SYSTEM OVERLOAD RESTART due to violation of rule 3 (more than 10 number digits for calculation). [COLOR=#800080]public[/COLOR] class HN { [COLOR=#800080]private static final double[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]number[/COLOR] = 15; [COLOR=#800080]private static final double[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]exponent[/COLOR] = 250; [COLOR=#800080]public static void[/COLOR] main (String[] [COLOR=#ff8c00]args[/COLOR]) { [COLOR="#800080"]double[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff8c00]answer[/COLOR] = Math.[I]pow[/I]([COLOR="#0000FF"]number[/COLOR], [COLOR="#0000FF"]exponent[/COLOR]); System.[I][B][COLOR=#0000ff]out[/COLOR][/B][/I].println([COLOR=#ff8c00]double[/COLOR]); } } I call this the HN function. I'll be reusing it for the time being. BTW this class (as it is called in Java) calculates 15^250, and returns 1.054e+294 (well within the limits of Java doubles). Also in case you are wondering, it does not violates rule 3c or 8 (I think).