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Everything posted by Lack

  1. Have a roughly similar success rate to the actual N1.
  2. If I'm understanding you correctly, i.e. gliding the plane down to landing w/out power. Then you'll need a better aerodyanamic model than the current one, so Ferram Aerospace would be your best bet. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451-0-23-5-Ferram-Aerospace-Research-v0-13-4-2-14
  3. It will once I put it in Unity, I don't bother with the Normal map in Blender. Possible alternative: Edits: @Sauron, I've added a 'Size 3'stack node to the centre portion of the SPKTR and enabled part clipping for it. So you can attach 3.75m parts to it in either direction, saves splitting it into multiple parts. Didn't notice any problems with phantom forces either. Going to be avoiding re-sizes for this mod, but it's easy enough for folks to do from the .cfg file. @736, It's very losely based of the An-255 'NATO Rep: Cossack' (hence the in-game name). But yeah, I might add an extra plane cockpit later on. @BananaDealer & AntiMatter, Big fan of tea. There's a tea-house not to far from me, they bring you a whole pot of tea, this pleases me greatly. Normally end up drinking more coffee though (far, far too much). @JTG, It just uses the stock IVA, so it locates from the model origin. I'm not even sure if it would be possible to have an IVA animated in such a way that the whole cabin moves. Edit 2: That particular flight ended about as well as actual N1 tests. Anyway, I've decided to try and set out a rough road-map for SXT. Splitting it into vague subjects I'd like to focus on. Currently have 'Space Race' (Focusing on parts inspired by real-life space craft from the space race), 'Aeronautics' (Aeroplanes and stuff) and 'Utilities' (Things I think might be useful).
  4. Hmm, what I'm realising from all this is that I know comparatively little about the CCCP/RF space program, don't suppose anyone has any book recommendations? Anyway, messing around with another tank. Might see if I can find another texture, still looks too nasa-ry like this.
  5. The SPKTR? Currently I'm not entirely sure. It's essentially just a kerbalised rip off of the Spektr module for Mir. I may make a 'field lab' version. Like the regular science lab, but smaller and with a smaller bonus to the science gain. I currently just have it as a crew cabin. Decided to rebalance the new NASA engines for myself, the LFB KR-1x2 is far more fun when you make it more like an SRB with the throttle locked. Also, I find that with Rbray's clouds mod, I always end up starting my gravity turns a lot earlier. Just seems better. Edit: And the Kerbodyne KX-32 LFO Tank. Kerbodyne KX-64 LFO Tank. Okay, yeah, it's just a longer kx-32.
  6. Yep, going to have a X-16, 32 and 64 sized ones. It'll need to play around with the material settings a bit as well, the in-game ones don't appear to be straight KSP-Diffuse ones. Edit: Think that might just be the lighting in the VAB. Haven't tried radial decouplers before, could add it on a list of things to try. Bigger seperatrons would be good. And in-case any-one missed it from the last update: SKPTR series:
  7. That's the plan. New 2.5m X200-16 tank. I didn't attach the part, just modelled the entire thing in Blender, nested the thrust transforms in Unity and rigged the whole arm to the animation. Not sure if it's possible, there were some fancy new joint types that were introduced (or at least mentioned) a few updates back, but I've seen very few people using them and had trouble with the node based attach points when I tried. Yeah, the ISPs on those things is especially ridiculous. I'm going to play around with their values on my own save, set up the LFBooster to be throttle locked like the SRBs but haven't tested that quite yet, give them at least some dis-advantage at least. @AntiMatter, It gets raised quite a lot, and I have a whole pile of PMs on the subject. As for why it's important, a lot of people like to remove parts from the pack that they don't want, or edit some. Kind of difficult if you can't find them in the first place.
  8. Don't worry, as I said before, non-NASA engines and using this as a guide. The changes aren't drastic. The current balance on the NASA 3.75m upper stage annoys me especially, kind of breaks the whole 'Thrust/ISP/TWR - Choose two' idea. Biggest change is the LV-T80 (meant as a mid-way between the 30/45 and the skipper), since the stock LV-T30 got moved to almost exactly it's stats, I'm re-balancing it to being mid-way between the T80 and the Skipper, with the relevant changes to TWR and ISP. (480kN, 3t, 300asl-360vac ISP, currently). @landeTLS, I was thinking of that last night, seen a couple of photos of the existing 2.5m tanks on-top of it, doesn't look quite right.
  9. That would be great actually. Yeah, the Lite version is mainly aimed for use with circular hulls (with a few other parts I couldn't bear to part with, like the greenhouse and the odd 2x1), so it's not quite 'LLL-full with less parts', more a re-working. Hence a differing set of parts. No need to worry about C#, the mod doesn't use any plugins or coding (my own coding knowledge is limited to python and excel, which I'm basically only learning to try and automate the boring part of my job. An odd type of lazy.) Config files are fairly easy to understand really (Just open them up with Notepad++ or another plain text editor). The problem with the file structure is there's a lot of this: (Actually, that above folder is the main offender) Often with multiple parts contained in each .cfg. It made sense while I was making it, but I doubt it makes even the damnest bit of sense to anyone else (especially judging by the number of people who have said exactly that). Well, I was dealing with moving from the old part loader to the (buggy and limited initial versions of the) new part-loader at the time, but it works pretty well now, so I think it could manage with a better ordered file structure. The separate parts really need moving to their own cfgs and/or folder. But they're all held together by judicious use of the MODEL{}, so you need to be careful with that as there's a lot of cross-referenced parts. And not duplicating textures is obviously important for conserving RAM. Here's an example of the MODEL{} e.g. MODEL { model = LLL/Parts/FuelTank/LLL2x1/model texture = model001_NRM , LLL/Parts/Structural/LLL2x1Hull/HullNorm } The 'model =' telling it which .mu and 'texture = ' where to get the texture from. Problem is that 'texture =' isn't always perfect, it sometimes needs a place holder texture, I use a 1x1 file for that. There's also things like Scale and Position which you can use to muck around with it the x,y,z axis. At the very least the config files need to be split up and then named by their actual in-game name. If you can find a way to re-organise that folder in the pic (and the parts it contains) into something that makes sense, then you'll have done the hard bit and the rest should just be cleaning up. Just make sure that you get the 'www' (i.e. LLL/Parts/.../) part of the config right. I'd look at B9 for an example of a better organised folder structure.
  10. Well, I wouldn't quite say that. It's more that LLL needs a few very boring things doing, such as re-organising the file-structure. There are a few half finished models as well, I guess. For a mod I'm not actively developing, posting it in Releases just seems to be inviting trouble. Although, from the original road map, LLL was feature complete a year ago. I just kept adding more. SXT is in active development. I think I'll need to decide what I want from it and add it into different stages/sets (like KSP-X was going to do), and then release it like that. That and I dislike fuss; Addon Development is relatively quite and has a good group of people. Edit: Considering re-working the 5m parts (and then the 3.75m if I can find the damn .blend) with the ARM texture for the top and bottom of the tanks, this is closer to what I had originally envisioned when I made the parts. I'm also re-balancing the engines a bit, from the re-done non-NASA parts and the graph posted by Stupid_Chris.
  11. That's deliberate. I'm still not decided on the texture for those, the white is too white, but I'm not happy with the grey either. @BananaDealer, Good, good.
  12. Yeah, that's the game not loading the texture correctly. (Either texture isn't there any longer, or www path is incorrect). The alpha-11a should fix the problems the ARM file name changes introduced (which muck up the www). Is it still doing that with the new version? Anyway, it's the middle of the night, I'm off to bed. Releasing patches mid-week. I don't know, don't they know people have work in the morning. Tsk, tsk. *Shakes head disapprovingly*, you know back in my day *trails off into incomprehensible rambling*.
  13. Ugh, have they gone and released ARM now? And I was just about to go to bed. Edit: Hmm, well, apparently I've filled up my HDD. Edit: Here's a quick fix. There's a few new parts in there that aren't properly balanced/final form yet to be decided, and are subject to change, but I couldn't be fussed rolling the dev version back to be in-line with previously released parts. SXT-alpha-11a.zip N.B. Quick edit between 10 minutes till the hour and 8 min past, fixing the MEM Descent Module. So if you've got a problem with that then re-download. Edit: Now to mess around for a few minutes. Here's some pics of the shroud with the LES.
  14. Ah, don't worry about it, they were fair enough points.
  15. No, they don't. It has 'category = -1' set, as do a number of the Saturn V parts, so they don't show up in the VAB (balancing, duplication of effort, etc.) It's just a one off 'by request' design so I haven't tested it much. Worth remembering that when I made the Saturn V, it wasn't intended to be part of the main SXT pack. Which other folders have unrelated parts in (also worth noting that some of that is done since, even with 1x1 textures, KSP uses more RAM to process that than it really has any right to, keeping the number down of .tga's is important. Squad is guilty of the opposite of this, having a separate folder, model and texture for every part is incredibly wasteful). I had put things in 'Parts/Command/etc' at the start, but then I decided I couldn't be bothered with it and stopped, as it's just another thing to get wrong when writing the www section of MODEL{} modules. It's pretty minor, but miss it a few times, wonder why a texture/model isn't loading and it get's annoying. I'll fix it all up in the beta stage, I was thinking of just calling what I've got 'Set 1' or something and moving into beta soon. Edit: And re-organised. Ish. Saturn V is broken, the pathways are correct but the part loader is throwing a fit. Much better than it used to be, but still a temperamental little so and so, by turns. Edit: Leaving SV outside of the sub-folders seems to fix that. Edit: That's a bit better. The distinction between Structural and FuelTank doesn't make sense with certain part families containing parts could be put in either. So I merged them to Hull, and moved the miscellaneous 'structural' elements to Utility.
  16. @SSSPutnik, Very nice. Been a long time since I've taken the time to approach something of that scale. And since we'll be getting a full-blown LES with the ARM patch. I decided to make a little shroud for the capsule. Still need to play around with sizing some, and the texture's a place holder as it's a bit funky when inside the VAB.
  17. I want to get a feel for ARM's 3.75m parts first. I'm not entirely sold on the idea of making the 3.75m parts a 'full set', over primarily being used for lifter and engine stages, either (command pods, etc.) @TheFunnyOne, They have a very high heat-tolerance (roughly 10k) so that should be alright, although I believe DRE does things slightly differently now-a-days so I'm not 100% on that.
  18. SXT-alpha-10.zip Change log: Added Hexagonal Solar Panel Added Hexagonal Structural Panel Added 0.625m Pipes Added 2 Extendable RTGs Fixed textures on 0.625m 'Barrel' Think that's the bulk of it.
  19. Could be the old '640KB is more memory than anyone will ever need'. Commonly (and falsely) attributed to Bill Gates.
  20. I've done some playing around and it looks a bit better now. Also made a copy without other mods, so I can actually use hi-res. @Mekan1k, There you go: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70881-0-23-Orbit-Manipulator-Series-%28WIP%29-%28Updated-March-12-2014%29 The n-body drifts quite a lot, probably due to problems with barycentres, or lack of thereof, etc. @Damaske, Heh, I hadn't thought of that. @ landeTLS, Might stick that in the part description. @AntiMatter, Heh, I splashed out. 3 whole GB of ram, I mean who would ever want more than that. Although KSP crashes if I go above 1.8GB usage though. Many years of clutter I suspect. Edit: Probably not the correct use for the RTG kebab,
  21. They're the stock textures, making new ones would defeat the entire point of SXT. I'm just on low-res, this machine is 6 years old now, so isn't great on the RAM front even with ATM. It's an extendable RTG, see Voyager I. Edit: Realised it's 2014 now, it'll be about 7 yo^-1 then. Getting on a bit really.
  22. I can do landing legs without suspension, but the squad's new suspension landing leg module remain a steaming pile of you know what and can die in a fire as far as I'm concerned. i.e. I can't get the blasted things to work, this has pretty much been my exact reaction every time I've tried to get them to work:
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