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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. I was mostly asking if it's possible to do this with the current functionality of the mod. It seems like this was the intention since each base and the ground stations have unlock costs associated with them. I'm just not sure what the settings are to make this work. I can only get all of them on regardless of purchasing the station or all of them off even if the station is purchased. Contract packs don't seem help as I have the kerbin side remastered GAP and there are no contracts about visiting bases for the purpose of unlocking ground stations.
  2. Is there any way to set the mod up so ground stations are only available to use after you have unlocked the base and purchased them? Seems like right now the only option is to use all of them or none regardless of the base being unlocked.
  3. Having a small issue with some mod interactions and trying to narrow it down. I'm having my aircraft costs subtracted from total funds when launching through the KCT gui but when I recover to the SPH the recovered funds do not get added to my total. Is KCT supposed to remove the funds when launching the craft and get them back after recovery, or does KCT only remove funds when constructing for the first time and then ignores any recovery funds? I'm thinking the likely culprit might be ScrapYard based on the logs.
  4. Just read this whole thread and I am very impressed with the work being done on this mod and the work being put in for the rewite. Going to download and try this out!
  5. I haven't been this excited for a mod since B9 first came out.
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