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Everything posted by Weatherman159

  1. I've actually noticed this as well, but didn't feel like reporting it, since it's a minor issue totally overshadowed by the cool factor of tracks.
  2. I assume this would only take a config edit, but I'm not entirely sure what values would make a parachute deploy while already touching the ground. Anyone who has dealt with parachutes, do you have any input on this matter?
  3. Hmm. I thought flaps where supposed to make a plane easier to control at lower speeds, making landing easier (and shorter). All mine seem to do is make the aircraft stall sooner and pitch it forward a lot. What am I doing wrong?
  4. @Pontiac: Swap the fuel line directions. They need to be going from tank to converter.
  5. This is indeed the cause. I can't figure out why Ferram converted over to module manager (maybe it's easier to create one big config instead of editing some 15 different files), but hopefully he'll release a fix.
  6. Erm..just noticed that v 0.9.5 has removed all control surface management...they don't register or something...possible bug? Edit: Oh hell, it's the incompatibility of ModuleManager with the B9 pack. Ferram, could you possibly create a version that doesn't use MM? Or should I just edit the config files myself?
  7. So if I place them manually without using symmetry, my idea should work...?
  8. Couldn't the 'forward' direction somehow be determined from the track itself? Maybe as an option? What I'm trying to do here is this: The drive units are set on DR Rotatrons. It's working with limited success now, I can drive it at a slant of about 45° to either side, if I turn them more, the power cuts out. Ultimately, what I'd like to do is turn the forward sets left, the aft sets right, press the key for forward, and the whole thing should rotate on the spot. It was supposed to be a workaround for the tracks fighting each other when turning normally, but, well... didn't work out so well.
  9. Sure, a temp thing. Translation: will be in the game for at least two more versions. Concerning the memory load, I have not noticed any performance drop with Multiwheels installed.
  10. I'd say replace the two lines under asset parameters with these. Try that out and see what it does.
  11. Oh for Pete's sake, there's no reason to do the stupid config edits. It works using legacy, so anyone with two brain cells to rub together can install it THE SAME WAY MODS WERE INSTALLED UNTIL NOW. Yes, I shouted that out loud. Geez. Seriously, people, it ain't difficult.
  12. Tried the fix, no effect. Absolutely no control on the detached drive unit.
  13. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2b3j7okv49k5y12/Trawler%20Prototype%201.craft Made you a simplified vehicle using only your mod, in case it helps.
  14. What I got from that is that there's a version of DR somewhere called infernal robotics which works in 0.20. Google does nothing for me, so could you please point me to somewhere where I can get it?
  15. Is that a concealed "0.20 compatible version will soon be released" announcement?
  16. Yeah, the treads do seem to stop working after being undocked (in some cases). My heavy Kethane mining rig uses four sets of two Mark Four tracks as drive units. These could potentially be decoupled and driven separately, but they don't respond to any kind of controls when decoupled. Edit: Added an image to demonstrate.
  17. Perfect. Simply perfect. I assume you could still launch containers full of rocket parts, like OC does now, right? I see my workflow as: launch spacedock, construct EL pad at spacedock, land pad, etc., because launching the whole pad atop a rocket looks silly (and atmospherically unfeasible ).
  18. Yeah, that's a pretty good description. I mean, I used to use most of the DR parts, but this one I felt was missing the most from the original pack.
  19. What I really need is an unpowered versionof the rotatron.
  20. Well, it's still sort off broken. Granted, the ctrl+rightclick changes it to vertical layout, but: if I leave the VAB and go back in, the tags are vertical, but the config button is back to its' original location, and the vertical layout isn't persistent between game sessions. Don't get me wrong, I love the mod, but if you could fix these issues, it would be even more awesome.
  21. Hmm. I just messed around with loading stuff, going to space center and loading stuff again and it seems to have fixed itself.
  22. Yeah, well, some awesome guy (evilC possibly) updated it to 0.20. So now we can have both.
  23. Well, it's working about 80% for me I'd say. Using the old legacy style installation. Most of the stuff works as it should, but the truck wheels don't retract no matter what I do. Everything else seems to be fine.
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