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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. AH yes just read back a bit, things move fast in here so i forget where we are up to sometimes. SO i mentioned a few days ago that missiles launching from VLS tubes may cause an issue with the upcoming HullBreach Feature, as they are known to transfer heat to launchers Every missile I've tested has worked perfectly (and i have a large selection to choose from these days) and there have been no heating related issues , SO i think it's safe to say, forget i mentioned it, it's a non problem.
  2. Hi, a couple of days ago I mentioned that in order to preserve my sanity and open up the potentials for mixing and matching parts from SMM and LBP I was thinking about changing all the SMM parts to an LBP Grey. I severely broke one of my test games last night so had to make a nice clean install, and while i was at it I changed the aforementioned colors, so now SMM parts and LBPparts merge fairly seamlessly. I foresee that SMM will become the accessory addition for LBP, that mod needs no more parts really. but there is plenty of room for other mods to provide parts for LBP in order to make ships more shippy (technical term) SO here's a glimpse of what LBP grey SM Marine parts look like
  3. There is definite progress with the flame simulation, I feel it is starting to look presentable
  4. read the post above AND the one below I use both methods although I favour the first , but right now I've broken KK somehow(help) so right now I'm using vessel mover too. Notes on vessel mover. don't launch a heavy ship to the runway without lots of launch clamps, other wise you will destroy the runway and possibly the ship as well. Once launched, select vessel mover and select move vessel, the launch clamps will automatically detach. proceed to water, grin
  5. That is very smart indeed, (but does remind me how much i need to fix that deck texture} I very much like the image of the ship against the skyline. Best time for ship shots is (with all the mods to make the world pretty is just as the sun goes down, but before it's gone completely, you can get some beautiful skies
  6. No hurry, no really, compared to our other irons that fire can be left for a while. Cheers
  7. And just because I can, having just staged my first TEN (the should flash red really) active ships fight, I deserve the right to display an irrelevant image, all fought until none remained, the last shot was from the bow gun of one of the below as it disappeared below the waves, I'm definitely setting it up again and catching it on video.
  8. The only thing he asked me to do when i took over was go mad and make this mod all it can be. He was acutely aware that it was a blank canvas that he did not have the time or skill to fill in how he'd have liked. SO everybody wins, I get my ship mod, without needing to start from scratch, Laythe gets to see his baby grow (because no matter what i do, it will still at heart be the mod he created), and you rabble get some half decent ship parts to play with. Happy that you're happy about it :
  9. While that sucks a bit the pinning down of the why is a major achievement, cool. And I'd never heard of vessel modules before your link, so good find, i can think of a couple of scenarios in which, what i can grasp quickly of, the function will work very well. Yet another bit of esoteric KSP code, that's barely known about .. sooo much of this
  10. You must have a problem then, it shouldn't keep crashing, are you running KSP 1.1.3? are all your mods up to date? are you running 64bit?
  11. Hi nope, but I thought it was self explanatory. At the same time though i shouldnt take things for granted so an explanation.. The ballast tanks are just like any other tank in the game and governed by the same rules, the resource in this case Water is a virtual substance having n mass that is defined in a cfg. The waters only function is to provide mass, and could just as easily been called "weighydownstuff" but waters easier to write over and over again. The controls on my tanks are "very fast fill on and off" and " very fast empty on and off" Very fast fill on fills them up fast and very fast fill off stops them filling up. and likewise, Very fast empty on starts emptying the tank, and very fast empty off stops the emptying procedure . If you are using them to trim a vessel or on a submarine the technique for use is the same, place them where you think you'll want the weight, and add water , water will add mass and therefore the vessel will lower into the water. If you want to trim a vessel at a particular angle you need to fill 1 tank a small amount while having the rest locked shut, right click the tank and click the little arrow at the end of the resource bar to close tank transfer. The in and out buttons you mention they are from Claw bugfixes and while can be very effective for balancing and tuning , the user does need to have a basic feel for balancing the tanks all the same. There have been many attempts at making a sub diving and balancing plugin over the years and every one without exception has not been able to cope with the variety of different things players want to use as subs and so always in the end it comes to down to YOU the user. Nothing so far beats a load of ballast of any type(edit stock subs for instance usually use ore tanks and ore as ballast), and a bit of time spent learning how best to get the results you want. I've got several subs unpublished and without exception they all took time to learn, and never forget we are playing at something that was never intended as a feature of the game, so a lot of the time results may not be as we initially expect.
  12. I dont plan on leaving much as it is
  13. If you have an imgur account you can paste the image link straight into the post and it will display the image, In your imgur album, click the image and from the sidebar select the direct link, copy and paste, simples
  14. Sorry i know not very mature for someone of advancing years but it still amuses me after several months..
  15. I think he's still working on that. And thanks for the responses
  16. Hi nice ships, good to know there are more than two users who know how to make a pretty ship. some of the parts you've made are actually in the update, there are quite a few new and varied layout of hull, a couple with FS texture switch helidecks so you can switch it on or off depending on where you fit the part, new bridges too as the current set are a bit 1980's, the new ones have been previewed in screenies over the past week. I feel that the testing has turned into procrastination so regardless pf the current state, I'm putting out a flurry of updates this weekend, it's ll keep me quiet while the Mrs is away I'm wondering how a welded hull responds to be wailed on by large guns, and very curious to know what happens when it gets to sinking, if i understand the welding process (didn't know it still worked) it turns a collection of parts into one part and one cfg?. It's been a long long time since i last tinkered with that mod. If that is the case, a custom patch will be needed for sinking as all the current part rules are practically nullified by the merging and a random pic of the helideck on the tri LCS hull, well a bit of it anyway
  17. HI all. I've had some speaks with @SuicidalInsanity regarding the continuation of this mod. SO the question is how much interest is there in it's possible continuation, I'm looking for an excuse to have to go to space, as non of the published mods I own or maintain manage to get out of the atmosphere. SO user (better be more than one though) of KERBOL BATTLES do you want this continued, I'm good either way, do let me know soon, before this years last "mod to be saved" space is gone. More replies = more chance
  18. While admittedly i am blessed with an unusual level a patience (only with things, never with people ) , the work itself is only really hard once or twice, and not forgetting, the not very often mentioned inclination quotient, which is the difficulty minus the determination to make it happen, the more determined the less the difficulty matters. Most mod makers end up looking for new things to make with weird or complex hierarchies just for a challenge, everything gets easy if you do it enough. I wont mention how long it takes an experienced mod maker to put a part like your fuel tank in game, it'll only upset you Thanks for the appreciation though, not many see it from the other side
  19. Hi I see for some reason you have a diffuse texture in the bump map slot, only use proper normal/bump maps. so for now, just use a specular or diffuse shader, no need to mess with bumps . Check the mbm size make sure something has exported, as mentioned above, if you use png you can see what exported straight away, and with png, it wont export an empty as sometimes happens with mbm. and check the console log in unity it will tell you if there's a problem with the export, either image or file related.. Welcome to KSP modding and Kudos for starting with something simple
  20. Strangely 40 was a number that worked, two banks of 20 though it's actually 80 nodes as it will hold the Half length quad tubes also. so a double set of nodes, having done one at 40 I'm going to say thats the maximum size, as placing and naming all the nodes, and then entering them in all in a cfg is just absolutely thrilling. (over 90% of the 600 ish cfg lines are related to the mounting nodes alone) This is the first version and will likely make the update, although it's likely to be replaced soon after, converted from the round tube VLS, the dimensions are not perfect but perfectly serviceable, Don't scale it unless you want a major headache with the nodes, and placement of missiles. I robustly advise building one up and making it a sub assembly , as placing the tubes is something you don't want to have to do every time.
  21. Hi, It's not just confined to wheels either, my latest marine interests have led to the same discovery when using a pair of rudders on a ship and they are in full water contact , and it's not a small force either, massive speed increases are easily caused by exuberant or heavy handed course changes, and being launched into the air is not that unusual, thanks for clarifying that which i had suspected. Seemingly the heavier the parts the worse the effect.
  22. Yes and NO Jr is busy with real life, I'm buried in other projects, but i have made a start and tests on some new flame affects, I'm just not happy with it yet, i didn't much like the blobby nature of the tile animated flames, but they did have some depth, while I'm having some success the emitted flame method is at present still too wispy and requires more work, though i think I'm getting somewhere today.
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