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Everything posted by andrew123

  1. I just need to start the Manhattan Project. XD
  2. Bye Bye... ... Improved TEL and a much improved missile. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k73me8m0gy3k08k/A%20Missile%20DF-31%201.craft?dl=0 KerbalX link: http://kerbalx.com/VodkaPutin/Improved-TEL-DF-31-and-a-Terminal-Maneuverable-Warhead Operating instructions: 1. Drink a bottle of vodka, turn on the SAS 2. Activate brakes 3. Fire stage to erect missile (next step is a part of this step) 4. When the stage goes horizontal, but only on the 'second swing' (when it slightly rebounds), stage again and press two (action group) slightly before, during, or after the missile stop 5. Switch over to the missile, and set to full throttle 6. Cork a bottle of champagne, checking for any instability in the missile system 7. Stage twice, watch the missile fly off, switch to missile, and stage off two standoffs 8. Sit back and watch Missile Instructions: 1. When you stage the second stage off, the missile will become aerodynamically unstable. That's why I suggest you wait to stage off the main booster until you've coasted to your desired location. 2. The second stage is primarily to get the final maneuvering warhead onto target. Once the second stage is fired, use the final stage to get on target at full throttle, but only for a few seconds, and cut off the rockets to conserve some fuel. When you're under 2000-1000 m, maneuver final stage to target at full power. I have the perfect testbed.
  3. It may take a few tries to properly use this system, but once you get the hang of it, it's easy. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u31nzpnts1eqm1t/A%20Missile%20DF-21%204.craft?dl=0 KerbalX link: http://kerbalx.com/VodkaPutin/Stock-TEL-+-Incomplete-Missile Operating instructions: 1. Drink a bottle of vodka, turn on the SAS 2. Activate brakes 3. Fire stage to erect missile (next step is a part of this step) 4. When the stage goes horizontal, but only on the 'second swing' (when it slightly rebounds), stage again and press two slightly before or during the missile stop 5. Switch over to the missiles 6. Cork a bottle of champagne, checking for any instability in the missile system 7. Stage twice, watch the missile fly off, switch to missile, and stage off two standoffs 8. Sit back and watch A note about the missile - the second stage needs to be developed still, so it's not a functional weapon just yet.
  4. "looks at Squad" Hmm... maybe a ballast tank part would be useful...
  5. Leopard 2SG work in progress model. It's the Singapore variant with locally design composite armor and L44 main gun, specialized for urban combat. Sorry for crappy image quality. I have to run KSP on a dual core ultrabook while I get my desktop repaired. The gap on the frontal left section of the turret is recessed for optics. Ensuring that the 7 bump on the rear of the hull didn't interfere with the turret movement was tough, but I fixed it.
  6. I did think of the airfoil armor, but as you said, it makes it look like a cute peacekeeping vehicle rather than an utilitarian russian vehicle. Also, thank you. And yes, as requested, I'll put up a copy on KerbalX. I'll edit the link into this comment soon. EDIT 1: http://kerbalx.com/VodkaPutin/T-14-Armata-152-mm-protoype There is the link to the kerbalx download.
  7. Behold, the unstoppable, highly reliable T-14 Armata tank. The T-14 is equipped with 44S-sv-Sh dual layer Malachit ERA blocks, as visible on the sides of the tank. They're kinda hard to see in the picture, but the whole side is covered by heavy ERA. The rear of the tank is encapsulated by a missile net. The 2A83 main gun is huge, but it's projected to have the required muzzle velocity to defeat the latest composite armor... I'll have actual ERA for the 125 mm variant of the armata I'm releasing. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vslcdkylowvoxmo/T-14A-2.craft?dl=0 Sorry for the sucky picture quality, but my laptop currently has some issues with graphics drivers. I'll get it rectified soon. Also, I'm developing a special system for another tank replica...
  8. The T-90A with Kontakt-5 heavy ERA. They're the obliquely mounted blocks on the turret. Strangely enough, the new wheel arrangement works better. The turret also rotates much faster.
  9. Thank you for the complement, and yes, I'm planning to make a few more. I have a few old favorite replicas, the M1 and Leo-2A7. They were rather difficult to angle correctly, but the turret on the M-1 turned out pretty well imo. I may redo the frontal aspect of the M-1's turret mantlet. The next tank is the Leo-2a7, one of my first tank replicas. However, I am thinking of a potential T-14 Armata replica. No matter how ugly it looks, I can't help but savor the masochistic pleasure of angling the turret. Another candidate could be the Buntar tank prototype the Soviet Union made. http://tankandafvnews.com/2015/08/01/more-photos-of-80s-era-soviet-buntar-tank-revealed/
  10. hmm... Alright then, I guess I'll just have to release a T-90.
  11. No problem. I'll get a screencap of the bearing after I get back from school. Also, you can download it and take a look if you want to see it right now. I think it's a pretty standard bearing. If the bearing seems to stop, just move it back and forth a little bit. The turret is a bit front heavy because of the gun.
  12. The stock bearing equipped tank is around 300 parts (exact number is in picture). The turret rotates really fast due to the robust bearing. The turret is also equipped with heavy plastic sheeting and "ERA" (it doesn't exist in KSP). Other than that, all I have to say is that I'll eventually have the better-looking T-80UK variant out, although with a higher part count. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g433d8td6nfx4un/T-80BV.craft?dl=0 And another tank project Back to the T-80 tanks
  13. My navy will hunt down your communist insurrection one vessel at a time.
  14. A bit stubby, but still nice. We're the eagle brothers. Here's my own version of it.
  15. Capable of dishing out 105 mm of democracy, braking from 20 m/s to 0 m/s in under one second, turning in tight corners, going over rough terrain with almost no bumpiness due to its new 4th generation suspension system, and an advanced hull, this tank is 50 tons of pure 'Murican democracy and armored freedom. One note: the turret is longer due to a rear storage compartment. Just a blatantly posed FYI.
  16. Yeah, we've been using them for military vehicles for a long time. They work well, but don't take battle damage nearly as well as my porsche suspension.
  17. Can you accept my contact request on skype? Also, thank you for the offer, but I decided to redesign the Porsche Tiger first without looking at your turret design. However, I did examine it recently and your tank looks rather good, although I like my tanks for their large size. That way, I can run everyone over. And I'm going to release my Porsche tiger now. The internals have been rearranged.
  18. Thank you for the offer, but your tiger turret is more akin to the Tiger-II turret with sloped armor. Here's my Tiger II. I'm working on sorting out the new porsche tiger superstructure and building a new turret. The Tiger-I and Tiger P had non sloped turret designs, and that's how I intend on designing it.
  19. You made the T-62? I guess I have to accelerate my T-72. And my challenger 1 is ready for release. I should release it.
  20. Damn, Porsche knew how to design a good suspension system. The Elefant can turn at 20 m/s, and the suspension absorbs the shock of ridiculously bumpy terrain at full speed without any damage, and it can brake from full speed to zero in about a second. Also, expect to see my Porsche Tiger soon. The Elefant also has a hybrid Electric-Gas drive system. And the T-72A is just about ready for release.
  21. I have the new official song of my armored corps. And I'm making a T-72A right now. Have to get to detailing some aspects, and I might add the dolly parton composite armor.
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