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Everything posted by pwnedbyscope

  1. very nice, im surprised it matches up so similarly, i would think it would end up much further into orbit, i guess it turns out kerbin is a nice earth analog
  2. aye it gets boring, besides someone already tried this challenge
  3. <-this, it would make staging and rcs placement so much easier if this was the case, also be helpful if rcs's would only activate if the stage the were in was activated
  4. you can use mechjeb, under either the surface or orbit tab itll tell you your lat/lon, you can also use the landing feature to just tell you your predicted landing lat/lon, not cheaty, just info
  5. the only way ive ever been able to get a shuttle to vertically launch is by changing the gimbal range on the engines to 10 or more, the actual shuttle has a gimbal range of 10.5
  6. not in the new one, you have to do a little searching but they are still out there, anyway, awesome station
  7. they wont however be happy with the increase it would cause on their power bill
  8. I think the biggest, reason and one previously not mentioned is right now there is no reason we would need to use an NTR for any missions, sure they a efficient but there currently are no missions planned or even thought of that would require what an NTR can give, the farthest we as humans have even thought about traveling is Mars, and that can be reach easily, i use that lightly, with LFEs its already been proven, as soon as we reach the extent of what LFEs and SRBs can offer then we will start looking at other options which would include NTRs, but asking why we dont use NTRs is like asking why we dont use solar sails, the technology is there, but there is no use for them. a question i would like to ask is why isnt there any research going into things such as alcubierre drives @ roboray, on that argument the largest non-nuclear artificial explosion was caused by the N1 rocket
  9. found the problem, had the CM upside down :facepalm: i fixed that but it is still really touchy, and its impossible to fly without mechjeb
  10. Is there a limit to the weight the cargo launcher an take? I have a cargo that weighs 33.1 tons and the entire thing has a weight of 87.7 tons, I would think it wouldnt have a problem but whenever I try and launch it it tips left or right about 200m-300m up and then goes straight into the ground edit does it with a load of about 63 tons as well
  11. that is awesome, I hope this turns out to be a mini series
  12. any chance we could get a craft file? this is just in time for 3.0
  13. gregroxmun please do not necro threads, if you look you can see the last post was over 3 months ago
  14. Try Bomarc, its was originally a long range SAM, the only one deployed by the USAF, however my attempt was more along the lines of a cruise missle
  15. Ronox try using another hinge so you can get the rocket at more of a 90° angle to the ground, and perhaps use one of the taller stock style decouplers, itll get the engine assembly a bit further away from the LV so it dosent hit it, which is what im guess the problem you currently having is
  16. aye, i think, havent done any testing, but I think that it dosent have multicore support
  17. no. the blue like is the current trajectory, the yellow is munar capture trjectory, and purple is munar escape trajectory
  18. make it like a single SRB powered glider, 20 km of level flight at 20 km up
  19. I think there are two parts to it, one if its capable and another if its good looking
  20. unless you use ion engines, dont need the fuel it takes to complete such a trip
  21. i may have to work on this one, how close do we have to get to each planet? when you say land does the entire ship have to be landed? if not does a kerbal have to land on the surface? if so does he have to come back?
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