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Everything posted by Mekan1k

  1. Remember in the original Remotetech, there was this plane/probe thing? Whatever happened to it? This thing: It's wings could fold too... Oh, and what happened to this one-part probe? it was a neat little relay device. It had a tiny engine for stationkeeping and controlling it's orbit. Anyone know what happened to this these bits? I loved them (I don't really use remotetech, but I edited the configs to make these mechjeb-AI-things work)
  2. Well, if you wanted to spend the time on it, the shock absorber would need to function like a landing gear/leg, with higher impact tolerance and a flex-distance, to prevent the rest of the craft from exploding because you landed 1m/s too fast.
  3. I learned about that by watching the movie several times (I noticed something odd and wanted to see what it was), and I go to an aerospace college, so I asked one of the professors about the shape. It's an ideal control-surface, as the shovel-nose can not only help control pitch via that control surface (as it changes the center of lift very quickly due to it's size), but if it was also able to retract-extend, then the overall airflow around the vessel could be controlled, allowing for greater efficiency at super/hyper-sonic flight velocities, such as those needed to reach orbit (and often experienced during re-entry).
  4. Lack, I just want to say how much I like your packs. Also, made new Airliner; Cruising speed: mach 1.9 Cruising alt: 14kilometers Flight-Capable Time: 5 hours Any good names? (I can't think of any good ones)
  5. The entire shovel-nose of the Ranger can flex up and down, to increase or decrease the lifting-body effect of the shape. (I really liked that part from the move. Looked .....) (Why do you think the nose has that crease?) EDIT: You can see the nose-control surface better in the pics on this site: http://www.fxguide.com/featured/real-and-raw-the-miniature-fx-behind-interstellar/
  6. Hey Bahamuto, Interstellar has come out recently, and my favorite Charicter is TARS. Since you make the critterCrawler engine, could you make a TARS that can walk/run/roll (that sort of thing)?
  7. Question- will the nose flap of the Ranger be able to move (like it does in the film) AND have RCS? Also, will this mod be using HotRockets custom emissions for the engine? I liked the film's glow, and it would fit in with the kerbal-ness.
  8. Can we have those craft files? Please? EDIT: These crafts should have their own post.
  9. Not refering to a life-support mod, just... I want to see what a drone cockpit looks like with this.
  10. Also needs a drone core-cockpit... You know- in case a kerbal DOESN'T want to die of dehydration.
  11. FAR may not have issues with it, but I challenge everyone here to build it into a working SSTO space-plane.
  12. If only there was someway to make TARS a playable probe-part- complete with walking and rolling animations.
  13. How long before we start building our own airliners with these parts? I am eager to play with them. (Also, will they work with FAR?)
  14. Alcubierre Drives are not Wormholes. The AD drive compresses space-time on one side of the vessel, expanding it on the other side, allowing everything within the 'slope' to be 'pushed' along the space-time wave at faster-than-light speeds. Wormholes are more akin to short-cuts in space-time => meaning, that they can be either natural or artificial. I was talking about a mod that created 'natural' wormholes for KSP, so we could fly the ship to a wormhole, and pop out of another wormhole, hopefully near someplace interesting.
  15. Huh... I am surprised no plugin-genius has tried to make the wormhole effect for KSP since this movie came out. In any case, I am looking forward to when your first version is released! It guarantees awesomeness.
  16. In the same color as the stock ladder segments? That way, the texture of the ladder segment could be used on these pieces, and it would cut down it's ram use to next-to-nothing.
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