Been working this for the past hour. It isn't easy. The first step is to put the parts together. Easy. Then you have to test it. Sounds easy. And then you have to make adjustments. Sounds hard. Well, maybe you should consider one of the plus sides of testing it and making adjustments: (It's kinda funny though) I know it isn't really looking like the real Constitution, but I like how it looks. Anyway, so I built it up, ran the test, and... like in the first pic, it slants down. Then I made another adjustments and it did it again. Then I made more adjustments (mainly by adding struts), I've managed to stabilize it. Then I realized the engines are off. So I made more adjustments and finally got a good product. But then I realized the CoG is off and the engines are destroyed when the ship gets too fast in the water... If you know how to improve it, tell me. Anyway, download here: Mods required: Romfarer Lazor (maybe, recommended), Sunbeam Laser (a must). I'm not sure about the others. NOTE: Adjustments are already made before I've uploaded it.