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Everything posted by Designer225

  1. It hits a reality sign and reforms into a hill that looks like Earth now. No one's hill.
  2. Banned for having smaller-than-normal texts in your signature.
  3. Banned for thinking float-point-ish.
  4. I knock a K2. It sets off a domino effect until you are exploded. The debris-ridden KSC.
  5. K3achas was killed by a lighted booster by Jeb.
  6. Except, we really don't know how many digits Graham's number really has. (Although we do know how many digits Poincare Recurrence Time has.) Anyway, Graham's number is no longer prohibited. Transfinite numbers (numbers that are larger than all finite numbers, even Graham's number, but isn't really infinite) are still prohibited. To make things somewhat easier, I'll stretch more and actually allow codes. (Yup, Rule 8 is up again, as did Rule 3c and 3d.) Just don't make a mess, though. P^P^P, where P is Poincare Recurrence Time (by the way, this is based on the assumption that history repeats itself).
  7. Banned because this is only a forum game and nobody really get banned.
  8. In the middle of the Journey Jeb decided to betray the Kraken and kills it. Then he flew to Kerbin to rejoin the Kerbals. The next poster is smashed by a dead kraken.
  9. Guru was erased by year 1206 (you know what happened then). The next poster is destroyed by year 1644.
  10. Floor 1007: And he continues the conversation at this floor...
  11. Banned for banning people that tell other people that they didn't copy and paste. Banned for living in the same time zone as me (the poster you "banned" also posted at 20:33 for me).
  12. Don't get too literally here. Old News to you, maybe, but it's otherwise for other people, especially newcomers to this thread. Moving on... I penetrate your brain skull. A dead red dragon on a hill.
  13. OK, looks like there's a mess here. For rule #2a: Transfinite numbers are numbers that don't have known number of digits or can't be expressed via an expression. Graham's number has no known number of digits so it is transfinite. But Poincare Recurrence Time isn't because it can be expressed via an expression. Also the Java double rule has been removed, so you can go as high as you can, but you are still limited to 10 number digits and words that contains specific numbers. Also... googolplexes are numbers. The round is reset due to the Rule un-8 violated (the OP clearly said no computer codes). So... Poincare Recurrence Time (10^10^10^10^10^1.1) ^Poincare Recurrence Time. BTW: Three new numbers: Googolplexian (10^Googolplex), Mersenne numbers, and perfect numbers. Marsenne numbers: 2n - 1 where n is a prime number. Perfect numbers: 2n-1(2n - 1) where n is a prime number. For example: The Mersenne number with n = 3 is 7. The perfect counterpart is 28. Perfect numbers are always larger than their corresponding prime Mersenne numbers.
  14. New rule: A word that represents a number count as one number digit. (Hopefully we don't see plenty of Googolplexes around.) Sorry. I mean the number has to be 0.-infinite-1 greater than the previous number. Sorry, but you have to grumble for this case. I'll let Googolplex (10^10^100) go for the sake of this, but the number of digits in Graham's number is far too numerous to contend with and thus is considered transfinite (even Graham doesn't know the first digit). There are other numbers besides Graham's number and Googolplex, such as Skewe’s numbers (10^10^10^963 at the largest) and Poincare Recurrence time (10^10^10^10^10^1.1). Let's reset due to this rule change. Googolplex.
  15. I fixes the computer (computer/server fixing is allowed as this is basically to "build" a new hill). No one's hill of nostalgia.
  16. Banned because of troll face. Banned because the poster before you posted at 19:00 (for me).
  17. Null post. Still 502. It didn't mention men or women. Also, for those old enough to remember, remember the Moderator vs. Members thread? Isn't it much of the same?
  18. OOC: A few things here. You don't format a computer. You reset the server, repair the computer, or recover the system. Also avoid resetting the scenario too many times or the wrath of BIOS consumes the hill. Also, when you reset a scenario, you reset it to April 2012 (the date of the creation of the thread). That's all. ====== I nuke Laythe. My radioactive Laythe.
  19. Banned because it takes 3 posts for you to find one invisible text.
  20. Alright, time to clarify a several things: The emphasis after "//" is mine. So... reset, and this time I (or anyone who is familiar with Holo's MNIBTYR (My Number is Bigger Than Yours!, Redux)) do the checking. 15^250 (5 number digits).
  21. Alemagno12 got mecha-trolled.
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