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Everything posted by Rockcoole

  1. False. The user below is doing somthing important.
  2. True. I work at a starbucks. The user below me has a life outside the internet.
  3. True. I dislike sandy witches. The user below me is above me yet below me.
  4. True. I will say no more on that matter. The user below me has a dark evil past.
  5. False. Though I'm not the best in the world. The user below me is currently building a laythe colony.
  6. False. Rock-cool-e. Shut up about the 'e'. The user below me is not a cat.(ROLF you are a cat)
  7. False. The user below me will not use the letter 'e'.
  8. False. Who the Hell is Bruce Campbell. The user below me speaks Russian(without Google translate)
  9. Yes. No. True. False. You wish to know what you already know, but what you also don't know. The user below me has put Mister Russel and his Teapot in orbit around Kerbol.
  10. Granted. Welcome to the world of 2010: Odyssey Two. You're trapped on Discovery One, goodluck. I wish that HAL Didn't become super evil and crazy.
  11. Granted. There to strong and tear apart your ship. I wish for a wish to bypass the limited wishes rule by genies.
  12. False. What is it? The user below me is trapped in a loop caused by time travel.
  13. Says you. The user below me has taken to long to get me a pizza.
  14. Granted. Then you see it all ready was and that you wasted a wish. I wish FTL travel was possible.
  15. False. Never cared for the bloody thing. The user below me has a much better sense of humor then ROFL.
  16. That is the most hilarious thing I have seen all day.
  17. Granted. But you now have to deal with people. And not the good kind. I wish math was easier.
  18. What if we put the fins the other way round? *clearing showing my knowlage of areodynamics*
  19. True. I'm rather good a KSP but orbiter, well let's not talk about the dead guys. The user below me understands basic rocket scince.
  20. Banned for even trying to upscale the best interplanter base ever. Milliways if you didn't know.
  21. True. It was a great day to battle. The user below me has seen hell and lived to tell about it. (New Jersey)
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