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Posts posted by 9911MU51C

  1. To do this Squad would have to retcon the game's lore where Kerbals are a peaceful race. Also, who would they go to war with?

    You're forgetting, this has nothing at all to do with KSP. Just it's engine and construction.

    The big problem: try doing a game like this without time acceleration

    As I said before, if it is only atmosphere-based and maybe some LKO, you don't need time warp. Docking would take a lot of precision to get flying at the right time to rendezvous as you circularize. As for long plane flights, I would suggest either making the planet smaller, or making bases/countries closer

    There are some issues with this, that stand for RL combat as well:

    1) There wouldn't be much point in building a space platform of any sort, unless it was capable of firing solid-state anti-BM lasers.

    2) US and China have proven that it's extremely easy to take out enemy spacecraft, and considering that docking is still a snap, while re-entry is a pain, people would probably be better at it.

    3) KSP is a 1st/3rd person simulator, which means that you can't control multiple ships at once at this time.

    4) Wars move quickly. If you're messing with a new rocket in the VAB, and you get attacked, then what?

    Therefore, to make KSP into a wargame would involve completely reinventing the UI and user experience; in short, it wouldn't be the same game.

    1) it could be used to attack any enemy sub-orbital ICBM's of any kind, or be used to drop several payloads from one launch (MIRV)

    2) My idea is you could add turrets and whatnot to auto-defend any stations/buildings you don't actively use

    3) If it had 25 people, you could have 10 people organizing an attack in realtime flying their own class-built planes. Example, 8 fighters and 2 heavy bombers versus one of the enemy hangars

    4)As I stated in the initial post, you would have out-of-server building to build and test ships, while only doing slight modifying in-game.

    And, remember, this isn't KSP. Simply the same engine and construction.

  2. I was thinking more you can build ships and whatnot at your own pace out of the real-time game with a singleplayer testing area to see if ships act right and handle correctly, and in the match you can still build but to modify ships and whatnot, since sitting there building ships that might work isn't exactly smart. Then it'd be the same gameplay as KSP when it comes to deploying a plane (at a cost) then piloting it to it's target to drop its payload. Or to fly your rocket either into orbit or to its target if its an ICBM (which are quite fun to make in KSP :D )

  3. I was just wondering what people would think of a military spin off of KSP, BUT before I'm attacked for even suggesting it, actually read my idea.

    Now, I was thinking with the kerbal physics and construction, it'd be fun to try a military sim based off of it. Like, you could have maybe 25 or so players around Kerbin that all can build rockets and planes, and they have a goal of beating eachother using alliances and whatnot, so there's a hint of politics. Now, think of it like this, You could build space stations and such, and that station could launch orbital missiles or lasers, BUT you'd need to protect it from enemy missiles or ships. At the same time, you are flying attack bombers to enemy bases to say, damage their Hangar so temporarily they cannot launch planes, but they could choose to build turrets and SAM's using some form of income (possibly from mining and building workshops/revenue buildings that could also be attacked to hurt your income?). Now, all that would be with the KSP physics. Your wing gets shot, and you spiral out of control with chunks of your plane wobbling and breaking. Your station gets hit? it sends pieces flying in all directions, but depending on the damage maybe it's still semi-usable. It could have much potential as a strategic global war game with KSP construction and physics.

    NOW before you reply, remember I'm not suggesting they change KSP in any way or form. I like the science and exploration feel in KSP. All I'm saying, is the physics and construction in KSP would work great for more genres.

  4. I think a military sort of, DLC-ish game would be fun. Imagine being able to build fighter jets and bombers with the physics and challenge of current KSP, and have other players fighting to take you and your base down. You could build a Space Station, but it better have some turrets or they could send a ship or missile into it and send chunks flying in all directions (have you seen a kerbal station exploding? it's epic) or a sub-orbital missile system. I'm not suggesting they do that to KSP, because KSP is exactly as it says, a space program about exploration and science. But a spin-off of sorts would be quite fun and a nice fresh game from a stale genre.

    (now to hope I'm not burned at the stake for mentioning Multiplayer and Weapons in one post)

  5. I think what we need to do is focus more on a urban warfare type jet. People are all about stealth and payloads and air-to-air, yet we're fighting street to street house to house against guerrilla warfare. We don't need stealth, we need precision and speed. After this war, we can focus on upgrading the already existing fighters. The F-35 is too expensive, anyway.

  6. According to the wiki:

    Size 0 is 0.43m

    Size 1is 1m

    Also I think rockmans are 2 m

    I know, but there is no default measurement, some people use .5, 1, and 2 meter (I prefer that) but others use the .65 (or whatever the size is), 1.25, and 2.5

  7. Hello, I was just wondering what size the probe parts are? I want to build some probe parts in the Part Generator mod but I can't remember if it is 50 centimeters or 65, since 1 meter parts are 1.25 (or 125 centimeters in this case) thanks in advance

  8. Wait... an infinate fuel tank? Isn't that cheating?

    as I said, I was testing the planets to see what they where like before deciding where to go and what I'll need to get there

    and thanks for all the replies, I wasnt really thinking about how high the pressure would be at the core. the main reason I ask is that I read that there was a landable surface, but I may have read it wrong

  9. Ok, so I was using an infinite fuel tank and a small unmanned probe just testing the new planets (atmosphere, speed decrease, gravity, etc) so I dont end up wasting time building a duna lander for eve or vice versa, and I was curious about jool, seeing as its a gas giant, but when I hit 100 meters you literally just blow up on clouds. it even says "[part] has crashed into Clouds"

    my question is will there be a solid core for jool? or like a special pod reinforced for landing in jool?

  10. Hey, I just bought the game a few days ago during the whole server issues phase, and I'm ready for mods :D

    In particular, mechjeb, could anyone give me a link to the actual download? I searched for it and only got loads of comments mentioning it in threads

    Other than that maybe a docking mod and space station mod :) I already have the NovaPunch parts mod

  11. Hello, as you can see (and undoubtedly guess) I'm new here, and I was wondering what all the local lingo is? such as the planets and what not (mun, etc) and what terms are used

    thanks in advance for any help, and hey you where all noobs at some point too :confused:

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