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Everything posted by Rockcoole

  1. Made it up when I was 10 and still like it strangely enough. No real reason behind it.
  2. True, it's called Milliways. The user below me has meet Micky Mouse.
  3. Granted. It's rusty. I wish for nasa to make me an astronaut.
  4. Granted. It's rusty I wish for a Tardis. Also (An Original Name), I hated that episode of Doctor Who.
  5. Your right! How did you know. The user below me is a walrus.
  6. Granted, but you get charged with possession of weapons of mass destruction. I wish to be on mars inside a outpost, with pently of oxegen, water and food.
  7. 0/10 You are a ghost who I have never seen.
  8. I noticed somthing on the site. Is the thing saying "Newest Fan-fic" about the story you where writeing to go along with this? Or Fan-fic's of your Fan art? Fanception.
  9. False. I'm only a cynical sadist. The user below me plays eve online.
  10. Granted, he also hate you. I wish that Bacon was free and limitless.
  11. Error 404: Wish granting not found I wish that I knew the question to life the universe and everything.(the question that gets you 42 I should point out.)
  12. Granted, you now dream of rain. I wish that I will pass my exams.
  13. Banned for trying to ban someone for none complected reasons.
  14. True. The person below is in highschool
  15. False, the forum thinks I only have 2 or 3 for some reason. The person below me has a Mac.
  16. Steps of seeing this picture. 1. Mind=blown 2. Think it is super super super*five pages of super later* super great. 3. Notice the Mun is normal texture. 4. Get sad because Mun is left out.
  17. Granted but it slowly poisons you with ever hug. I wish that the vogons didn't destory the earth.
  18. Depending on what you call a spelling error. The person below me has a stupid cat.
  19. True, I hate you right now for that. The person below me is not chobit-389
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