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Everything posted by Lack

  1. You could switch to the generic animation module, that should allow action grouping, Something like MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = underleg isOneShot = false startEventGUIName = Raise Legs endEventGUIName = Lower Legs } Might need to switch round the start and end GUI names, and perhaps change increase crashTolerance.
  2. Ah okay, I'm guessing that's because I've only used the bare minimum of the config. MODULE { name = ModuleLandingGear animationName = underleg impactTolerance = 300 } The new landing leg module is terrible in terms of documentation and whether or not it'll actually work two exports in a row, so I had to cut it down a lot to make it work. I think Bahatmo did a tutorial for them, but that'll be a rainy day project. I almost defenestrated the computer last time I tried to get those landing legs to work properly.
  3. Thanks, and thanks for the update, now to mess around with alternate launch sites. Also, it's 1.125, not 1.25 for the Vac ISP. Boosts the most efficient stock engines up to about the same ISP as the most efficient chemical engines. Although looking at the list of orbital engines on wikipedia, 1.15 might be a slightly better fit.
  4. I've been using your 6.4x Kerbin rescale for a while now, I'm very much enjoying it, makes KSP as hard as it felt when I first started. Did a bit of tweaking to planet deformities to stop them being quite so flat and raised the snow-level. I've found that you can largely eschew things like real-fuels and config files (I've got a few of the realise overhaul configs for things like solar panels and the stock rebalance) by using the KSP difficulty scaler. Vac Isp Mult.: 1.125, Atm Isp Mult.: 0.85 seems to be a good balance. Screenshots from my current campaign, I've got a lot of kerbals killed, and Jeb trapped in a munar orbit after I underestimated the return delta-v cost.
  5. Yeah, it's just the animation being the wrong way round in Unity. I tried to fix it once, should be easy but those damn things seem to break if I so much as even breath near them in Unity. Not sure what you mean when you say it doesn't have an animation defined, though.
  6. Ah, excellent, thanks. I'm hoping that's the last of the parts that got missed, it's mainly been ones were there was more than one part in a config and it got missed out. I'll update the maindownload later. Yeah, long time no see, how trix? Edit: Screenshots!
  7. Fair enough. Yeah, there was only a few textures which had their names changed, generally the ones where they've added flags to and have re-exported them from Unity, the new KSP part tools don't change the texture name, so instead of model000 it uses whatever name the dev had the textured saved as. Finally got round to doing those crew cabins I posted ages back: @MrWizerd, Thanks. I'll check and see if they work or the orientation needs changing. Added links to OP. Edit: And new release for SXT with them in, SXT-alpha-14.zip
  8. How so? They very much are there. @Jagger, SXT 11a was released for KSP 0.23. Although there's no actual need to role back, just do the edits I mentioned above, there's only a few parts that need changing.
  9. The 2x1 hull is already a cabin, but they're handled slightly differently in LLL. That is, it is done via adding a hatch or airlock. If you're not using anything else then they go straight into the hatch, if you have ship manifest you can move them into the structural parts (They nearly all have a crew capacity) or if you're using Vanguard they should automatically be shuttled into the nearest available space.
  10. Yeah, I don't think I changed the manufacturer name, I guess LLLabs is the name of the 'company', but confusingly also of the one of the 'products'. I'm going to do some Bioshock Infinite-esque handwaving and say that SXT is an alternate history thing, where the company produced stock-a-like parts. Or just that LLL mod parts happen later in the time line. I brought that game on release, but didn't read the small print about requiring Windows 7 and above, so I've only just had the chance to play it. Thoroughly enjoyed it. There is at least one part in LLL that does use it, it's a larger copy of an SXT part. Called 'RCS Bank [LLL resize]' or something along those lines. Edit: Also, Nathan, I was thinking of having a set of 1.25, 2.5m etc. engine fairings that you add manually, rather than the stock auto-fairing system and making those engines surface attachable.
  11. Squad changed the file-names in .23.5, so if you're using the post .23.5 versions of SXT with .23 it's going to be looking for textures that don't exist, or rather, do but have a different name. A few others have had that problem, should be posted somewhere in the last dozen or so pages, or just scroll through my old posts, with solutions and what to do if you're using a texture pack. Simple solution is to open the .cfg of the affected part (notepad'll do) and change the texture name. i.e. 0.23 version: texture = model003 , Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/model000 texture = model004_NRM , Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/model001 0.23.5 version: texture = model003 , Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin texture = model004_NRM , Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin_n LLL shouldn't be doing that though. Unless you've overwritten an old version with LLL-12, which has a completely different part structure, or re-named, moved or otherwise deleted bits of the folder. Maybe check the config of those parts as well to see if there's any referencing going on in the MODEL{} and that the pathways are correct. @Nathan, 'fraid not, haven't actually tried AJE yet, requires Real Fuels doesn't it? Haven't real used that, I had a brief look when someone asked if I could do a compatibility patch, but it looked complicated and I was tired, so I put it on my 'to do later' pile, which just happens to overlap entirely with my 'completely forget about' pile. @Prometheus, Short Take-Off & Landing or maybe 'Small Tasty Orange Licorice', I'm not sure sure how spicy tomato and orange would taste. Well, presumably like some combination of the ingredients.
  12. Also, if I recall correctly, the CBMs in LLL-Lite are not 'true' 1x1. I rescaled them by about .7 - .8 to fit the stock docking parts. @OrbitalSolutionsLtd, Yes. Well, sort of. I've tried it in the past and it sort of works, but only at very specific angles and you get some very weird effects, like sudden moments of frictionlessness, then the wheel collider slips and the whole thing either catapults at a stupid angle or explodes. Essentially it doesn't work very well. @NathanKell, Yeah, I figured adding in the model{} node was better than just over-writing the stock part. Well, thinking about it now, I could have it named aamodel.mu, so the config would choose that instead of the model.mu and then just add it to the stock folder, but it would complicate uninstalling a bit. Also, if you reckon it'd be easier to set that up in another way, then just say or send a copy of how you'd do it. Nice planes, btw. I think I should have the configs for rescaled firespitter parts for the .625 kicking around somewhere. There's a realistic (I think I based it off one of the Cesna-like plane's engines) prop engine and some smaller resizes of the wheels.
  13. Not yet, but I've been playing around with things and I think it might be worth adding them (I'd been undecided before). The cabin in the last post is 3.75m at the widest, and it has an attach node at that point. So it can act as a 2.5m to 3.75m adapter/crew cabin. Haven't got any 3.75m pods either.
  14. Just the one, a crew capsule. I'd been considering making it a science lab, but incapable of cleaning out experiments, so a mobile analysis centre. Should be under Utility. You can see it at the back of these, Actually, since you're here. I'll upload a copy of the re-worked LT-V45 and how I was thinking the mod should work (using MM to replace the stock engine models). Here we are: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/SquadEngineReplacement.zip
  15. Yeah, the SXT parts use the landing gear code like that one did. Where I got the idea actually. Problem is that fsbouyancy is having problems recognising that the air-bags are actually there, so they don't have any effect in water. Which is a shame. I asked Snjo about it, but he didn't know why either.
  16. No problem, just get that MM config and it should enable the 2.5m parts and the orange 3.75m. Well, providing you've got Module manager installed. I'll check if I've actually added that link to the OP. Edit: Nope, I hadn't. I've added it now. Edit: Still haven't got the air-bags to actually be buoyant. Tried adding a dummy collider but no luck. Edit 2: Having a look at the large wings, using the B9 Heavy wing for reference. Think the stock bit should be okay, need to figure out how the FAR part works. Currently they're about the same as the b9 one, despite the wing being about half the size.
  17. Deliberate. I depreciated them after the re-size but didn't want to break the saves. I'll tab out the tech-tree entries for those, and have it re-added with the MM config. Edit: There used to be an old radial drogue chute mod, that's probably kicking around on Spaceport. Problem for me would that I'd need to re-make the model entirely, and I'd need to figure out the set up in Unity. I use real-chutes myself. @Dragon01, Yeah, I'll have a look at it (wings and Salyut-MIR). Re: the wings, is that with stock aerodynamics? I've always had FAR installed, so haven't really checked the stock values.
  18. Ah, okay. You can generally get away with 1x1 for dummy textures, or at least that works for me.
  19. Hehe, yes. It sounds like it's working to specifications. It should impact the ground shortly after, if it does make it into orbit then you've clearly got a defective one that actually works and it should be returned for replacement.
  20. Hmm, I kept running into the part hanging on load up without the dummy textures, although I don't think I've tested that in the more recent version of KSP. Those could have been the textures with the '_' though, I haven't had any trouble directly from them that I'd noticed.
  21. You'll want SAS, RCS, and some fins if you're using FAR. I decided not to add gimballing to make it a bit more 'interesting' (and the flights a bit closer to the real ones). Also counter-balances the raw power of the engines, although they are balanced to the stock isp/TWR curves. On that note, all the SXT parts should be balanced to stock values, or at least to extrapolations; I seem to recall someone saying the weren't. If people spot anything they think is unbalanced then please do say. Although, you can easily argue than 5m+ parts are by definition unbalanced, which is fair enough really. Thinking about adding some fire-spitter dependent parts, I've got a little 0.625m engine for the Bonny cockpit kicking around somewhere.
  22. Ah, good luck with the Army (That the US army?). I'd been thinking of the RAF here, but got a better job offer before I properly joined. Still like to join the Reserves (or whatever they've re-branded the various TA arms) once I'm better settled. But whether or not that'll actually happen now. (Although I was in the cadets when I was younger, my main memories are being made to stand perfectly at parade for 3 hours in the freezing cold. We had to do laps, press-ups, etc. if we moved, but it was cold enough that we all ended up have to purposely shuffle every so often to make sure we got a bollocking and got to move around). LLL-Extra was previously bundled along with the LLL-Full download (so you had GameData/LLL and /LLL-Extra), it's a few extra parts that I didn't necessarily think belonged in the full download, but wanted to make available anyway. So it's got the Droopy, Buster, 4x2 open core (which is certainly unbalanced), 4x4 fuel tanks, things like that. Edit: I've added the 1x1 cargo-bays back (not sure how I missed that) and added dummy copies of those adaptors back in. I'll upload it shortly.
  23. Thanks, There should be one in there already, check under structural (at least in LLL-Full). Edit: Yep, it's there.
  24. Thanks, that's the sort of thing I was worried about, but none of the testers caught them. I'll have a look into it. @Naf5000, That should be easy enough. Just remember the formula for the side of a hexagon and do the rescale. So you'll need a rescale of 1.732 in two of the axis. So change the line 'scale = 1, 1, 1' to 'scale = 1.732, 1.732 , 1'. If you want both, make a copy of the config and also change 'name =' @Catullus, LLL-Lite is designed for circular hulls and people not wanting to faff around too much with the 1x1, 2x1, etc stuff, so the things that are different are things like the Sparrow being shrunk down and a circular adaptor lobbed on the end, or the 2x1 Nuclear engine having a circular adaptor glued to the top. The CBMs were also shrunk down to fit 1.25m hulls. Any actual additional parts (rather than the above sort of thing) should have been folded into LLL-12. @sharpspoonful, Ah, thanks, I wasn't aware. I think I had to re-do the textures from scratch anyway, but it'd certainly be good form to change them, what with the actual text reading the same.
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