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Everything posted by Lack

  1. Hmmm, I'll have to have a look at this. Could be that I mucked up the node name, or one of the disabler counters it (there were two different scanning dishes, but I reduced this to one). @cavilier210, It's not that bright on my end, being equivalent to the white in some of the stock parts (which I based it off, although specularity value varies). Easiest way to find textures will be to run a search for .tga and .png. Did you post on reddit about this a few weeks ago, actually? I did some looking around and tried changing the main 2x1 texture to grey (I can upload that later on if you'd like), but then found a bunch of duplicate textures so did some work fixing that and converting parts to .mbm and never got round to posting a reply. Other than that, AnitMatter's suggestions are solid.
  2. More N-1 revamp stuff @Migueltriny, For that, I'd copy the textures across (see below) from a stock install into the 'RotatingMk2' folder and remove the 'texture = ...' lines from the config. texture = fueltTanks_cm , NASAmission/Parts/Size3MediumTank/fueltTanks_cm texture = mk2CrewCabin , Squad/SPP/Mk2CrewCabin/mk2CrewCabin texture = mk2CrewCabin_LUM , Squad/SPP/Mk2CrewCabin/mk2CrewCabin_LUM @wasmic, I was actually thinking more along the lines of things like Helios, but some sort of large array like that is tempting. @JaffaFediratio, There is one in the main-pack, you'll need an up to date Firespitter.dll else it won't load (since it wouldn't work). I thought there was one in the main DL, but apparently not. You can grab a copy of the Firespitter folder out of the 'Airbrakes' mini-pack.
  3. How do you mean, like the left-most version in the picture I linked to? Actually, I am currently leaning towards the far left-hand side one (linked to again below, also), rather than the old white/black/orange, or the middle-ground of the the centre version. So current plans; I'm basing it on the below, although I haven't yet re-skined the Block B tank yet. Blocks A and B will be black and the combined tank/engines resized closer to the actual, since it wasn't quite right before (Block A is re-shaped, block B is re-done so that once the 8xNK-15V cluster is fitted, it matches the correct shape). Block V will remain roughly the same, but I'm going to lop the bottom off, and make that the sheath for the 4xNK-21s, so when you have the two together it will form the right shape (rather than being too long, as in the right-most version in the image above). So the final shape will be that in the centre version, which closely matches the silhouette of the N-1 (95%, not a 100%. But it does match satisfyingly well to the sizes in the accepted sizes in KSP. Block V[2.5-3.75m], Block B[3.75m-5m], Block A[5m-6.25m] then 7m-ish at the bottom of the engine).
  4. @eddiew, Some nice ideas there (solar wings esp, only problem is that 'symmetry' isn't really symmetry, but rather flipping it upside down on the other side, so you end up with one side solar up, t'other down), only thought what can be done with combining existing parts, as I try to favour the modular approach. I had been thinking of a nose-cone with internal space for science experiments, but a .625 + 1.25m cargo bays could serve the same purpose. @NathanKell, I was playing around with having each steering jet gimbal separately and the vernier code (works nicely, now has roll control) as well. Yeah, I've quickly realised how useful having x,y gimbal range control would be. @Arron Rift, Not currently, but I can set some up. @stali79, Have you read through the 'Please note:' section in the first post? I've addressed most of the causes of that (at least those that I've been able to replicate) there. @araerinii, You can fix it by writing a description for the part Those are just parts that I haven't written a description for yet, writing the file location seemed more useful that having nothing. More info here, here and here.
  5. I'm actually revamping the N1 parts in SXT at the moment, if you'd be interested in collaborating on that, or even using some of the models as a base for a Tantares version. Trying to re-shape it so it's a closer match to the actual ones, and I've done things like added the gimbal back in (currently tabbed out I believe) so it doesn't do the old one-two-explode routine so often, etc.
  6. Yes, I set up some additional transforms for that. 'Jet1' and 'Jet2' are the names for each steering jet (z-axis down), so can be used to gimbal. Each of these has 'RCSthruster' (y-axis down) and 'fxPointA' (z-axis down). You'll also need to remove CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = jetmark1 rotatorsName = jet1 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = jetmark2 rotatorsName = jet2 } from the config. I've PM'd you a copy if you fancy playing with it. Let me know if you need anything else added as well.
  7. Yep, LLL is actually a direct result of watching Moon. I saw it, thought 'that'd be cool in KSP', sat down and decided to learn how to model/mod. Little under a week later I'd released the first version, and Berty was one of about almost 3 dozen parts I'd made in the first month [i'm looking back at all of the first things now, coming up on the 2 year mark now]. The Hog was the result of trying to make that rover (and the first part I did most in Blender), but I've got a little better at modelling since then.
  8. Their not terribly efficient from compared to the larger engines, but they don't particularly need to be. I've put these at the very start of the tech-tree, and I've currently got the 0.625m decoupler moved to the start (or possibly basic rocketry with the 1.25m) as well. Essentially to try and encourage the idea that less is often more. Also, new 0.625m tank. Quite pleased with how that's looking (weird mix of Sputnik and Flopnik there, but hey ho). I'd like to make a copy of the Vanguard launch-tower thingy as well as an early game launch-stabaliser. And maybe a retro fin (V2-like?). Oh, nice. Yeah, I can certainly have a look at that. I was thinking about the 5m recently, I've already got a 5m hab (not sure if anyone else has ever used it, but I'm fond of it), that could do with a garage/fairly slim cargo-bay.
  9. FAR handles lifting surfaces on it's own, but I can certainly add the stock module to the parts.
  10. And what would it handle? FAR configs only really cover things like wings and control surfaces. I've done some optimisation, things like removing additional nodes from cargo-bays and the likes. But there's not much I can do about flying bricks flying, well, like bricks.
  11. @hoojiwana, Thanks! Took a while to set up, the blender setup also looks like a mess from all the axis for the CONSTRAINLOOKFX's. Thanks. Yes, but I'd need to find an FX that's small enough though (not super keen on the tiniest ones from the LV-1s), or could try messing around with the emission curves. Currently they're set up as RCS nozzles, since then they can actually do their job of providing direction control after the main engine cuts out.
  12. You'll need BDarmoury for those to work, I was going to include a disabler patch so they'd only load if you had that installed, but never got round to it. @ garithmar, If you send over the configs for the TAC parts I'll happily include them. I don't really use it myself, so the numbers for the parts aren't perfect.
  13. It's fair, without ATM LLL chews up a whole load of memory, roughly 500-600Mb (when on full-res textures, drops a lot on half). It's the fault of the .tga loader I believe, with ATM it drops down to almost nothing (by comparison). Anyway, I've been working on dropping down the usage by switching to .mbm and cutting out a few duplicate textures.
  14. Heh, that is the efficient and elegant solution. Anyway, I've added a link to it in the OP here as well. @ObsessedWithKSP, I wasn't aware that was a feature, haven't been following the thread very closely. KSC++ is next on my list after SXT20 is done (and the parts I still need to finish for Nathan).
  15. There is a patch by NathanKell that does that, or as close as it's possible to get. https://www.dropbox.com/s/izwypbh6a6z01fh/VenSXT.zip?dl=1 It should mean that only the Squad textures SXT requires are loaded. Although I haven't tested this with the pruner, should work though.
  16. Re-doing the N-1, playing around with a few variations. And a third stage solid-fuel motor
  17. Other than having no real idea what's causing it, no. ATM, .dds converters, people running the pruner in Ven's stock revamp all seem to be associated, but different things seem to work for different folks and I haven't been able to replicate any of it. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it on my end either, all rather disheartening. I'd say, if you're having problems. Does the game load: Yes/No Is it all textures, or do some load while others don't? Are you using Ven's Stock Revamp? If yes, have you run the 'VSR_pruner.bat'? (Get's rid of textures SXT uses, so probably a culprit). Are you using ATM? Are you using the .dds thingy? Windows/Mac/Linux? 32 or 64bit? Anything else that might mess with the Squad folder? Then the typical stuff like crash-logs, etc. Edit: Currently, ATM (x86 Aggressive) works without issue for me ATM (x86 Basic) - Encountered problems. - First time, only a few issues with some of the Cmd pods turning up as a shiney black - Second time - None of the NASA mission textures register (red/white), anything with a normal map is fubar - Messing around with texture format on my end doesn't appear to solve where the textures actually load properly, just if you get red/white or 1x1 texture colour (e.g. black). - Resizing from 1x1 to 64x64 might be working? Need to play around some more with it. But it'd be a 172 files to change, not fun. Edit: - Nope, that doesn't seem to help. Slight variations in which parts are affected changes every time I restart the game. Could have a 64x64 bit shrunk version of original texture, so the game could use that if it doesn't load the regular one, but it'd probably still look awful.
  18. Yeah, the module manager will then just patch those in; it can also modify things depending on what mods are present, multipe values, and all sorts of useful things without actually changing with the file itself. Bit more about it here and here if you're interested. Making the descriptions as a module manager patch would mainly be if you wanted to release the part descriptions here before I get SXT20 shipshape; otherwise you can just send me the part name and the description and I'll put it in for the next version. @hoojiwana, I'm looking forward to the AB launcher pack as well, it's looking very pretty so far.
  19. The one on the Su-27, or the 5m one? Because, both. The avionics nose-cone will double up quite nicely for most forth-gen (and some third) fighters, I think. Actually, since I quite like these parts, here's the parts used in the jet fighter (the Mk2 adaptor with intakes and the nose-cone): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/subpacks/SXTSu27parts.zip
  20. Yeah, it's not a bugged install, they just haven't been written yet (it takes time, and I always get distracted by making new parts/revamping existing ones). It also helps people find where the config is, most of the parts are findable in the file structure, but there's a few 'part families' like the Osaul where the files are all in the same folder rather than split between Command/fuelTanks/etc (it's easier for me when I'm making the mod and cuts down on the number of textures). Feel free to release descriptions (you can always have it as a MM patch for unofficial patches. Just have something like this as 'SXTdescriptionpatch.cfg'). Although, I actually really like the one you've written for the JKSS probe and would like to include it in the next update. If you're interested in helping out, writting descriptions is something I'd like help with. @Sauron, Not at the moment, haven't played through SXT with tweakscale recently so it's escaped my attention somewhat. Possibly, I'll have to look into how it's done. EDIT: I made a new avionics nose cone with a built in transmitter, and I finally got round to putting the Energia nose-cone I had lying around in-game (I updated the 5m parts mini-pack with it as well). Although hoojiwana & Beale have shown off a far more impressive one in the AB launchers thread, but I think they're planning on 3.75m, while this one is 5m and should fit in with the rest of the NASAmission-style parts; so there's still a niche I think.
  21. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/subpacks/SXTMk3B-52Cockpit.zip There it is, it's just using the Kossak IVA (shifted to about the right postion) at the moment, which I've included in the DL so it should work as a standalone as well. The ladders aren't really working at the moment though, so I'll fiddle around with them some more.
  22. Heh, no problem. I'll have to remember to keep that up to date in future.
  23. Thanks. Ah, the engine sounds are from Firespitter and I forgot to bundle them with the .dll (I'll have to check if the licence allows that, think it does though). You'll want to grab a copy of Firespitter and get the engine sounds from there. Firespitter: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v6-3-5-%28Sep-1st%29-for-KSP-0-24-2 And then just copy the '/Firespitter/Sounds' folder from that into the Firespitter folder in your GameData directory. That should work then. @Kolago, Thanks. The fix for the cell-fuel tank will be included when I next update LLL. Don't really need the .version file now, most people seem to be using this CKAN lark so I can probably get rid of it. Not sure what the issue with the 'grill' is, or even what the 'modelx' is from and nothing seems to be referencing it. Which is probably why it not loading isn't effecting anything else, looks like it can be safely deleted (probably from when I was trying to get the rovers to load their grill bits via MODEL{}).
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