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Posts posted by jgjiscool

  1. Nice work! Not sure where the gravity cutoff is, but it\'s probably posted somewhere in the forums. I\'ll have a quick check...

    According to Harv, atmosphere model drops at 65,000m and after that, gravity will decrease slowly. Eventually gravity will 'end' but I\'m not sure where.

  2. Well spoken! If this were the case... what would happen when Kerbins reach such a speed... If it were true then Harv wouldn\'t be able to (theoretically) limit the craft speed to (ex)light-speed! And he should make some effect because at such a speed that time is accelerated, the G-force would be immense. Hopefully I haven\'t said anything wrong... Even though all of that was hypothetical and imaginary...

  3. I need some Hyper-Explosive-Nuke-Gel! Load torpedo tubes on board the KSP Ravager!

    <Some minutes later>

    'Torpedos loaded!'

    What torpedos? We don\'t even have torp tubes!

    'Uh oh...'

    'Launching torp tubes'

    <Several massive explosions later>

    Captain? Status report!


    Crash into the kerbokaur scum!


    'Collision course detected. All emergency aborts being destroyed.'

    For Kerbin and KerbalKind!

    <echos> 'For Kerbin and KerbinKind'

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