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Everything posted by phoenix_ca

  1. What is this "planning" you people speak of? Yes I'm kidding.
  2. A lot. I rocketed through KSPI's tech tree with about a handful of Mun and Minmus return missions (about...7-8 or so) using your stuff. 'Tis why I'm so glad this tech tree is a thing. I like your science experiments and want to keep them. This certainly has a loooooooooooot of nodes though. O.O
  3. Why on earth is that even a restriction? More to the point, I don't think Majiir actually has the right to restrict that. If you're using KAS as a dependency for a part, that doesn't mean you are redistributing any parts of KAS as your own, and that usage should fall under fair use as a derivative work (at most). The part config is (presumably) your creation, and in effect, would be equivalent to using an MM config to do the same thing. It may require KAS' modules to be present, but that doesn't mean KAS' creator can dictate which parts you may use. I seriously doubt the legitimacy of this part of the license: Pretty sure the license is overstepping its bounds at that point. In any case, that's an excessively draconian license, to presume to restrict what other authors may or may not do with their own works. The authority of those statements are rendered even more invalid in the context of KAS being and open-source extension of KSP, provided freely and at no cost. I'll need to go digging through legislation to find precedent but I have serious doubts. It's rather like someone making a painting that requires a UV lamp to be visible, and the UV lamp manufacturer saying you can't use their UV lamps like that. (Not exactly; the law is somewhat different but it's a rough analogy at least.)
  4. I wait for Modular Kolonization System to add ORS support. Then I go nuts with the modules. That's the plan anyway.
  5. D'oh! So if I set the canards at the nose of a delta-wing aircraft as flaps, and some flaps at the back of the wings, the whole thing should stay stable-ish?
  6. I just wish BTSM wasn't such a complete overhaul. I do like the science collection. Though it should be possible (with just the right MM config) to adjust the xmitDataScalar for various experiments to mimic BTSM's transmit-everything or need-to-return-for-anything style of collection. That's a definite plus. Less incessant clicking that feels like a memorpeger.
  7. Yes, but there's no reason that a complex system can't be presented in simple terms. What we have right now with KSPI is many complex concepts explained in complex terms. There's even a fair bit of irreducible complexity in learning the main concepts (like power management and production), which is problematic.
  8. I gotta agree. That's not very Kerbal-looking. Needs more struts, for one. And more fire. And exploding.
  9. Not really, no. You pretty much found the solution. Quicksave, kill the game, restart.
  10. Career mode is clearly cheating because you actually have parts available and can actually play the game. Sandbox mode is clearly cheating because everything is available. WHAT DO I DO?!?!
  11. %KSP_Folder%KSP.log and %KSP_Folder%KSP_Data/output_log.txt .
  12. Logs. Give logs or no one can help. That and did you check that each mod had been updated? There are plenty that didn't get updated, are dead, or require community patches (like B9) to get working properly.
  13. Not what I was suggesting (at all; whatever gave you that impression? O.o ). I haven't read through the entirety of the code, but there's even suggestion that someone had the forethought to design for this, on lines 275-276 of ModularFuelTanks.cs : amountExpression = node.GetValue("amount"); maxAmountExpression = node.GetValue("maxAmount"); Assuming that does what I think it does.
  14. The Americans crashed one of their Mars probes because they couldn't handle metric-to-imperial conversions with diligence. Best to just make it easier for them.
  15. This is awesome. I just hope that configuration option for the key to activate it is in the works soon. L-Alt seems like...not such a wonderful choice.
  16. This is what my Versions.txt looks like right now (I use it to track every mod and whatever changes I've made to its files): ==================== A-F ===================== Action Groups Extended 1.3 Active Texture Management ? ALCOR 0.8 Alternate Resource Panel Asteroid Cities v0.1.1 (Klaw and Scanner only) Antenna Range 1.2 B9 Aerospace with various cfg patches and crap -->REMOVED - D25 Heavy Drone Core - All Protective Railings - All Structural Panels and Frames - MSR Multipurpose Stacked Booster - All Mk 1 parts - All SH Wings - C125 Axial Adapter - MK1 Heavy-duty Remote Guidance Unit Baha Animations Beastly Science Jan0214 Chatterer Connected Living Space Deadly Reentry Continued 4.61 Distant Object Enhancement 1.3 DMagic Orbital Science 0.8 Docking Port Alignment Indicator 3.01 Enhanced NavBall 1.2 Environmental Visiual Enhancements 7.3 FAR 13.3 Final Frontier 0.3.9 Firespitter ? (Base DLL and Resources only) Fusebox 0.98 FusTek Station Parts Expansion 0.04-3-dev ==================== G-L ===================== Haystack Hooligan Labs SQUID Landing Gear 1.5 HyperEdit Kerbal Aircraft Expansion 2.0 (Engines only) Kerbal Alarm Clock 2.7.3 Kerbal Engineer Redux Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 2.3 KerbTown ? Kethane 0.8.5 KSI MFD 1.2 KSP Interstellar 0.11 KW Rocketry 2.5.6B -->REMOVED -fairings and bases -KWrcsQuad/45 -SRBUllage Hot Rockets Rel 6 Load on Demand 2.2 Low Profile Hubs ? ==================== M-R ===================== MechJeb Module Manager 2.1.0 MSI DevHelper 0.4 MSI Infernal Robotics 0.15a MSI IR Rework - Robotics 0.1 MSI IR Rework - Structural 0.3 Near Future Propulsion 0.42 (stripped-out most parts, all engines, all reactors) Notes 0.9.1 NRAP 1.4 Open Resource System ? Orbital Construction Re-Redux 1.1.1 -->REMOVED - All RocketParts storage parts Panda Jager Laboratories 1.2.1 (only materials bay and goo) Part Catalog 2.4 Planetron Reloaded May 04,2014 Procedural Fairings 2.4.4 Procedural Wings 0.7 Quantum Struts Continued ? RasterPropMonitor 0.16 RCS Build Aid 0.4.6 RCS Sounds 4.0 RealChute Real Solar System ? (dll only) Refuel Station (Initial Release) Research Them All 1.1 ==================== S,T ===================== Squad -->REMOVED --PARTS --AERO - ALL --COMMAND -Cube Probe Core -StayPutNik (sphere core) -All Cockpits --ENGINE -sepMotor1 -solidBooster -solidBooster1-1 -toroidalAerospike --FUELTANK -ALL Fuselages and Adapters -ALL Large fuel tanks except Oscar mini -RCSFuelTank -RCSTank1-2 --STRUCTURAL -adapterSmallMiniShort -adapterSmallMiniTall -stationHub -structural panels, pylon, wing -strutCube, strutOcto, trussAdapter, trussPiece1x, trussPiece3x (in girders.zip) --UTILITY -largeAdapter -linearRCS -endSquad- SCANsat Build 5 -->REMOVED -BTDT Sensor, replaced by anom sensor from DMagic (Scanner32) Scene Jumper 0.21 Science Alert 1.5 Ship Manifest Speed Unit Changer 1.1 Spherical and Toroidal Tank Pack (Structural Parts Only) 3.12 StockExTended 14 (inflatable tanks only) TAC LifeSupport TAC FuelBalancer TAC PartLister Taurus HCV 1.0.1 Texture Replacer 1.5 Throttle Controlled Avionics ? Time Control 11.1 Toolbar 1.7.1 TweakableEverything 1.1 ==================== U-Z ===================== Universal Docking Port 0.9.3 Versatile Toolbox System [Release 1] VesselView 0.4 (Standalone + RPM) VNG Parachute 1.2 VNG Plugin 0.7.2 The only reason I can use them all is because of Load On Demand. Active Texture Management can't get all that down to less than 3GB of RAM usage on start without seriously aggressive compression (i.e. turn all textures into mud).
  17. What exactly is your problem? The information on the Reactors page of the wiki isn't wrong.
  18. Are you using the most recent dev version? (I'm guessing no. Your screenshot says MechJeb 2.2.0.)
  19. Space Engineers is made by a developer that completely screwed-up all of their previous releases so it being in a terrible state isn't really all that surprising. Squad are practically saints compared to them.
  20. I'm sure there's someone out there that'd say I'm a dirty cheater for using Hyperedit to put test craft on the Mun so I can figure-out if my config changes to ORS worked. Those people are to be ignored, for they are putting their noses where they do not belong.
  21. I would've made a proper map but I honestly don't understand how ORS is taking the image and mapping it to longitude and latitude coordinates. There's no documentation on that part at all, so I'd either have to rifle through the code (yeah, no), or get some proper SCANsat maps, overlay them, and try to figure-out how they relate. I tried using the ISAmapsat maps from the KSP wiki and aside from the KSP wiki's maps being of varying quality, what I got as a result didn't make any sense. Well, you could've shared it then. Usually when someone asks for a new feature for a mod (or the game), they're asking because they either haven't or can't implement it themselves. Not to sound like a **** but, feelings don't matter. What matters is the license. Fractal has explicitly allowed others to do play with his code, and more to the point, has expressed no objection to WaveFunction's meddling in this thread. Asking might be nice, but it is far from required. As for He-3 being useless, well, most of that uselessness comes from the incredible difficulty of acquiring it. At least that much can be lessened. As for it being incredibly stupid to use in Tokamaks...well, blah. Grr. Erg. Stick it in an AIR.
  22. I knew all that already. But I still think my point has merit. It's a bad idea to have similar (or exactly the same name) variables that mean very different things. Just because it seems clear that it's different because it's in an entirely different place doesn't mean it is clear that that is so. For the purposes of someone trying to edit the tank definitions or add to them, something like defaultTankSize or defaultTankMaxAmount would make much more sense. Then you don't even have the issue with someone (like me) looking at it and having trouble divorcing maxAmount over *here* from maxAmount over *there*. Just because the value later gets mapped to maxAmount in an in-game resource node doesn't mean that that confusion should be exposed for people editing the configs to have to deal with. Not to be a Python fanboy, but I'll point you to this, namely "Explicit is better than implicit." What we've got here is an implicit meaning for a variable depending on the node its in. It's not immediately apparent that it will do something very different than a maxAmount in a resource node when its in a tank definition node until you (a) understand this leap of logic that it means very different things depending on which node its in, and ( note which node it is a part of every time you look at a maxAmount. Instead, why not use a different variable entirely, one that more clearly in-and-of-itself, without any sort of implicit meaning afforded to it by the array it's in, relates to what it actually does? The same for could be said for the amount variable. Something like "defaultTankAmount" or "defaultTankFill" would be more explicit, and more clearly, in-and-of-itself, relate to the MFT function in-game of changing the tank sizes via the GUI.
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