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Everything posted by andrew123

  1. As a part of Zokesia, I could be able to make this one myself... so I'll see to it.
  2. I challenge someone to create the UNSC infinity from halo 4... and make it hold small frigates inside and have at least 4 hangars and docking bays like the one in halo. Also, don't forget to add the mainsails (And a download for the craft is required). (STOCK ONLY) I created the cruiser from killzone 3, but I'd like to see how you guys can build these ships. For example, I'll add my own replica of a sci-fi ship:
  3. I'm just trying to test out its flight characteristics first (It's not supposed to be its final configuration, but I at least need some flight data) ... and the plane has 8 turbojet engines, since the other four are under the wing (these aren't enough to actually fly the plane in the atmosphere without the rocket engines). The COL-COM balance is proving to be quite a challenge right now, and any improvements and/or suggestions are welcome. I'm not sure why I'm trying to make an ssto of this size... especially since I've never actually made a ssto before. Should I post the craft file?
  4. Thanks, and this ship drops my laptop to 12 fps. Well, the first iteration with less armor had 300 parts, so I could try to make it a practical carrier, but these ships can be quite wobbly without structural engineering.
  5. I can say that my ship is about the same size... and mine is a rather open type structure, even if it has some of the heaviest armor ever equipped. Your ship is probably much more practical than my ship could ever be, although mine is designed to carry large amounts of fighters and ships in the front half. EDIT: With a few minor modifications, it can carry over 48 ships!!!!
  6. The arkbird is progressing nicely, although it is proving to be quite a challenge. (It is a quasi ssto, but I'm not sure about the final layout just yet.). (Also, the jets are being quite under powered.). An earlier iteration:
  7. Totaling in at over 1120 parts, it's pretty much just a lead weight (especially due to the highly prototype quadro-penta-layer armor), but it's armored in all but one direction and is looking rather nice. Just don't expect to use this as a flagship anytime soon, because it's mostly a technology demonstrator without practical or even working propulsion at this stage, and is not expected to be my first official class of ships. Enjoy the pics, and for any curious and adventurous souls, my craft file: (And no, it cannot get legitimately into orbit... yet. Hehe. ) https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ozsc8xb4xhooo6/Sthal%27s%20Cruiser%20R2.craft Also, the cutter class has just started tests. One of my pet projects... the cutter (It focuses on functionality, or efficiency, over looks, but I will polish it's aesthetics later.). Craft file has not been tested yet, so it is very much an untested craft file. It was just supposed to be a small shuttle, but I think it is starting to approach the frigate rating... . This ship is also an attempt at integrating the various methods I tried on the previous ship, including tri-layered side armor with spaced out panels to make sure the kinetic energy does not go directly to the next panel, but through an open space. An open space in between all of the panels actually makes this ship rather survivable to side shots, but it definitely needs some more work... . EDIT: Congratulations on the victory Zekes! https://www.dropbox.com/s/as0ayb4op5mawx7/Cutter%201.craft The arkbird is progressing nicely, although it is proving to be quite a challenge An earlier iteration
  8. Is that the meatball? (You know what that means, I suppose.).
  9. Naval base, you say... I am now interested in what you guys are up to... Will this get integrated into the stock KSP game? Making the Naval building and system could make it relatively easy to implement into the stock game for Harvester and C7.
  10. I'm currently working on an arkbird prototype. I'll have it ready soon. (Warning: Craft file not tested yet, so don't assume it works just yet. I'll fix it as soon as possible.) https://www.dropbox.com/s/n6ss56lrrs35l3i/Arkbird.craft
  11. Any important status updates? I really want to see the next chapter, but please don't rush yourself.
  12. Actually, Germany only had V-2 SRBM's, and they had plans for a manned icbm, but that was never realized. Just FYI
  13. Have you seen the twitter hash tags in the UK? There are a wealth of them bashing either Muslims or foreigners (Although they are mostly by racist and idiotic 12 year old kids, although not all kids are like that)... I bet if those people were gone, they would try bashing the next subset of people. Well, there's a reason I tend to stay off of most social media platforms and blogs. Well, I guess we've all seen our share of bad websites then.
  14. Bungie.net is... unique, to quantify my experience there... but that's not in a good connotation at all. All they do is flame and nag each other until the thread becomes a fight of egos, and the only really on topic and focused threads were in the most random places. Another forum you might want to check out is this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/conspiracy-theories/119329-evidence-that-the-south-korean-ship-was-sunk-by-israel.html If your brain dies from reading that thread, I don't blame you. Those threads are just daymares... and they will twist your definition of the words idiot and conspiracy.
  15. Ever been to a political or ideological forum? Those are just nightmares... .
  16. Well, the game that actually make you fell like a hero or villain is, to me at least, the fallout series. And yes, I did finish fallout 3 and New Vegas, but no, there were almost no surviving NPC's at the end of my stories.
  17. Here's why... when I read through most other forums, all I see are ill-conceived statements that are inconsiderate to the feelings or opinions of others. One particulary extreme example is military photos... http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?229257-Japan-to-mull-pre-emptive-strike-ability-in-defense-update/page4 I mean, I know that some people say stupid things, but some forums are just a complete waste of precious bandwidth... What forums do you hate the most, and why? I'd like to here your stories. (One person summed my opinions up pretty well http://www.aneclecticmind.com/2008/04/11/why-forums-suck/#.UfQN_42cdqU)
  18. Looks like my new X-47 will be used in "alternate roles" for quite a while. This mod, since R1, has just been spectacular. Keep up the good work guys, keep up the good work.
  19. I have started to use stock parts to build ships. Enjoy these ships! Stahl Kelghat's cruiser: Deep down inside, he had always dreamed of turning the filthy, wretched Kerbin into the irradiated Kethane crater it deserved to be, but there was something... more. All his life, all he had ever known was failure and treachery. He had, in fact, watched his own father be double crossed and shamed into exile, all the actions of the Visari Corporation's political clout. While rebuilding his company's reputation, Stahl had even been forced to be friends with the man who had thrown his father into exile: Kelghast Visary. Secretly plotting to take Kelghan for himself, he soon realized that he could let the KSA do the job for him, inciting a nuclear strike, making much of Kelghat's own Kethane irradiated, and the Kelghast Visari's own assassination at the hands of two, mysterious Kerbals. With his last, pathetic obstacle, Admiral Orlock of Kelghan's high council unable to see into Kelghast Stahl's very own company, he had secretly amassed the largest private military in the known universe, complete with it's own, super large, and carrier capable, battleship, the Khage. Nothing, not even the puny KSA or even the impressively advanced UKA could last more than a day when facing his new irradiated Kethane weapons. Falling like dominoes until the colonies bowed to his greatness, Stahl would laugh, wondering what to do after the completion of his conquest. Watching the orbital strike fighters being designed and tested in Kelghan, he could already see the bustling planets that would soon become mass graves and massive cratered wastelands, and nothing could, or would stop him. Or so he thought... Presenting two excellent stock ships! One is currently in full service, while the cruiser, the first ever space cruiser designed by me, is a gigantic and unique replica and still requires no gravity and hyperedit to get into orbit, making it a quasi-prototype. Surprisingly, the cruiser only has about 300 parts. Both were made and tested in 0.21.1! Enjoy it guys! X-47b (with shielded exhaust pipe) https://www.dropbox.com/s/f08w0wq3vu0k5cv/X-47B.craft Sthal's (should be Stahl, which is German for steel) Cruiser (The KSA fears it) (The photo is slightly outdated, and it also still needs to be HIGHLY STRUTTED to be usable in any capacity at all for now. Remember, it's technically still a WIP) https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvnwt2uik2cuxy7/Sthal%27s%20Cruiser.craft
  20. Any idea when the next chapter is coming out? The suspense is killing me!!!!!!
  21. I can imagine SEA-RAM missiles in a future update... or by Pirate using the CIWS code and the missile guidance code. Would a mach-1.8 sea skimming (20 m's altitude) cruise missile get through one or even multiple CIWS systems?
  22. Impressive... may I post my own version that I made a few days ago? It even has realistic warheads...
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