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Everything posted by andrew123

  1. I can't do anything about it. No other suitable part in KSP.
  2. Engines lubricated with only the finest vodka. Press 1 to toggle the bomb bays. For those who dare. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mpz03omojo7o3r2/Tu-160-6.craft?dl=0
  3. This is no religious discussion. It is merely a thread for christian type music. So no. It does not violate the rules, since this thread is not meant for religious discussion.
  4. The Russian answer is the Tu-160. :D And I'm getting the Tu-160 into operational status soon. And the flying wing was also developed in Germany. Jack Northrop and the Horton Brothers were simultaneously doing so. That reminds me, I have to make a Ho-229.
  5. So, what are your favorite christian songs. I had a similar thread in MP.net not long ago, but the website has permanently shut down. Yeah, I'm religious. Here's mine I have some favorites from the 50's and 80's, but I think I'll leave them out of here. And for all of you non religious heathens (I kid ) Here's a music video.
  6. The B-36 never deserved to live. Press 1 to toggle the bomb bays. She takes a lot of experience to fly correctly. Flying wings do not fly like conventional aircraft. https://www.dropbox.com/s/74zlstnwwxgxgl7/YB-49A.craft?dl=0
  7. I'll release a version with Air-2 and Aim-4. To democracy we fly: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uveczdsn6s50f3b/F-101.craft?dl=0 Russian Menace
  8. Do you have any info or pictures of the Iranian solid fueled SLBM? I can't seem to find any sources for that, and if they're in farsi, I am unable to read them. On the North Korean missile program, it should be noted that the KN-08 second stage is thought to use a R-27 engine and the third stage is thought to use the vernier engines from the R-27. If they successfully test fired both components and successfully requalified enough components, then the KN-08 could quickly go from vaporware to a credible threat. The only component left in the KN-08 to test would be the first stage, which is a quad scud rocket cluster or a single large solid fueled booster stage. Either way, if the KN-11 is a lengthened or improved R-27, it cannot be taken lightly. I wouldn't doubt the ability of the North Koreans to eventually domestically produce and improve the R-27's components, including the Isayev rocket engine. If they shop around long enough, a Russian, Ukrainian, or Chinese dealer would probably be willing to sell them the required machinery and data to produce those rocket components.
  9. I'm referring to the R-27 Zyb http://missilethreat.com/missiles/r-27-ss-n-6/
  10. After reading the Crock of Gold, I can't help but remember the philosophers.
  11. The North Koreans seem to have successfully tested a SLBM from their SSB missile submarine. I wonder if it's using an improved North Korean made Isayev liquid fuel engine. Anyone have any info on whether or not the KN-11 is an improved R-27, because the rest of the sources are murky on this specific topic. This will get entertaining. Time for the South Korean ROKN to respond with a nuclear powered attack submarine. Which is already under development.
  12. Similar to my own destroyer. I should try to make another spaceship.
  13. Introducing, the Avro Vulcan! The arrow of the British Empire during the Cold War, the Argentinians sure got a taste of her capabilities during the raid on Port Stanley. Stay tuned for the version of this armed with skybolt missiles. Download your way, citizen. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2k9mtykh5jbyp51/Avro%20Vulcan%20Victory%20Day.craft?dl=0 Press 1 to toggle bomb bays. This thing handles like a beauty at all altitudes with its extreme stability and 6-9 G bombing maneuvers. The landing gear is extremely robust, and it takes off at 40 m/s along with a ridiculous fuel load and 240 m/s low altitude cruising speed.
  14. I have to embarrass all of us Americans. Enjoy this wonderful song. Obligatory F-15I. The F-15K. Mach 2.5+ top speed (accurate performance). Includes airbrake. Drop tanks are included. Spread the democracy... https://www.dropbox.com/s/d9urei4u80h09t5/F-15K-2.craft?dl=0 Preview of the F/A-18... Which still looks ugly...
  15. I have the F-15 and the B-52 and B-47 for targets. Hehe. Time for a Democracy Pack.
  16. Lure him into an atmospheric battle with me. I want some blood.
  17. Not if the the whole population is also heterosexual. Traditional marriages would, however, disintegrate. Look at birds. They're quite... liberal... in terms of orientation.
  18. Maybe they can make long lasting pheromones, like unsynthesized anthrax. That'll do it.
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