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Everything posted by 9911MU51C

  1. glad to see ideas are so quickly shot down nowadays instead of discussed.
  2. there is no reason to shoot down a thread because it could loosely be on the list. Nowhere did I mention any construction. Instead of saying why this thread shouldn't be here, talk about the actual thread
  3. I had an idea for a game mode that could be like a colony - based mode. I was thinking it would start you out with around $1,000 or so depending on ship costs, and you'd build up from there. It would rely on landing on other bodies and would be landing-funded, for example: landing a probe: $100 landing a kerbal: $500 each science parts: $50 each and so on. I also though it could add some colony based parts like Hab parts and water tanks/collectors. I bet it'd be fun with somekind of life-support mod. Any thoughts? (some rough point ideas) landing on kerbals moon - $50 minmus - $100 other moons (based on difficulty) - $300 - $1,000 other planets (based on difficulty) - $1,000 - $10,000 landing 10 kerbals - $2,000 bonus So if you say, landed a probe on the Mun with gravity, thermal, and acceleration sensors, you'd get $300 from the probe, science parts, and the mun points
  4. most of the reviews from gamers said they upgraded the GPU, what's the average cost for a better one?
  5. The only negative comments I've seen are the 5400 RPM hard drive and the GPU, but then again those people could be looking for more power than I need
  6. Is this a good computer for the price? I don't need some god-tier computer, just an average one. Anything that is bad about it? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Desktop+-+8GB+Memory+-+1TB+Hard+Drive/6835451.p;jsessionid=004C2C4B85B4BBDDB18D8E291B6682C0.bbolsp-app04-136?id=1218808631512&skuId=6835451&st=gateway%20desktop&cp=1&lp=1
  7. thanks! that's the type of stuff I need to know
  8. Could anyone give me some noob mistakes people make? I'm not tech-savvy, but I would like to build a gaming rig and I like assembling/disassembling computers. What should I avoid/be careful of?
  9. well then, thank you I feel like a noob again
  10. How much would a custom (self-built) gaming computer cost in parts? I want to save up to get one. I don't need some 10GB RAM gazillion-processor monitor smelter, just the middle class gaming rig that can run games like KSP smoothly. also, this is just a side question, but does anyone know where you can get the knowledge of how to put together a computer?
  11. I would be happy but disappointed and would probably get bored soon with no more added (official) content
  12. I would for the knowledge. Of course it'd hurt seeing loved ones dying and whatnot, but I think it'd be worth it
  13. but it doesn't have water, the devs said it's mercury
  14. I had the same problem, it could be any of the autopilots. Check all of them
  15. Just bought it during it's deal where it was $1. I love it
  16. I've found that page before, I just didn't find a way to update said driver I feel like I'm making a very easy task hard
  17. Can someone direct me on how to update my driver? I had to reinstall it recently and it is an old version, everywhere I look is shady or spam and virus filled. Or just trying to make me buy new drivers. I have ATI Radeon Xpress 1250
  18. Honestly I saw a screenshot on facebook from 4chan of people joking about jeb. I googled "KSP" and downloaded the demo, then played it for a few days before caving in to buy the full game. I had terrible timing. I wanted to buy it right after (unbeknownst to me) the arrival of .17, so I had to wait a few days to even buy it after I wanted too and was so eager to
  19. Agreed. It'd take atleast an hour to coordinate and plan a mission to retaliate against the combine, and that is hard to do when you already have losses from fighting the Xen, and half your army is in rural towns to protect them from the xen, by the time a mission is planned your army base has been destroyed and your army shredded. On another note, does nobody remember the strength of the portal collapsing over the citadel? The combine could easily destroy earth if need be.
  20. someone needs to make a mod like that, like part creater for planets
  21. All I'm saying is, you cannot shoot down a "they might not have all troops there" with an arguement saying " I know all troops are there" for one simple reason We don't know
  22. there is also the Advisors, which are pure combine species that are powerful and can destroy buildings
  23. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-2-kas-kerbal-attachment-system-v0-1/
  24. But that is without seeing the full tech of the combine. If they could build the Citadel, think of their warships insulting a fanbase and calling Half Life a "CoD ripoff" isn't exactly just chatting. Just because you don't like a genre, don't slander it
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