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Everything posted by gamowin

  1. Well, I'm going to miss being able to do this and survive the landing.
  2. I used to be able to simply press T and my massive rocket would hold its course towards Jool for the better part of an hour. The problem is that it has lots of off center probes and equipment. So now I must rely on the almighty Mechjeb to hold my position. Same thing with ion probes. I say that we should have a new part called the Flight Computer or something of that sort, and it would do just what the old ASAS did. The part would weigh more so it would be used only when it it really needed.
  3. You can only read thoughts that are about scary images. The power to bounce on impact like a Kerbal.
  4. Brain.imagination may be infected with a virus. Commence virus scan? Y/N
  5. I think I would choose to have my consciousness stored inside a computer or android of some sort. The problem that I see with this is the same one with teleportation, the teleporter creates an exact duplicate of you and destroys the original. Or it will disassemble you into atoms and put you back together somewhere else. Either way, my original consciousness will be destroyed. There might be an exact duplicate of me with the same personality, memories, etc. but I would still have died.
  6. There is a difference between a show that becomes a game and a game that becomes a show. Also, KSP doesn't have enough STUFF for a TV show. What would you put on TV anyways? And they are off! heading into space on their newest and best rocket! The three brave astronauts you know and love shoot towards the sky. And Jebediah has crashed it again, will they successfully deploy their parachute? Find out next time!
  7. Looks just like the real thing, how old is she anyways (I don't think I could do that).
  8. -Tossing rocks at the Mun -Snapping solar panels -Resurrecting Jebediah Kerman -Watching paint dry -Watching grass grow -Solidifying oceans -Lining helmets with rubber -Filling SRBs -Running around screaming -Running around singing -Running around babbling like an idiot -Krl-alt-del-ing
  9. So I hear that we are running out of helium, and that makes sense because it has a very low density. But doesn't it just form a new thin layer of atmosphere made of helium like oil on water? I don't understand why some people suggest helium rigs up in gas giant's upper atmosphere. When you pour oil into water, the oil doesn't get flung away, so why would helium?
  10. Jeb: Alright ASAS let's stabilize for staging ASAS: Gotcha! Jeb: Good ASAS: Want some music? Jeb: Errr... sure I guess that would be nice ASAS: YOU DO THE HOKEY POKEY AND YOU TURN YOUR ROCKET 'ROUND *Rocket implodes*
  11. Jeb: We have liftoff! ASAS: Should we turn left now? Jeb: NO ASAS: LEFT IT IS!
  12. I have but one question about spacecraft: How do they stay pressurized? Since all pressures try to balance to an equal point almost like heat, and space is an infinite vacuum, then how does anything remain pressurized?
  13. Kerbal engineering schools are probably better than ours. We have to abide by these odd things called "safety guidelines." While kerbals are taught this important lesson: If it blows up the first time, put some more struts, if it blows up again, have Jeb pilot it.
  14. Looks nice! Now that I have got Mechjeb autopilot working, I will start working on my own station.
  15. Comparing Minecraft and KSP at this point is like comparing apples to oranges. Minecraft is a first-person adventure game. While KSP is a third person omnipotent view simulator game. Trying to compare them is like comparing Metal Gear Solid with Call of Duty. I play both games, so I don't like to see comments that say "minecraft sucks." Well what makes it suck then?
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