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Everything posted by andrew123

  1. Introducing, the Japanese precision cruise missile! It even comes with a free MiG-31RE! Instructions: Make Kerbal go EVA and attach to command seat Set control from the probe core go slowly at under 100m/s to the middle of the runway turn to full thrust and hit boosters right before hitting end of the runway Drop boosters when empty Drop and fly the Kamikaze Ohka cruise missile at 800 m's of altitude or above Mods are: FAR, novapunch, lazor system, Lazor cam, Lazor Missiles, B9, Firespitter, KSPX, and taverio's pizza and aerospace. https://www.dropbox.com/s/69eqwq18jrradmb/Gerald%20Bull%20X%201.craft
  2. Introducing, the Japanese precision cruise missile! Mods are: FAR, novapunch, lazor system, Lazor cam, Lazor Missiles, KSPX, B9, Firespitter, and taverio's pizza and aerospace. https://www.dropbox.com/s/69eqwq18jrradmb/Gerald%20Bull%20X%201.craft
  3. Those were "my" parts (Author was vaporized in the forum Apocalypse), independent of the mod. I have the link in my last post. And Mark, please don't steal any of the parts from anyone else this time.
  4. Even though the icbm mod looked promising, I say that you screwed up... the staging on the R-7 is wrong, the peacekeeper does NOT have one solid boost stage and a long liquid second stage, the warheads don't even exist on these missiles and the parts are all robbed... (the solid booster that had a renamed author was blatantly stolen from novapunch... and then you denied it), and we have never been given a photo or log on how your mod is going. At least upload your 3d models on sketchfab... if they aren't stolen from another source, of course. I'm sorry for being so critical, but you kept on making empty promises and just stole a bunch of parts and made inaccurate and non-functional replicas while denying that the parts were stolen, but you should definitely read the forum rules... . Oh, and good luck. (BTW, my laptop with 3ds max and maya has had its hard drive scratch itself... I am pretty much unable to make the mushroom cloud warhead I promised, at least for now, but anyone else can take that part over) Misc: The w10 I posted was downloaded by me off of the ksp forums years ago from one of the first icbm mods... but when I got the file, the cfg was edited so many times, that I can't even id the original author. well, here is the part, Mark: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/08z7b84goc432ny/qf3SmvmzEE
  5. I did build one with the variable wings in 0.18... it was a joy to fly. But, here's MY F-15. Introducing, America's two current front line air superiority fighters, equipped with advanced lazor radars and very maneuverable! Mods are: FAR, novapunch, lazor system, Lazor Missiles, B9, Firespitter, and taverio's pizza and aerospace. F-15A F-15C Craft files F-15A: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aoa1qtsl8q8qi0m/F-15A.craft F-15C: https://www.dropbox.com/s/45yr7ay0um431qh/F-15C.craft I just came up with a... unique idea. prepare to be a little horrified by the cruise missile upgrades.
  6. Introducing, America's two current front line air superiority fighters, equipped with advanced lazor radars and very maneuverable! Mods are: FAR, novapunch, lazor system, Lazor Missiles, B9, Firespitter, and taverio's pizza and aerospace. F-15A F-15C Craft files F-15A: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aoa1qtsl8q8qi0m/F-15A.craft F-15C: https://www.dropbox.com/s/45yr7ay0um431qh/F-15C.craft
  7. Here it is, folks! The MiG-31 and Taurus cruise missile. Maneuverable F-15A and C's coming soon. MiG-31 Taurus 1 Taurus 2 Mods are: FAR, novapunch, lazor dll and cam, sceppie's small parts pack, and taverio's pizza and aerospace. Craft files Mig 31 + Taurus 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1eaxbof2d81um4n/Mig-31RE%20Taurus.craft Mig 31 + Taurus 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9v06bflw5ic0g55/Mig-31RE%20Taurus%202.craft
  8. I added the miniature rocket fuel tank right before the front fuel tank, which was mostly for the warhead simulation. All of my craft also use FAR, so that is necessary. The Foxhound handles just like the real one with FAR: not quite a fighter, but it's definitely no slouch in agility if you play around with the craft for awhile and learn how it handles, although the MiG-31 is mostly meant for low altitude interception and reconnaissance roles. The cruise missile has a theoretical range of over 2000 km's (and with the drop tank edition I'm currently testing, over 6,000 km's at minimum), and both editions with either the turbofan or the turbojet engine can super cruise at under 200 m's of altitude. The cruise missile, like in real life, is not all that maneuverable, so you have to align the cruise missile for the terminal phase of the flight. If you want to make a direct hit, turn the engine on it to a very low thrust rating, which should make you subsonic and allow for greater accuracy. If you want a good and stable plane with FAR that can turn on the dime, then you should check out the F-15A and C I'll be posting soon. What's funny though is that the MiG-31 has over 2000 units of fuel, which makes a great combination with the turbofan engines since they only sip the fuel. I actually haven't tried circumnavigating Kerbin with this craft yet, but I'm sure it is almost, or just capable of doing so. PS: Watch out for where the fuel is being drawn from, because that could easily unbalance any craft, especially with FAR. Enjoy the Craft files Guys.
  9. The MIG-31 and Taurus cruise missile! Here it is, folks! Mig-31 Taurus 1 Taurus 2 Mods are: FAR, novapunch, lazor dll and cam, sceppie's small parts pack, and taverio's pizza and aerospace. Craft files Mig 31 + Taurus 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1eaxbof2d81um4n/Mig-31RE%20Taurus.craft Mig 31 + Taurus 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9v06bflw5ic0g55/Mig-31RE%20Taurus%202.craft
  10. Time to get this thread going again with the MIG-31 and Taurus cruise missile! Here it is, folks! Mig-31 Taurus 1 Taurus 2 Mods are: FAR, novapunch, lazor dll and cam, sceppie's small parts pack, and taverio's pizza and aerospace. Craft files Mig 31 + Taurus 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1eaxbof2d81um4n/Mig-31RE%20Taurus.craft Mig 31 + Taurus 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9v06bflw5ic0g55/Mig-31RE%20Taurus%202.craft
  11. Should I post this to the KIDI thread and the modded vehicles thread? Well, now I definitely will! Thanks!
  12. Here it is, folks! Mig-31 Taurus 1 Taurus 2 Mods are: FAR, novapunch, lazor dll and cam, sceppie's small parts pack, and taverio's pizza and aerospace. Craft files Mig 31 + Taurus 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1eaxbof2d81um4n/Mig-31RE%20Taurus.craft Mig 31 + Taurus 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9v06bflw5ic0g55/Mig-31RE%20Taurus%202.craft
  13. I'm actually still trying to perfect the old warhead part's lazor mod explosion...
  14. Maybe I should get on the modding scene by learning 3d modeling in my spare time... Well, until my gaming computer's fixed...
  15. Did he send you the parts... and can I have the CIWS and cannon too...
  16. Didn't the wood make it easier to make on-sight repairs to get the carrier fully operational again? I mean, I see the merits of armor, but the advantages of easy repairability is also what helped the M4 Sherman annihilate the superior German Panther and Super Panther tanks (Along with American numerical superiority). This could also be said of the me-262 with its horrible jet engines and weak modularity when pitted against the P-51 mustang.
  17. That's the method the Russian Federation uses to keep on getting views for their ad revenue. How else will they fund their ultimate, invisible, hyper sonic, stealthy, and supermaneuvrable aircraft to destroy the F-22? /JK
  18. True... but with the dream of landing on Mars and their statements of saying that "We'll land on Mars and beat America in the next phase" just slightly contradictory?
  19. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/19/russians-still-skeptical-_n_239982.html What idiots...
  20. Be prepared to put the center of lift right at the center of mass... . I learned the hard way with FAR... .
  21. YESSSS!!!!! THANK YOU INFINITEDICE!!! :cool: Now, time to make the Arleigh Burke http://www.3dcadbrowser.com/download.aspx?3dmodel=3700 (If I can)
  22. Mooooooooooooore booooooooooosters!!!!!!
  23. I'll add it this weekend, but I am OVERLOADED with homework from my summer studies, so I will have to make all of these things during the weekend. Coming Soonâ„¢. Meanwhile... : So, I'll be back soon.
  24. I'll send you the craft file for the rocket with the mods and my modded components. I also ask if you have any solid fueled icbms with a post boost mechanism? Thank you.
  25. I have the link up now: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/08z7b84goc432ny/qf3SmvmzEE
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