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Everything posted by Danish_Savage

  1. 4/10 You are that other Brony guy I've seen around. (No hate just love)
  2. Banned for trying to correct people while maintaining a not so good grammar and punctuation.
  3. They make singularities there quite often. You could define them as black holes, as their volume is incredible little compared to their mass. The mass however is a few units, and they collapse almost immediately.
  4. The thing is, that it was not your turn to make a riddle Tadpole. To have that right, you should be the one to guess the riddle that where before, which in this case where mine. Therefore it was Lord Potato's right to make the next riddle, so I think we should wait for him. We could however have your riddle around as a bonus thing, so that guessing it gives a kudos, but doesn't give the guesser right to post a new one.
  5. Remember though its Keostationary, not Geo. The G means planet Earth, which is not the one you are orbiting, while K means Kerbin. Therefore would a synchronous orbit around Duna be called a Deostationary, while around Eve it would be Eeostationary and so on...
  6. I don't really understand this? Some Portal-playing hoaxers?
  7. Granted, they appeared in your car. I wish that i where the leader of the world.
  8. I certainly do! The user below me is a high school student.
  9. False. The user below me is either a mod, or an eleven
  10. Granted, you kill the one you love Also, I wish you weren't everywhere on this forum
  11. The atmosphere of Eve is a soup. You can land it. Use the big blue ones though, Drogues aren't worth **** one Eve
  12. Yep, burn the hell outta that lander, and then use the jet-pack to soften it. When impacting, make his head hit first. (He can survive 100m/s that way)
  13. Granted, but the knowledge made you mad. I wish i wasn't a Dalek.
  14. Actually, its the guy behind GIF, who demands it being said whit the soft g(j). Lil' piece of Internet about GIF Whit that said, a little piece of wisdom is applying here: Although an interesting diversion, the roots of a word and its original pronunciation are completely irrelevant to common usage. Words have lives of their own. The creators of a word have little control over pronunciation beyond their original act of creation. Words are meant only for communication. The salient question is on "Do you understand my meaning when I say 'GIF'?" If the answer is "Yes." Then the dispute over "proper" pronunciation is absolutely absurd. Very, very, few people pronounce GIF with a soft g. Those who do are understood as well as those who don't. Where is the problem with that... Also, no more derailment
  15. 2/10 You again. Also you are an eleven (or maybe more likely a Code Geass fan), which makes me happy. You are around here hella-lot too Edit: We are circling. Someone else post!!!
  16. Nice written Post, it shows that the community just gained a valuable member. Also, why do you use ''Perkele'' as a shipname? (Its a curse-word right?) Lentää Turvallinen (Fly safe)
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