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  1. Not wanting to spread doom and gloom, but with the forum going up and down, I do hope future updates pop up on the KSP reddit or some such other places, as I've been enjoying following the progress here!
  2. Two things: I can't wait to 'buzz the tower' on that refit in VR, and I hope that if something happens to this forum that there'll be somewhere else we can see updates, because this thing looks like a million bucks. Congrats on your work.
  3. Really wicked work, I've already offered my feedback as far as it working in VR goes, and I trust JonnyOThan to fix that up. Excellent job!
  4. Oh for those people, absolutely - I think I've seen some possible solutions floated earlier in the thread that would be cool. Still, as someone who isn't using those bases, I just want a bit more peril in some of my off-piste landings, haha. I'll continue to fiddle with it and see if I have any luck.
  5. I've heard that tree collisions were taken out because of the issue of trees spawning in people's modded bases/runways. For those of us that are only using the stock bases, is there a way to get the trees collisionable again? I had a poke around in the .cfgs for the Kerbin trees but nothing I did had any effect
  6. " Your sig, fix it lol." Only gotta ask once yo. It was a clickable when I first put it there, I had no idea it came up as a huge video now haha.
  7. "Please remove the video from your signature, it doesn't display correctly and covers half the screen " no problem, and thanks for saying please. "There's been some discussion on the GitHub page about getting the mod to work with DX11" I really hope some brainiac is able to make it happen!
  8. Bumping because the KSP VR mod has apparently been fixed to work in 1.4, but I think it might be for Windows 10 only. If anyone's got an idea on how to make it work in Windows 7, lemme know!
  9. Howdy - shot in the dark here, but I was watching this video, and the uploader says that they've gotten their mod working with 1.4! Which is great, but unfortunately the instructions suggest it'll only run in Windows 10 - part of the how-to is forcing KSP to run in DirectX12. Anyone feel like having a lightbulb moment and helping an old fool make this work in Windows 7?
  10. Yo, I promise I'm not feature-begging but I thought I'd ask a couple of questions about CameraTools A) is the doppler sound effect in there still, or could whoever is caretaking the mod conceivably get it back in, in future? B) if not, what was the last version of KSP where it worked? (I figure if I want to mess around with an outdated feature then I should just get myself an old install and stop pestering you guys, haha).
  11. Completely unreasonable request here, but I'd love it if a way could be found for future updates to be a little less destructive to mods. There's probably five hundred reasons that can't be done, at least, but there you go. The other way of looking at it is to hope that Squad picks up a lot of the "this should be stock already" stuff that is present in mods.
  12. Bummer! Not a deal breaker by any stretch, but it's a lovely little touch when it is working.
  13. I feel a bit of a dunce for asking, but did the doppler effect get broken again at any stage? I'm trying the aforementioned 'caretaker' release and it doesn't seem to work.
  14. Great textures, they look great. I'm having a weird thing where tall mountains are poking through the top of where Scatterer is rendering though, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't doing that earlier. Are there some obvious settings I should be changing to fix that?
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