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Space ghöst

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Everything posted by Space ghöst

  1. The only thing I can think of is that you'll have to send a manned crew out there with a RT command module (with antenna, dish, etc), edit the config in PluginData\remotetech and set 'RemoteCommand Crew = 3' else you'll need 5 Kerbals, that way your control signal will be shorter. I haven't tested this, so don't quote me. lol JDP should be back soon, he did say the end of this month. I'll try and do some tests and see what I can do, which unfortunately won't be much.
  2. Welcome to the forums, Meathook! <del>I believe you shouldn't put more then one antenna and/or satellite dish piece of RemoteTech on any vessel. So just put on one antenna, a controller (remote or command), and one sat dish (big or small one). The RC antenna should act as a controller and antenna simultaneously, but it has a very short range. Having more then one controller shouldn't be a problem, since their meant to be attached to multiple items you'd like controlled (staged debris for example). Try that out and let me know if that works... hopefully!</del> Ok, I'm getting my parts mixed up. Thanks for the correction, CAPflyer.
  3. Haha. Just trial and error on my part. Makes it easier using these DLL's for reference. http://kspwiki.nexisonline.net/wiki/Setting_up_Visual_Studio Here's a new DLL file. I cleaned up my mess. Mainly just reverting stuff that I was testing and forgot about. MapView is still used instead of PlanetariumCamera. RemoteTech Temp Fix for KSP 0.17 http://www./?7q0aokimzwza7aa
  4. Hi, phoenix_ca! Sorry... figured someone might post their version since mine has some extra edits. Granted, it shouldn't break anything. I just decided to use the MapView class in line.SetWidth, rather then Planetarium. CelestialBody also confused me, since referenceBody is it's member, rather then 'body'. I changed that up slightly. So if anyone looks at the source, don't laugh at me please. http://www./?2q5aji0wwix4y0d
  5. This works for me, so far! It is jumpy, but a great step! Using ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor just didn't work for me, just made huge blue triangular box that glided in one direction. Here's what it looks like now, got three nodes connected. My mothership, to mapsat, and then mission control. [ATTACH=CONFIG]33678[/ATTACH] Btw - Welcome to the forums!
  6. Hi, kr2p! Go to PluginData\remotetech folder. You'll find the cfg there. (Edit: I got beat to the punch! Haha.) I've muxed around with code for a bit today. Nothing interesting. Did try using the MapView class, rather then PlanetariumCamera. Seems it does almost the same thing. lol
  7. Thank you! I'll probably use that for the time being. For now I'm going back to learn more coding, it's apparent my skills are woefully inadequate.
  8. Bummer. Figured it wouldn't be that easy, but not exactly that bad. Can't get any radio contact out at Mun, even when pointing the dishes.
  9. Hi, guys. I changed 'Planetarium.InverseScaleFactor' to 'ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor' in RemoteCore.cs and there is no more lag and the remote controls work. The only problem is that the map lanes are a little screwy (just turn it off). Here's the source and dll file. Hope it works! Edit: Removed link. Didn't work all the way.
  10. Thanks guys! I think this will be a great platform to try my hand at some C#. It seems pretty straightforward.
  11. Been playing for a couple weeks, love the game! The modding community, and everyone here in general, is pretty impressive too. Hopefully I can add a few things to it. Perhaps, some fancy schmancy ship part or plugin... someday!
  12. I believe it's because the parts have the same name in the cfg file. So when you try and load or reload the ship part, the game has to pick one. This happened to me when using the DSM ASAS module with the 2.5M DSMStrut (struts turning into ASAS). After renaming DSMStrut to DSMASAS in the cfg, you'll have to fix/delete the part again, but just reapply. Greets.
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