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Everything posted by pwnedbyscope

  1. i think it would look better smooth but with clouds
  2. it not just about placement of the CoM you need to workout a way to keep the CoM over ther leg your walking on, i tried making a bi-pedal mech a few weeks back but i couldnt figure out a way to keep everything moving together, next time you get up to walk pay attention to the tiny movement you make in your feet hips and core, thats the best way i can describe on how to get it to work. if you want i could dig up so old pictures of what didnt work. Also ì•„ë“œ 아스트ë¼ í¼ 아스페ë¼ i have a know of a number of suits that would like to disagree with you
  3. i really hope we can get a download for the crafts in this video they are awesome
  4. would it be possible to make some radial engine pods with the joystick control of the pegasus ones?
  5. the meatball is along stern port-side would be weird to have it on top of the island
  6. "Thats not for show, that.. kills things"" I loled at that hard also are there eventually going to be different types of plane parts ie single engine, and swept wings?
  7. no novys are placed lower, look at the decel on the side of the fuselage yours is above the decal, his is below, as well as being canted down
  8. debateable, missing details that novy has, and wing placement is too high
  9. i think you looking for custom lauchtowers not costum also look at explantary launchpads
  10. quantum struts, whenever DR is in use quantum struts are a must, they should just come shipped together
  11. do you have any plans for making a mk3 fuselage with the dents on the bottom, for Pegasus type launches
  12. is it possible to make the sunbeam use fuel as well as electricity?
  13. does adding mods affect the size of vehicles i can build?
  14. i think some pictures and a recount of the mission would put this right in the fan works or make for a good blog post
  15. i found that it was a probelm with the alt i was using the kas parts at, apperently they only work when they are so close to the parent body
  16. the 200m one and the removeable docking port and grappling hook, are their any other mods that would be interfering with it?
  17. using frizzanks asteroid I am unable to connect any of the KAS parts to the surface of the asteroid, for the removeable docking port it strobes green and yellow and for the hook it strobes yellow and red, it happens whenever i get into loading distance of the asteroid or atleast seems to only happen then, in orbit away from the asteroid the parts still work as well as on the surface but when near the asteroid it dosent work on the asteroid or anything at all, is this a problem with kas or the asteroids?
  18. is it possible to make kethane mineable from the asteriods? also im having trouble attaching KAS parts to the asteroids, im not sure if its a problem with KAS or the asteroids, anyone have any experience with this?
  19. sounds like a problem my friend was having, maybe we need a little tutorial on how to place wings and control surfaces
  20. nope the ones in the wings were remote/droid controlled only 4 crew 1 pilot 1 co-pilot and 2 gunners, also have you ever thought at trying your hand at a pelican from halo?
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