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Everything posted by Lack

  1. That one's pretty deliberate. Before people would attach while the port was retracted, the wonder why their craft exploded when they extended it (same as the in-line clampotron). You can still use it as a docking port afterwards though. Also, I pretty much rely on the forums email updates for responses to threads/new PMs,etc, and only got an email about this a few hours ago (and they seem to have completely stopped for SXT). Strange.
  2. Yep, as Svm says, you need to make sure the /Firespitter/Sounds/ folder is installed (included in the SXT download). The volume does depend on your sound settings. Not super loud but get the point across, then again the rocket engines aren't terribly loud either. I think if we had realistic volumes in KSP people would probably moan about the hearing loss, blown speakers and shattered windows
  3. @davidy12, Yeah, no problem. I need to shift the windows a little so I'll be editing the main bit of the model. @StevieC, Had forgotten about CKAN, I think the github's linked up to it but that might just be releases. I think I need to a .zip to the release, but I couldn't get that to work last I tried it (probably just need to try another browser). If you've got a github account you could submit changes to the .cfgs via that (without downloading the whole repo) by clicking the little pencil icon near Raw|Blame|History. https://github.com/Signatum/SXT/tree/master/GameData/SXT/Parts/Hull/ServiceMod1
  4. For the 5m hab, yes. I'll see about the others; problem is an IVA like that might take a couple dozen hours, while I can realistically only give a few hours a week to modding. I could do something simpler and more similar to the normal cabin for the SPEKTR, and if I mix the basics of MIR and Salyut for the CAÛîT-7 I could probably come up with something reasonable simple. Plus, there's other things that need doing (finishing off the Jumo-213 for Ferram for example).
  5. That's the joke I made those parts after coming back from Vancouver/Victoria, where I, in fact, 'saw seaplanes on the seashore'. Edit: noticed the on/by. Holiday pic time: @Viper_607, That's something they've done on their end then, presumably because the part isn't supported or supposed to be used in RP0 (though suprised they didn't also disable the research node bit as well then). They have categories assigned on my side.
  6. @Svm420, I can certainly take a look at it. The was an IVA mod for the Kossak which had one based off the Airbus 320 I think (rather than the more antiquated Il-86 I based the part off), but that seems to have been removed from the pack at some point. @baldamundo, Looks like an issue with the whole +/- required for nodes in the config now, you can use Alt+F12 and check the 'Non-Strict Part Attachment Orientation Checks' while I get a patch ready. @Viper_607, Sounds like something that's handled in one of the configs on their end, probably best ask in the RP0 thread.
  7. There's one in the experimental build https://github.com/Signatum/SXT (Click the Download ZIP in bottom left) Been busy with work and conferences recently. Will post a status update with some nice pictures sometime. Been plenty of work on IVAs (which take ages). Animation errors are probably from the animations those intakes (at least used to) have. Squad might have changed something in one of the updates, but shouldn't be anything to worry about. @phillipssean67, Are you trying to load a craft file from SXT? @ Artfact, Let me know if you make anything cool. @MatttheCzar, Very nice, thanks for sharing them.
  8. I haven't thought about that for ages actually. I really wanted to do an IVA for the 5m hab to show how I'd lay it out, but it was starting to get quite complex so I scrapped it.
  9. @ferram, Thanks for all the info! I'll let you know once I've got something. Yeah, I keep meaning to fix the hub; it's been one of those things that you notice in game, but completely forgot about once you get into Unity. @MatttheCzar, I think so. It's a tad high compared to the stock compartments, but there's more than enough space in there to justify it. Have you got any pictures of said helis? Always like seeing people's craft.
  10. Yeah, that's no problem at all. Do you have a preferred form? I've saw a few different set ups for intake and exhaust after taking a quick look at some reference photos. @Svm420, Yeah, that part has a bunch of issues. I'm planning on quietly taking it out back and sending it to live on a farm once 1.1 and Porkjet's shiny new ramp come out. @123nick, I haven't included it in the main pack (still umming and arring about that one, it is Project Pluto after all), so it's available under the mini-packs section of the OP. @NathanKell, I can say it's definitely (very loosely) based off one of the engines that was mounted on the He111. I suspect this was probably an H series not a P series, but would have to see if I still kept the reference images. I renamed it as a DB-601 more to make it more distinct from it's 0.625m cousin and since I had a bit more data on the prop when I was redoing the thrust values.
  11. I could add a few US probe models into SXT for RP-0 to use. Something like the vanguard satellites wouldn't be a problem.
  12. Yes, gave it a new collider once you mentioned it. So now the non-convex form fairly closely matches the the shape of the engine for both variants (non-convex pic for aj10mid, bulges a fair bit at the top to account for the pipes and the likes), with it obviously simplifying a bit once you've set it to convex. Before it had the same problem as the cargo-bay and the old Bonanza cockpit.
  13. If it's something I can fix on my end with the AJ10, just let me know and I'll fiddle around with it.
  14. Thanks, I'll take a look at it (when I'm a bit less tired, anyway. Or ill, suspect I might be getting a cold, which would be very inconvenient. What with work and all, I really don't have time to be ill right now. I'm not sure it'd take being asked to reschedule very well though). - - - Updated - - - Not using the 'subpack' version of the Marble-8 are you? That should be listed as not compatible with [1.0]+ Haven't updated them all yet. Glad to here you got the Project Pluto working though. Edit: Pics: Clyde IVA WIP
  15. @DocMop, Thanks, updated the github version with the fix. I'm not totally certain about generating the dragboxes myself. @StevieC, Thanks, pushed to the github version. @VenomousRequiem, The mainsail sits pretty exactly where I'd place it. Besides, not an easy model by any means, since I'm not a superfan of tankbutts, but hate modelling piping. @davidy12, Try this, SaturnV craft I've been working on. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/SaturnV.craft @ zakkpaz, I didn't make the patch, but I'll have a look at it. Edit: From the looks of it; for the Marble-8, try adding the below to GameData/zFinal/RevampSXTMMfix.cfg @texture,0 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle: @texture,1 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle: @texture,2 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle: @texture,3 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle: @texture,4 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle: @texture,5 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle: @texture,6 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle: @texture,7 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle: @texture,0 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM: @texture,1 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM: @texture,2 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM: @texture,3 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM: @texture,4 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM: @texture,5 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM: @texture,6 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM: @texture,7 ^= :,\s*Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM$:, 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM: And copy the original Mk3CockpitShuttle.dds and Mk3CockpitShuttle_LUM.dds into 0RevampBak/Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/ Then the same sort of thing for the textures needed for Project Pluto: texture = Mk3Fuselage , Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/Mk3Fuselage texture = Size3AdvancedEngineDiffuse , Squad/Parts/Engine/Size3AdvancedEngine/Size3AdvancedEngineDiffuse texture = Size3AdvancedEngineNormal_NRM , Squad/Parts/Engine/Size3AdvancedEngine/Size3AdvancedEngineNormal texture = Size3AdvancedEngineEmissive , Squad/Parts/Engine/Size3AdvancedEngine/Size3AdvancedEngineEmissive the LV-N bit is already covered I think.
  16. Update: Right, put up SXT-22.1 Should actually have the Clyde in now. https://github.com/Signatum/SXT/releases/tag/v22.1 @linuxgurugamer, Thanks, I'll have a look at that. Been a long time since I've even touched batch files. @mike9606, Yeah, I checked the max temp after for that part and it was 1200, I've increased it since. So that halfway to max of other parts was enough. I should probably have the part generate more heat since it is an unshielded nuclear reactor, after all.
  17. Gah, forgot to include the actual model file for the Clyde. That's the problem when maintaining both the github folder and the folder in GameData, sometimes miss the odd file out. Anyway, it'll be fixed this evening (GMT), got to go to work first. @mike, Those poor, poor pilots. Yeah, I suspect my designs were a little draggy as well. I haven't tried it with the pointed avionics nose-cone since I buffed its heat resistance, I got it pretty fast with that till it overheated.
  18. Good luck with it, I've managed to get it self-sustaining at sea-level, but couldn't get it anywhere near the Mach 3.5 the design boasts about (and if it does get to that speed it bleeds it really quickly), it was about Mach 0.9 if I recall correctly. Probably need to boost the thrust a lot. Haven't tried it on Eve, that might be interesting. Put SXT-22 release on gitHub. If it doesn't break anything, I'll put in on KerbalStuff tomorrow.
  19. Opps, spelling mistake in the folder structure. Try re-downloading now. Should read GameData/SXT/Parts/Engine/nuclearRamJet/ not GameData/SXT/Parts/Engines/nuclearRamJet/ (which is what I had in the first download I posted).
  20. I've tried adding these to part for future versions (see experimental WIP branch on github). Those 2 lines are another one of those things Squad managed to sneak under my nose in the updates. @ halowraith1, The 0.625m jet parts were originally based off these, but they got changed around a bit so they could represent a number of early or small jet engines. Edit: Also, for anyone that fancies playing around with it. I couldn't manage to get it to perform at its supposed specifications: Click the image to download (though you're a terrible person if you actually use this, it does spew bits of reactor out the back as it goes). Edit2:
  21. Yeah, it's a bugged collider, only found out about it myself the other day so fixing them as people find them. It's fixed (or should be) with the SXT dev build, I'm aiming to get a new version of SXT uploaded to KerbalStuff/CKAN this week. Download the dev build (bottom right of page) and either use that, or copy the new model file across (SXT/GameData/Parts/Command/Bonny/model.mu).
  22. I tried dropping the max temp to 400, but then the part starts glowing on the runway. Had to settle at 800, which is a bit higher than I'd like. Tweaked the masses slightly (see experimental branch below) and have managed to get some flying Cessna-likes now (dropping the wing-strength to 0.05 and paying more attention to the stats FAR gives, plus the fixes to the small wing-parts in SXT - though that needs fleshing out a bit as well). Yeah, I've had a few comments asking why I've sized things at 0.625m or if I could increase their size to 1.25m to match KAX. It's not really a light aircraft if you're starting with (KSP equiv. anyway) a P-47 and up and the thing weighs about 10T. I've upped the thrust on it to about 5kN static, but increased the drop-off so it should half once you reach 100m/s (curve will probably need tweaking a little, shame I couldn't get the Unity spline editor thing to work, I've just be mapping it out using the animator window instead). Should help a bit with anyone not using FAR and makes quite a nice progression for the current prop engines - 5kN (IO-550), 10kN (PT-6), 14kN (J-211D), 20kN (Merlin-66), 30kN (R2800). Here's an 'Experimental' branch (which I'll update more often): https://github.com/Signatum/SXT/tree/Experimental New prop-blur, new prop (PT-6 alike), new 1.25m cockpit (Clyde), plus some bug-swashing for FAR. Edit: So it seems Squad removed a lot of the nodes at the end of the tech-tree (which I missed), that'll explain why things like the 5m parts aren't showing up. I'll have to move them to earlier nodes then.
  23. @StevieC, Haven't even started on that (there's always much more tempting fruits, even if that's probably fairly low-hanging). For the radial-lab, I'm not convinced about the size for the part. A lot of the balance for the lab comes from it's size and weight in the first-place. Though you could lower the effectiveness of the lab to compensate, I suppose. @Hellbrand, I'll see about pushing an experimental branch on github later, I'll let you know when I do. @MightyDarkStar, May have completely forgotten about that. @NathanKell, Might it be worth dropping the weight of the Bonny slightly? I've considered dropping the weight of the IO550 for non-RO game-play (but then you're failing to take into account the props themselves), and for wings I've little idea on what a suitable starting mass would be (unless FAR ignores that value when it comes to the whole strength/mass and bases it on surface area). To discourage extra-planetary use of light-aircraft cockpits I'm looking at dropping the maximum temp tolerance. A lot of my designs have a habit of immediately going nose-up on lift-off, followed by the inevitable stall and crash. That's even after I fixed the lift for the small-wings, though I think the current release version has the funky surface-area FAR config still. Also, I saw your comments about engine thrust on the other thread. Prior to that, I'd seen the posts on the RP0 thread from Manley/Almodeon and tried some more invovled calculations (actually taking into account things like swept-area, though it was using the dimensions of the real-life engines rather than their smaller representations in KSP) and got similar values to them depending on the Figure of Merit (I used a range of 0.5-0.8). I know converting engine power to thrust is an exercise in hand-waving unless you have a massive pile and perfect conditions (I'll post the formula and results later). But what would you consider a reasonable value for it? @minepagan, That'll probably wait till 1.1, then I'll see how using a 3.75m to Mk3 adaptor and Porkjet's tail-ramp looks and will have an extra-set of textures/models to play around with.
  24. Ah, I haven't really tried below 0.4 for strength. Thanks. The Bonanza one should be fixed with the new model for the cockpit. I should probably put an experimental branch up on github.
  25. Heh, I only made it the other day, I haven't even put materials on it in Unity. I still need to sketch out an IVA to make sure the proportions are at least reasonable (though an IVA would be for much later, I haven't even got one for the new Bonny cockpit). Having too much fun messing around with this, plus I'm back at work this week (working on a bank holiday Monday, not so fun, though I only had a few odd jobs to do today so it didn't take too long). Edit: Well, I've done it again. The whole .dds's being flipped keeps tricking me, now I have to flip all of the UV maps. Edit 2: And in-game (I'm absolutely terrible at designing pullers in FAR, other than a cargo one with 4 NK-12Ms the Turbo Otter is the only one I've gotten to fly. Unless there's something wrong with the meshes for the aero-calculations). Closer look at the Pt-6: http://i.imgur.com/6fAE7wq.png The centre one is just offset into the adaptor.
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