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Everything posted by Designer225

  1. The muds are too shallow. Windows 10 came out as Technical Preview. Only a year before the final release, though. Anyway, the next poster got stuck in a quagmire.
  2. And Windows 10 crashes the Guru. The Windows 10 crashes the next poster.
  3. Can we work with exponentiations now? The only thing that came in my mind is this: 38 = 22 + 2^(2*2)
  4. Alemagno12 is trolled (your avatar picture asked for it).
  5. Insane (he did say he's insane, right?)
  6. General Rarity is clubbed in Allendale, CA.
  7. The hulk volcano buries you when it erupts. No one's hulk-volcano.
  8. I bust your bunker. No one's hill with a small crater.
  9. A huge desert storm buries you and forms a hill on your crater. No one's hill (and... ergh...).
  10. And you are banned from Designer225-PC forever.
  11. I reject your reality (Chuck Norris's universe) and substitute my own (real world). You basically called nothing in this reality. The next user is sent to an insane asylum/maximum security prison.
  12. Banned for almost saying a bad word (look above for an incomplete word).
  13. Ignored (when I mean by this word, I didn't mean to skip it. I've just associated it with the word above.)
  14. Banned for having a number in your username that is not divisible by the number in my username.
  15. You will derail the thread if you reject the resets. RESET. (15250)! Happy now?
  16. Windows 10 rejects your overly-repetitive attacks. The next poster will have to not delete anybody or they will be deleted.
  17. SYSTEM OVERLOAD RESTART due to violation of rule 3 (more than 10 number digits for calculation). [COLOR=#800080]public[/COLOR] class HN { [COLOR=#800080]private static final double[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]number[/COLOR] = 15; [COLOR=#800080]private static final double[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]exponent[/COLOR] = 250; [COLOR=#800080]public static void[/COLOR] main (String[] [COLOR=#ff8c00]args[/COLOR]) { [COLOR="#800080"]double[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff8c00]answer[/COLOR] = Math.[I]pow[/I]([COLOR="#0000FF"]number[/COLOR], [COLOR="#0000FF"]exponent[/COLOR]); System.[I][B][COLOR=#0000ff]out[/COLOR][/B][/I].println([COLOR=#ff8c00]double[/COLOR]); } } I call this the HN function. I'll be reusing it for the time being. BTW this class (as it is called in Java) calculates 15^250, and returns 1.054e+294 (well within the limits of Java doubles). Also in case you are wondering, it does not violates rule 3c or 8 (I think).
  18. You killed yourself. The next poster gets thrown into a trash compactor.
  19. Banned for banning the same person for several times (banned myself too ).
  20. Banned for the same reason I banned you.
  21. 9999999999 (And that's how you get a bigger number without using carets.)
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