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Everything posted by Danish_Savage

  1. Im not quite sure what the previus one where, so here comes a C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER.
  2. Oh hell no! I ain't helping these evil sonnuvabitces gaining world domination. The user below me understand that true love only comes from dogs
  3. Banned for starting a sentence lowercase.
  4. And... Lets stop the derailment now guys. Lets just focus on the brilliant story KSK writes. Saying things like Nuke the ponies on the internet, is asking for an silent assassination mate, please don't get yourself killed
  5. False, but I'm currently watching Doctor Who, which is AWESOME The user below me is a Brit
  6. I don't quite get what you mean Brian. Care to elaborate?
  7. Aye Mate, don't start a flame war. And Duxwing, please be adult enough not to answer him. That said, I do wonder whether KSK have asked for your opinion, and if that is the case, you could do it in a PM, so it doesn't clutter op the thread. That said, its tradition for the users of this forum to be nice towards each other, which you obviously know, as you have been here a long time. This is a piece of fan-fiction, so I do not think anybody should need a degree in anything to write it. Also your little attack on Ortwin was totally not needed, as i see no possible way he could have wronged you. Therefore to conclude this little rant: Duxwing, you should pm him whether he honestly wants your help, and IF that's the case, do it in private. Zoom, please keep a nice tone, again this is a happy community, so let us make sure it stays that way. (Just my 2 cents, as I do not have any degree in anything.)
  8. Ehm.. Can i have some hours to make one?
  9. Either Lelouch or Zero, its a long time since I have watched it. Another time please make things everyone can guess(Even though its a very good one.)
  10. Hell yeah. The person below me does not know who Lelouch is
  11. No I wont, I ain't Mod-Crushing The user below me despise DisneyThey are a PainBought Indiana Jones they did
  12. Right. That one was a tough one Tadpole. That said, it was awesome having some real life science mixed in. Looking forward to yours Potato.
  13. Banned for Racism against the guards of Skyrim
  14. Granted. I wish that all the cute ladies fancy me. (I wanna see some sick corrupting of this one:P)
  15. Oh how I cheated you. You really should not have gone close.
  16. Have an EMP Good luck whit your electronics now
  17. On January the first, year one, I posted the first forum-post ever.
  18. No, I don't feel like killing people today. When you press the button, you will have 50% chance to get the most happy life possible. The other 50% is for a eternity in pain.
  19. Thats easy, Code Geass, Lelouch. Also this. Skriv en stil om stormen i weekenden. (A lil' task from my teach)
  20. Edit; Kreuzung you damned ninja No, that is definitely false. I know very well that boredom and procrastination led me down this dark twisted path. The user below uses proper grammar and punctuation, and therefore is nice for the eyes and the brain.
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