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Everything posted by Lack

  1. Could you post a screenshot? Yeah, the alternator set ups should all have been fixed for the new version. For the bi-cupoler, you could possibly use the 2x1 bi-coupler then the 1x1 to 1.25m, but I seem to recall having two 'couplers' in a row causing difficulty. The CoM on the bridge was to try and adjust for using the IVA from the hog. I'd like for the LLL parts to have their own IVAs, it's incredibly tedious though, so it's always a case of 'maybe next month'. It's like that with LLL in general, I go between being really interested in it, and then wishing it would die in a ditch (normally when trying to get things like bug fixing done). I was thinking of a airliner type radial engine pod or two, or perhaps have the engines as in-line and a radial mounting for engines, make it a bit more modular. I'd like to try my hand at a few more prop engines and perhaps the odd helicopter rotor.
  2. @SpaceCommanderNemo, Yep, the next LLL is set up with tweakables, mostly using firespitter and tweakscale will be recommended. I posted screenshots of it a while ago, I'll see if I can find them. I've also fiddled a bit more with the standard tanks MrWizerd set up for the 1x1 and 2x1, so they're all set up now to use Firespitter to switch the textures and fuels. Cuts it down from a gazzilion parts to a handful. What'd you'd recommend for engines? I thought they were fairly nice selection of shapes, stats, while been pretty balanced. Mod dependent parts are certainly do-able (all glory to ModuleManager:NEEDS[Hypnotoad]) @NathanKell, Radial intake is do-able (and something I keep meaning to do, but keep getting distracted, despite the fact it's only about a 10 minute job). Canopies would be nice (I had that post bookmarked), I started with that a while ago, but ended up not making the bf-109 radial I intended to make, but somehowbecoming the He-111 cockpit in the SXT pre-release. The 'tankbuttless stock' sort of fell on its face a bit when I couldn't get the .mu importer to work, the tankbutless LTV-45 was made entirely from scratch and ended up taking ages.
  3. KSC++ is been completely overhauled, so those'll be included, I haven't got a computer that'll run KSP at the moment (building a new one when the parts arrive) but I should have a few screenshots somewhere in my emails, I'll see if I can find it. Edit: Only some from blender
  4. Adding part descriptions is something that I had been working at, takes longer than you'd think actually. Yeah, I'd like to have something a bit larger, possibly something along the lines of the ISS truss. Both good ideas, rocket garden may be reasonably basic tecture-wise, I seem to recall Kerbtown not liking MODEL{}. @AccidentalDisassembly, They'll be the configs for the WIP version of LLL, so some'll reference unreleased parts. @Reichtangle, Yes, plan is to eventually have everything have an IVA that fits.
  5. I'm wondering if it'd be okay to just have the licence at the very top of the config actually. @ NathanKell, Thanks. Moving fell a bit behind since I have to work for the next few weekends, only half days, but kind of a nuisance. So I'm currently in between proper computers, so no modding for me for a little while @oniontrain, Thanks, glad you like them. Actually, Since I can't really do proper modding at the moment and get therefore distracted by 'shiny' every 5 minutes, I might as well think about polishing. So, which part of SXT do you not like, what needs improvement, which areas need expanding, anything missing that you'd like to see. And what works well currently, I suppose. I had started an overhaul of KSC++, what sort of things might be nice there? For LLL, well, perhaps wait till I get a new version out (which I really do need to get round to... eventually). No guarantees any of it will get done, but I can at least think about it.
  6. I've added a 2.5m to 3.75m Tsar stage in, just re-download the pre-release link and it should be in there. I'm moving at the moment, so will be without a home computer for a while, should really get back to packing actually; Damaske, didn't quite have time to get that one done, but here's the .dae for the 2x1 hull if you fancy taking a shot at it yourself :https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/untitledNEW3.dae
  7. You can just about fit two kerbals side by side (Kn-2 has a raised cockpit after-all, you can have a look at the ke-111 IVA as well), I've got a half-finished IVA for the 1.25m passenger cabin, it's better suited for private jets. Even the current 2.5m cabin can only fit 3 kerbals and an aisle per row, compared to this. Guess again Hint:
  8. It'd be a bit cramped, for a DC-8's 2.5m would be a better fit. But I quite like the shape, so it may be used as reference material. @wasmic, Universe Randomiser, although it likes to throw my ships into a solar orbit on load. But can always load a quick-save. @SpaceCommanderNemo, I was hesitant to make another, since the decoupler version does the job fairly well as long as you remember to move the staging. Although, I was considering setting staged = false (or whatever the line is) and I think that should keep the right-click menu, but haven't tested it.
  9. Welcome to the forum, looks great, downloading now (although it's almost midnight and I have got work tomorrow, so should probably go to bed. Heh, you'll have me up half the night tinkering with KSP like this). For the animations, are you trying to have the emissive (I always change the emissive alpha to make it light up) and the floodlight's intensity/range as separate animations? I would do it all in one animation, personally. As for alternate locations, I made this a while ago, map of Kerbin with the latitudes of various different real-life launch-sites on the side (plus and minus values, wouldn't want to discriminate on hemi-sphere, I mean which way is really 'up'). Might give you a few ideas. http://i.imgur.com/gi7ydLR.png
  10. Made it into a nice little space-plane. Probably one of the easiest ones to fly that I've managed to make. Certainly the cutest.
  11. Assuming you're talking about LLL, not SXT, there'll be one in the next release, whenever I get round to releasing it.
  12. Yeah, I couldn't get that light working, no idea why it isn't. I gave up with it in the end. I've taken a shot at that, no idea if it'll work, haven't used KAS or tweak-scale for ages. Rough changelog from the last -17 pre-release > Ke-111 - New 2 man 1.25m cockpit (with IVA) > Re-done Kossak cockpit (with IVA) > SC-XL10 - 3.75m probe core > BA-8 New 1.25m engine > K-170 - New 3.75m engine > CandleWax - 0.625m SRB > 0.625m in-line mystery goo pod > Re-worked 5m parts (Including new tank sizes) > Two air-brakes > Shrouded radial hard-point > Loading ramp for Kn-225 > Various small bugs fixes, adding in some names, descriptions, etc. Pre-release for SXT-17 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/SXT-17-prerelease.zip Still lots of things that need finishing, but some goodies in there. I'll write up change-log later. Playing around with this at the moment:
  13. Unless anything comes up, I'm thinking of doing a new 'testing' release later today. They'll be in there. Also need to give some more thought to having some 'stand-a-lone' packs, since there are just over a hundred parts in SXT and no doubt that puts a few people off.
  14. Found it, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-15-1-09MAY2014?p=1225193&viewfull=1#post1225193 @Mekan1k, Thanks. I keep thinking of new things to add/fix. Might forgo adding every part description before releasing the next version, and keep that as a 'rolling' thing. @Reichtangle, I'm thinking of expanding/fixing the air-liner parts a bit, although the (new) Kossak fills the 2.5m cockpit role at the moment.
  15. That was initially the plan, I just got a bit distracted. Links are back up as well.
  16. Links are back up, with licences; apologies for the downtime, ether-net cable turned out to be the problem in the end. Working on an updated cockpit for the Kossak, and there's a pic of the ramp for the An-225.
  17. Yep, nothing terribly exciting, I'll upload new copies when I can. I'm having a few problems with internet at at the moment, but I'm moving next week, so once I get internet and a computer set up there then it should be alright.
  18. I was under that impression as well (I'm slightly worried I might have started that one, I seem to remember saying something along those lines), but it seems to work now. Not sure if Squad fixed something, or I just mucked it up first-time round.
  19. Unless MrWizerd has done anything, not much. It's textured and in Unity, but I was very busy with work at the time, so stopped and haven't gone back to it. Edit: More stuff for the next version of SXT New Cockpit: Also overhauled the 5m parts: Airbrakes: Not sure about the balancing of the air-brakes, they're currently at similar values to the B9 ones, but that does seem very strong.
  20. I'll have to try messing around with it then. You could try switching the IVA to a higher capacity one perhaps, the one used by the passenger-plane fuselage seats a good many. The hexagonal panel is probably FAR, try adding one of the 'safe-words' to the title, shielded or fairing, that might work. @SpaceMan, Wow, that's seriously cool. Don't suppose you'd be able to post a .gif of it walking? Edit: Hmm, the keys for @ and " have switched round while typing, have to press Shift+2 to get @ and Shift+' to get ". Forum not dealing with a UK keyboard for whatever reason? Works fine in notepad, etc.
  21. Hmmm, I hadn't considered that. I would suggest just seeing if it works, I suspect that it'll ignore the spaces and will be alright. If it doesn't, then you could just keep the texture in the same folder as the .mu when it's exported from Unity (instead of doing what SXT does), but I'm not really sure if redistributing one of Squad's textures with the part is allowed. EDIT: Looking at this, seems like that should okay as it's within the GameData folder.
  22. And therein lies your problem, SXT uses Squad's textures rather than having its own (saves RAM, etc). If you open the .cfg of one of the affected parts you'll see MODEL{} at the top, with 'texture = name, Squad/Part/somerandompart/name' inside. If that texture isn't there or has been moved then it'll revert back to the 1x1 placeholder texture in the SXT folder, normally grey or black.
  23. Nope, I just straight up use the stock textures; the 'textures' in the SXT folder are just 1x1 placeholders and then are swapped out using the cfg. It makes SXT essentially 'free' when it comes to RAM usage, and I'm lazy. From a modelling perspective, you're on the right track. Get one of Squad's texture that you think will be right, convert it the .png. I normally copy it over to where I'll have the blender file. Make the model. Open the image up in the 'UV/Image Editor' window of blender. Now you can start UV wrapping directly over it (I'd google some tutorials for that; pressing 'u' while in edit mode should bring up the menu though, I tend to use a lot of project from view and cylinder unwrap). You can move the UV map around and just generally abuse it till you get something you're happy with it. Don't be afraid to fold things back over themselves and all that lark, there's an auto-update option that automatically updates the 3D view as you mess with the UV map. Then throw it all into Unity and set it up there. Once you've export it, you can set up the .cfg to use Squad's textures, if you check some of the .cfgs in SXT you can see what I've done there.
  24. Hmmm, I'm genuinely not sure. I've had a look through the config, and I can't see anything obvious. I wonder if it's related to having more crew than the IVA technically supports, are there a lot of kerbals in it? I'll have to do an IVA focused update, I'm better at them now and just about enjoy making them.
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