *planns prank on ksc staff where the entire ksc grounds turn red*

    Well, I meant you can adjust the color of the stock spotlights and such, not the color of the building's lighting itself. :)

  8. So now that we can adjust the color of the lights in the VAB, I figure there has to be a way to set the default RGB values in the config file. Unfortunately, it's not already defined in there so I'm wondering if there are variables that can be used to set the default. I like my spotlights to have a realistically warm glow so I tone down the blue a few notches in order to create that effect. Thanks in advance!

  9. I just made a discovery by total accident...your command modules which all rely on the stock command module textures? When using Texture Replacer to replace the textures for the same stock command modules, it causes issues. Sometimes your parts have corrupted looking textures, but even worse, sometimes it causes the stock parts to have corrupted textures instead.

    I was using the KSRPC mod which replaces some textures using Texture Replacer, and just earlier today noticed the Squad capsules all had goofy texture issues which did not exist before I installed your mod:


  10. Proot, I fixed the problem!

    I didn't have to uninstall everything and reinstall everything either. It turned out to be command modules from the Goodspeed Aerospace Parts, specifically the command modules. I remembered I installed the mod about the same time I started to notice these problems and looked into their config files. They almost all rely on Squad stock textures for their own textures. I have no idea how, but they were causing problems on the replaced texture while appearing normal themselves. After I deleted the offending parts, the stock capsules have your replacement textures again!

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