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Everything posted by Lack

  1. As far as I understand it, it'll probably need some clarifications and correxions. One of Eve's layers: CLOUD_LAYER { body = Eve radius = 1.004 main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 offset { x = .5 y = 0 } speed { x = .002 y = 0 } scale { x = 1 y = 1 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 offset { x = .5 y = 0 } speed { x = .002 y = 0 } scale { x = 100 y = 100 } } color { r = 0.314 g = 0.216 b = 0.435 } } -- Body: The planet/moon your are editing. E.g. 'Kerbin', 'Jool', 'Eve', 'Duna' -- Radius: 'radius =' is used to set how high above the surface the clouds are. E.g. You want clouds to be x above the surface. r is the radius of the planet. radius = (x+r)/r So if you want a cloud layer to be 5km above the surface of a planet with a radius of 600km. (600+5)/600 = 1.008 (to 3 d.p.) 'radius = 1.008' -- Main texture: The texture being used to provide the cloud cover e.g. 'file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1' - Tells it to use the eve1 texture 'offset' - can be used if you don't want the clouds to be directly above each other. Useful if you have two layers of the same texture and you want them to be displaced in the x or y axis. 'speed' - is the speed at which it goes round the planet. I don't know the exact units, I just change the value till it feels right. 'scale' - haven't used this one. Detail: The sub-texture used to apply sub-detail to the main texture. Leave it as 'detail1' or 'detaileve1' for now, try switching them round to check the difference. -- Colour: This is a numeric representation of the Red, Green, Blue values. You'll commonly see these given as 0-255 (as it's the max range of colour an 8-bit byte can offer), but it in the config it is given as 0-1. To convert from 0-255 to 0-1, you just need to get the RGB values and divide them by 255. E.g. A pale blue might be as: R: 112 G: 148 B: 240 So for Red: 112/255 = 0.439 (to 3 d.p.) and the same for G and B. Becomes: color { r = 0.439 g = 0.580 b = 0.941 } Use a site such as this: http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html to get the RGB values if you don't have image-editing software installed.
  2. Yeah, it's known. I had a lot of requests to try and make the CBM self-alligning when docking, but the mesh ended up becoming ridiculously complicated (and it only sort of works) and with that many sub-parts that it became quite laggy. I've tried phasing it out a few times but people didn't like not having the option, so I stuck it behind an animation (right-click the CBM for the 'docking guide' option), which helps only slightly with the problem.
  3. That's a great recreation, love to see people enjoying the parts. Makes all the effort of making them worth-while. The SHADO moonbase was actually the inspiration for the Poly-habs, I had been trying to make the design in Blender, but couldn't quite figure out how to do it with the tools. Closest I got was the Polyhabs. Although though a few minutes googling has found some neat tutorials, so I may well try it again.
  4. Would this help? http://www./download/eu86y2qzzg3spej/LLLEagleTriWindow.zip I've changed it to using the MODEL{} node, so you could play around with the scale in the .cfg a bit if you fancy stretching them out to be longer. Edit: Yep, using MODEL { model = LLL/Parts/Utility/LLLWindowlong/Eaglewindow scale = 0.85 , 0.6 , 0.6 } rescaleFactor = 1 scale = 1 works quite nicely.
  5. Been playing around with config and the textures a bit, changed the alpha of Eve1 as it was looking a bit bland. Looks better at a distance (but perhaps a bit worse as you approach the upper atmosphere). Before: With the altered alpha texture: I also increased the colour contrast of Jool, especially the storm, and I switched Duna's cloud texture to the Kerbin's one. I did decrease the separation of the layers on Jool, so I'm getting a bit of z-stack flickering (but only at a distance) and Duna will probably require its own texture. Jool: Duna: http://i.imgur.com/Oqt68jC.png Link to edits: http://www./download/c6v27nx3r8dj2uo/Edits.zip
  6. Memory usage, plain and simple. Try turning textures down to half-res in the settings first, and if that isn't enough then remove parts. B9, Universe Replacer and this is asking for trouble. I believe LLL has just over half the foot-print as B9, but it's still a lot and the textures in Universe Replacer add up quickly, before you know it you're in crashing territory. Done. Never played Halo really, so hadn't made the connexion between the two. Yeah, I should be able to manage that. I haven't used RCS blocks in an age, just use the linear ones now so it never bothered me. Thanks. I'm sure I can manage something like that at some point. And so it's not just replies, been playing around with adding some compatibility for KAS. (Also pictured, the excellent ALCOR pod)
  7. Going to need a bit more info than that. Are you using Alpha-7 and what does your file structure look like now? Should have Alpha-7 installed and then the .zip I posted over-writes the .cfg and adds the new textures. So, [KSP Root Folder]/GameData/BoulderCo/Clouds/cloudLayers.cfg Which is over-written by the copy in the download. And, [KSP Root Folder]/GameData/BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/ in which you should have the two default textures from Alpha-7: kerbin1.png mixer1.png and then the new ones contained in the .zip eve1.png fader1.png Jool1.png JoolLayers1.png JoolLayers2.png mixereve1.png
  8. Not just .cfg, there's some new textures in there as well so I've put them in. I still have Duna with some clouds, but I'm not wholly happy with the result but it now doesn't look right to me if I remove them. Easy enough to take out of the .cfg though. Link: http://www./download/mcd0r3btz1jn82t/2013-10-27-Eve-Jool-Duna-Clouds.zip Also, I wonder if it would be possible to add fog/haze. I would quite like to make Eve even more hellish. I've found I quite like just sticking infinite fuel on and flying around Eve now.
  9. I've had to play around with my .cfg edits and textures for these planets a bit, but it really does look great. Lower altitudes especially. Unfortunately I crash landed when I went to make a cup of tea. Attempt two did much better and actually landed (mostly thanks to landing gear) And Jool just looks plain scary.
  10. The new build is great. I noticed the clouds still being visible if another planet is in the way, but strangely don't find myself minding in the slightest. Also, which new config values are open now? I had a quick poke around but nothing jumped out.
  11. Excellent, I prefer a gentlemen's agreement over quibbling about licences anyway. Here's the extra textures and the .cfg I'm using. http://www./download/sdr94mtbiy5tbvv/Jool-Eve-Duna-Laythe-config.zip
  12. Providing it's alright by rbray, then no problem. There's still a number of issues when you zoom out and I'm still getting an odd seam [image], but it sounds like the next update should help. Sounds good, you've done some excellent work here already.
  13. It actually uses (some now fairly heavily edited) pictures of Jupiter from Cassini. Same sort of thing with Eve's clouds, which were made using pictures of Venus. So will that be fixing the problems with the z-stacking then? If so, that's excellent news.
  14. Some more playing around with this, here's a few Gifs (fair warning, they're fairly large so I've only put the links in). Managed to get the bands on Jool to move in a more interesting way. http://i.imgur.com/zH8dplR.gif And Eve http://i.imgur.com/DdkVgPY.gif Both sped up considerably. And a screenshot of Duna. The clouds are a few km too high here, but any lower then they impact with the terrain and it looks a tad silly.
  15. It works fine with the sandbox in 0.22 (at least I haven't noticed any problems). I've got the career tech-tree integration (almost) done on my end, so I'll get that uploaded when I have the time (there's still a few things that need shuffling around).
  16. If that's possible then that would be rather nice if it could be made to work properly. Also, I could swear that the under-cloud detail moves across the sky in the opposite direction to the actual clouds. As for other suggestions for other features, only real one I can think of that you haven't already listed would be a true/false option in the clouds.cfg for the clouds to 'stay visible' as you come closer to them (if that makes sense). This is primarily as, with my current set up, when you approach Eve the cloud layer disappears [see images] and you can see the ground below prior to passing through the layer (and I quite like the idea of not having a clue where you're going to land till the last moment). But that's not really super important. Also, an interesting seam I encountered with Alpha-5. Granted this is wildly stretching the scope of the mod, guess it could count as 'stress testing' though.
  17. As a rule of thumb, I've placed parts a tier up from, although a fair few are at the same tier as, their stock equivalents (and with the first 4 tiers essentially untouched). I'd decided against putting the lll nuclear engines with the stock one as well, so they currently unlock at Experimental Rocketry (as do the 4x2 parts). As for the Salvage tug, Gaius is right, it's designed primarily for construction and retrieval, with the occasional crew transfer/rescue. I intended it to operate from a station or mother-ship, rather than prolonged operations, as conditions are just a wee bit cramped in there. If I recall correctly the ÃŽâ€V is ≃ 500 ms-1, which is adequate for basic orbital manoeuvres and intercepts (and the actual tanks on the side are balanced to stock volumes).
  18. I have to say, this really is shaping up splendidly. Thank you for setting up the .cfg, I've had some fun messing around with Eve (and Jool and Laythe for that matter). It also gives you an appreciation of how thick the Evian atmosphere is.
  19. Thanks, I hadn't spotted that (Hadn't used Kethane much recently), I think the old .cfg values were from the 0.6.6 edition. That's been fixed and the main DL updated, also added the missing ASAS to the 2x1 probe core.
  20. Yeah it's mine. What's broken about it? I've had some funny issues with actually clicking on the link, I need to hover over it for some reason and then click the link in the pop-up, but it is there (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/lacklusterlabs/).
  21. Probably best to just send me a list of the models you're interested in and I'll send on the relevant bits, as that section comes to about a 1 GB, the Unity side being another 3 or so. I saw a thread recently with some great insect style designs, ended up making this.
  22. Yep, I'll busy for the foreseeable future. I may make a few little things here and there for fun, but I simply don't have the time for anything major. I'm going to have to rely on you guys to 'crowd-source' things like bug fixes, rebalances etc. You've all been great with that sort of thing in the past. If anyone else fancies making anything like new parts then just post them up here, I'll swing by occasionally and update the first post with links and the likes. Having said that, I did take a few minutes to re-do the first post with some install instructions since a number of people have being having problems with that. The '0.10.5' update is basically just plonking the salvage pod in the main DL, I also made a wee little cargo crate for people to add resources to (for life support, etc) [see below, not my best ever landing that] I also made a habitation ring using the MODEL{} function to weld together the stock structural fuselages a few weeks ago. It doesn't rotate or anything fancy, but I figured it may be useful to someone and it cuts down on the part count. http://www./download/wmkw5w950ajg544/StockRingHabitat.zip
  23. That's 'stackSymmetry = 3', I believe. It tends to have that effect in the VAB, just change it to 1 or // it out in the .cfg if it's a nuisance for you.
  24. Yeah it is. I think I've actually called it an 'Inflitration Pod' in-game, as well. EDIT: My bad, it's referred to as that in the file structure 'LLL/Parts/Command/InfiltrationPod' and as 'name = InfilPod' It does a flood-light at the front, but it isn't particularly strong. Yeah, I can probably manage that.
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