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Everything posted by Vendan

  1. it's the output_log.txt in your ksp_data directory, note on 64-bit, you need the ksp_64_data one
  2. as much as I hate to say it, guys, this mod is working for me in both 32-bit and 64-bit. Any chance I could get some logs?
  3. Kerbal and Science recovery has been added. Prepare your science cannons!
  4. One more thing, would you be interested in adding a "damage value" so I can pass in how hard they hit down? I know you probably wouldn't use it at first, but it may play a part later on, and then I we don't run into issues with different method signature mismatches.
  5. That's all I need, I'll take a look at it. Also, everyone, launch clamps autorecover next time you put a ship on the launch pad, so I don't need to do anything there!
  6. Message system is fairly easy. If you are interested, I could add in a check for "does KCT exist", and if so, just pass the vessel, or whatever you want, like a list of parts/whatnot, to it. Just give me an easy to access method and tell me what you are looking for
  7. Alright, Alright, I'm working on it. Give me an hour or so
  8. hrm, launch clamps are tricky, cause I don't mess with anything landed
  9. That's the changelog of things that are done. So really, that means Added, not Adding . It's just copied from my git commit messages
  10. I just added RealChute support, so if you've been having debris landed hard issues with RealChute, that should fix it. If you landed next to the stage, that means it never got destroyed by the game engine for flying in an atmosphere. DebRefund only kicks in when that happens.
  11. DebRefund refunds you for dropped stages and such that have enough parachutes to land. Basically, put parachutes on stuff! Funds will get added, and messages will appear in the message box, as debris is "recovered". There are 3 regions of recovery, based on mass to parachute drag ratio. Green is landed safe, and does 88% to 9% refund based on distance from KSC, yellow is landed with some damage, and yields 90% to 50% of the green level, and red is it slammed into the ground, no refund. Green is <6m/s touchdown speed, Yellow is <10m/s touchdown speed. Yes, this is similar to StageRecovery, apparently we had the same idea at the same time. One feature DebRefund has is integration into the message system, so you can see your refund amounts easily. There is update checking available, but it is disabled by default. Please enable. In addition, due to the many frustrations of dealing with issues on a single thread, I will not be checking this thread for issues. Please use my issue tracker at https://github.com/andyleap/DebRefund/issues, or get on IRC on esper.net, channel #DebRefund. Webchat. DebRefund is compatible with RealChute. Make sure you give me your output_log.txt. ChangeLog Go to KerbalStuff for changelog Privacy Statement: If you enable the update check, the following information is sent to the KerbalStuff server: IP address the fact that you play KSP I don't control the KerbalStuff server, but you can go read their privacy statement http://beta.kerbalstuff.com/privacy Download at KerbalStuff Sourcecode on Github License: MIT license
  12. Great, I just spent an hour writing my own plugin to do this same thing...
  13. Hehe, my mistake, I was looking at tritium, not HE-3, but it's roughly the same costs and densities. Interstellar still has a problem with he-3 though, cause of seeming lack of tritium decay while unfocused. - - - Updated - - - Can't say, but would be willing to bet a mod could add it.
  14. heh, just wait for budgets, then you'll have to pay tons for the rare resources, or breed it yourself and possibly make money by selling it back
  15. Depends on the pressure. At stp, somewhere around 0.09 grams, or $2700 per liter. At cryogenic liquid pressures, around 70.85 grams, or $2,125,500 per liter. Either way, lithium breeding makes more sense. Keep in mind, current commercial usage of tritium is 400 grams a year, and the USA has only made a total of 225kg of tritium, of which all but 75kg has decayed. It's so rare, that fusion experiments are having to carefully regulate it's usage, and are desperately trying to breed it as part of their experiments http://www.iter.org/mach/tritiumbreeding
  16. HAHAHA... it's like $30,000 per gram, where as lithium is like $7,500 per TON
  17. Yeah, the code is broken. https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/blob/master/FNPlugin/MicrowavePowerReceiver.cs#L278 It scales the power when it writes it to the display variable, but all the power input and waste heat is done with the unscaled values. Easy to test, just make a ship with a single receiver and mess with the reception bar while the power panel is up. The module will show changing power output but the panel will stay at full no matter what.
  18. Yeah, I finally decided to get back into KSP and figured I'd update it. It doesn't include the fuel hose, as that was the most complex and buggy bit of the code. TBH, most of that stuff was based on KAS anyways, and KAS has a lot of features now that I just can't match easily, like the detachable radial connectors. It does use module manager, and the dll is included with the download. It's been a little bit and I was more concentrating on getting it up and running, so there's a chance it's not working, but it should have highlight on mouseover for the individual tanks. I'm probably gonna start with basic balancing, and have it be set up similar to the in/out, so you can balance all tanks of a resource, or just specific tanks, as need be. That would let you select your radial tanks to be balanced, then also select them as 'out' and a central tank as 'in' to keep it at 100%. Lot's of possibilities there. Yeah, should be simple to link fuel/oxidizer, though I'm gonna look at that a little, as there are many paired resources like that when you start dealing with mods. (modular fuel system's "real fuel" advanced mode, for instance)
  19. Fuel Balancing would be nice to add, I'm just not sure how exactly to implement it. I might have to have multiple options, to allow stuff like even distribution, centering CoM over thrust vector(stabilizing rockets), or shifting CoM as far forward as possible(stabilizing planes). I'll take any suggestions you have.
  20. As far as I know, unless the part module is in the CFG for a part, it doesn't get saved back to the persistence file. That may have changed, and I'll look into it, but all stock command pods should have the fuel panel integrated in. If you don't have it, you may need to redownload the mod, as I forgot to include the ModuleManager plugin that does that.
  21. In my opinion, I've got more functionality that would be useful for things like building bases and transferring fuel from tankers to refueling stations. I don't have things like balancing tanks, but if you've got multiple tanks on your ship, and multiple on your refueling station, it's still very simple to transfer the resources around. I am planning on improving it, but part of the issue is that I am storing data in the persistence file for the save, to keep track of ongoing transfers. This requires, afaik, using part modules. I may be able to store data in my own format and link it up, but that seems dirtier. But note, the part module is added to all the stock pods, so it's not a separate part you have to attach.
  22. The V.F.M. Fuel Panel allows you to easily transfer resources from tank to tank, allowing movement from multiple tanks and to multiple tanks. The transfers are persistent, and run constantly. The fuel panel also separates tanks out by vessel, even while docked, and resources can be transferred out of or into all the tanks for a specific resource at one time. In addition, if you have KAS, the standard KAS winch hooks can be used for fuel transfer purposes, even without switching them to docked mode. Download Link: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/v-f-m-fuel-panel/
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