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Everything posted by andrew123

  1. I got a lot of weapons in my arsenal. I'll post what I feel like when I have time. KATEC's thread has many of the weapons. BTW, I really have to try out that auto guidance feature. I only use manually guided weaponry, but I'm pretty sure they also work with autopilot. My standard A2A missile. AIM-56 Eagle. Two mounted on wing pylons. KDX-III battle damage testing. The Brahmos and VLS AIM-56 are demonstrated. AIM-54 Gloster missile demonstration. Launch platform was the F-15. Carriers. The second largest carrier in my fleet, JMSDF Takeshima. Ground based coastal defense. The building destroying MBDA Brimstone.
  2. It acts as a separate craft that's connected to the main craft, and it's controlled through torque and wheels. I'd need to use screen capturing software, and I only have about 12 GB's of free space on my SSD, which is the only storage medium on my laptop. My desktop is currently undergoing some renovations with cable management and the like. I can try, but I'm not sure if I have the hardware available right now. Also, I might just use your bearing for the oblique wing with some modifications. My bearing is more useful for CIWS type turrets with missiles. For some of my other craft misadventures, the result was the F-15F-2 Zed 2. It's my old strike eagle on steroids.
  3. That bearing's currently under wraps due to a few kinks, although I decided to trial another prototype with your bearing. I can positively say that your bearing also works for aircraft, but I think it'll work better with some structural reinforcement. The wing stays stable after decoupling the bearing connection. I'll post up a prototype when I can get it working a bit smoother with either bearing.
  4. Another weapons thread. We've had quite a few bomb show off threads here for KSP, but I guess they're old.
  5. Then I take that back. Maybe in a few centuries, when our population starts to overtake our technological reach in space. We'll probably only truly free ourselves of resource wars when we make reliable FTL.
  6. I personally wonder what type of exoatmospheric weapons Lockheed and Northrop are dreaming of right now. Looks like we might see interplanetary conflicts in our century.
  7. 160 parts and 180 m/s cruising speed with a long range? I accidentally created a nice little research jet. The bearing is stock, and it transitions smoothly in flight with excellent handling in oblique configuration. Smooth in flight transition. I'm going to go deeper into the realm of oblique aircraft. Might even create a F-111 with an oblique wing. The bearing is receiving addition supports to become more stable, and the wing will receive actual torque in order to transition faster.
  8. Sure, as long as you don't add anything too OP. No primarchs. :D And you'll have to write up a plausible backstory.
  9. Time to inject some sci fi. The halo lore states that forerunners use 'virtual particle' engines for propulsion. Unlike the forerunner of halo, we might not even need a reaction mass (possibly only interstellar matter, or nothing at all). It's funny how much sci fi can accidentally predict future advancements.
  10. I'm here. Currently in the process of being deprived of sleep. (Again.) Curse you, Shakespeare. (And Simon Bolivar.)
  11. Us pathetic 5 dark green bar peasants were offered a Ca.60 to North Korea.
  12. If you look under the civilizations and organizations subforum on the forums, you should see a corporation subforum. Unless you're solely intending to do business on Kerbin, in which case I would recommend that you make a company in the civilizations subforum with a declaration that you are based on Kerbin, you should create a corporation to enable you to conduct business on and with multiple planets and civilizations. Looking at the long term roadmap of the forums, I want to integrate a stock market, but that'll depend on many factors. Here's some things I might be looking for in the future: 1. Experienced programmers. 2. Applied Mathematics Majors 3. Economists (even free time hobbyist investors) 4. People willing to do internal test drives of software 5. Experienced GUI and mobile app designers. I want to create a forum wide stock market that updates data in live time with real time trading, market caps, bonds, equity funds, hedge funds, and the capability to be exploited by enterprising criminals along with a loan and interest system. A central bank of Kerbin could help manage interest rates and to give value to an official currency, and trading could occur at real time with graphical data representations of the kerbal stock market. Heck, a whole entire economic subforum that works with real time data. Just a long term vision for now.
  13. You can be a reaper if you want. When there aren't any trolls to harvest, you are in charge of abducting random kerbals for experimentation and staying hidden. AKA... So, hop over to the forum. I'm going to form the reaper unit, and you'll probably be the sole member of it. Label yourself Harbinger. Your are the right hand of god, in charge of keeping the cycle of peace in our fragile universe. Make a reaper civilization. (AKA, create the reaper topic under the civilization subforum.) We may allow the reaper civilization to grow. It depends on how the universe develops. More players means more epic harvests and more reapers.
  14. Basically, that's what you can do if you want. Otherwise, you can create your own faction and story and play the game. It's how you decide to play the game and add to the story. As long as we don't deem your organization as OP, trollish, etc. we will leave you to add to the story. You do need to establish some type of presence int the story through a company, hero, organization, civilization, etc. Also, you must be a part of a civilization, even if you're a company (it's optional for pirates, mercenaries, and other such individuals and organizations). The default civilization is Kerbin, and it can exist without any players. However, any other civilization must be formed by five coordinating players, and it can be named anything the players wish, but the civilization will claim one celestial body as their own. Factions are a part of a civilization. Whoever violates the rules of conduct and decides to start acting out of control (hurtful to other players, OP to the extreme, etc.) Will have to face a Reaper Harvest on their entire civilization. (The other members of your civilization will not be flattered. They may vote to sacrifice you to the reapers in order to stave off the harvest, and the civilization decides how to conduct the vote, with the results being delivered to the Quorum for verification.) However, you can avoid a harvest by making enough allies with enough presence and available resources to construct a crucible, which will require two civilizations working together with the harvest targeted troll civilization. Of course, making friends when the forum hates you for trolling and flaming can be a challenge. If you are harvested, you will add to the ranks of the reclusive and well hidden reaper fleet. (AKA the hand of god.) It's not a mash up (at least not officially). The forum lets the members do whatever they want, even create their own civilization and backstory.
  15. You can consider it as a sucessor. However, all roleplaying and events will happen on the new forum that is being set up. I'll have the link for the new forum posted on the first post by tomorrow. You should announce your intention to join the game on this thread. However, all roleplay will occur on the Kerbal Evolution forum itself.
  16. The fall of Kerbin is scheduled to happen soon. The first part of the story is the rise of the Twelve (currently eight) colonies, after which we can initiate the genocide and exodus stage. 52 BCH is near the starting date of the first Kylon War. What happens in between the first and second war (which will lead to the exodus of Kerbal Kind) will be quite interesting, and up to the people who join the story. Also, you should invite your friends to this universe. The forum for Kerbal Evolutions will be set up by tomorrow. The people who play will shape the story of the Universe.
  17. Kylons is a nickname assigned to them by Colonial Sailors. Another nickname is Skin Job for the more advanced models. Strangely, it seems the advanced Kylons and Skin Jobs are congregating in secluded locations. It is rumored that they are creating the beginnings of a monotheistic religion, but the corporation manufacturing the Kylons has dismissed these claims as unproven speculation designed to hurt their business.
  18. While designing the Zero-G toaster, the Kerbals on Duna accidentally came up with a useful automaton. It looked something like...
  19. Your can use stargate or any universe as long as you integrate it into the universe.
  20. ROLEPLAY WILL NOT OCCUR ON THIS FORUM. IT WILL OCCUR ON THE KERBAL EVOLUTIONS FORUM, BUT YOU MAY ANNOUNCE YOUR INTENT TO JOIN THE UNIVERSE ON THIS THREAD. Link to the Kerbal Evolution forum [Forum is being expanded and refined as of now. Rules will come online in a day]: http://kerbalevolution.lefora.com/ Updates to this post will be constant. Backstory of the Universe: The year is 52 BCH. Kerbal Kind is at a turning point: massive advancements in machine learning, neurological processors are now commonplace, and AI's control the Kerbal-like robots that perform the dangerous tasks and military duties that biological Kerbals once performed. And all is not as it seems. Kerbin is known to not be the birthplace of Kerbal kind, but a colony that was colonized under the articles of colonization signed by all major planets within the Kerbal solar system. Ever since the advent of kethane fuel, kerbals waged interstellar war and conducted interplanetary trade, paving the way for the modern Colonial Navy. Modern Kerbals utilize FTL jump drives and Kethane based engines for interstellar reach, allowing trade, and war, to be conducted on an unprecedented scale. With the new flagship, Battlestar Kalactica, on the drawing board, the new generation of warships are planned to be larger and stronger in order to meet the increasingly hostile interstellar environment. Kerbal kind has also just started mass production of Cylons capable of limited independent action, darastically increasing economic efficiency. In darker corners of the solar system, the Turians and the Flood await... The Rest of the Universe BSG isn't the only influence in this universe. (although it'll be the basis of the main backstory) We'll allow more universes to join in, including but not limited to: Halo, Mass Effect, Legend of Korra (You figure that one out), Buck Rogers, and Firefly. You create your path, and you decide how to follow the main story of the forum. There can be independent factions, corporations (Weyland Yutani, for example), heroes (master chief, commander shepard, avatar Korra, etc. ), planetary governments, gangs, etc. As long as you can figure out how to integrate it into the story and universe (the main back story), it'll only serve to make the universe more diverse. Join in and have some fun. Governing Body of Kerbin: Kerbin is controlled by the Quorum of Eight: A governing body made up of one representative from Kerbin and one representative from the seven other major planets within the Kerbal System. More members may be added as more planetary bodies are colonized. MODS USED: 1. Near future RULES (WIP): 1. At least five players must agree to work together in order to form a civilization. 2. Any civilization that is inactive for more than four days will be labeled as consumed by the flood. Ideas for groups/organizations: 1. Civilizations 2. Space Travelers (ie BSG) 3. ExoColonies 4. Space Pirates (with a warning of obeying the rules or being banned) 5. etc. (You get the idea. Make it fit into the universe, and you're good to go.) NOTE: The RP will not happen on the KSP forums. It is on a separate forum. Pictures from the Universe: UNSC Infinity: part of the reclusive Joolian Navy: Serenity: An infamous smuggling vessel: Unidentified Object: Remains under a media blackout by all colonial governments: Unidentified Vessel: Strange energy signatures have been detected in colonial navy encounters along the fringes of the Kerbal System: CLASSIFIED: Last transmitted images by the first FTL scouting vessel: Unknown Location: Legendary soldier Solid Snake: ??:
  21. I think it's rather nice too. It's a nice change of pace from military and political forums.
  22. While I'm all for advancing space exploration, the Regime currently in control of Iran has demonstrated less than peaceful intentions. Allowing them to have an advanced space program carries the added risk of the North Koreans getting their hands on better rocket tech, since the two nations have been known to collaborate.
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