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Everything posted by Leonov

  1. Leonov


    Aperture Science.
  2. Granted, but you are so eccentric that everyone avoids you and you become alone. I wish that Unix/Linux Systems took over the PC World rather than Windows Systems.
  3. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139050&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID= This is a Corsair CX500M PSU. It will be plenty of power for that card and your setup.
  4. With a $20 mail in rebate this card would be a better choice. http://us.ncix.com/products/?usaffiliateid=1000031504&sku=71118&vpn=GTX680%2DDC2O%2D2GD5&manufacture=ASUS&promoid=1281 Same card, better manufacturer, better deal. ~$429
  5. The GTX 680 is a very good card, It definatly beats out the two 660s in SLI. If your board can handle a 680 go for it. What kind of PSU are you thinking of getting?
  6. What is your budget?, what do you do with your computer?
  7. Granted, but you fall into a coma. I wish for more adjustible parts in KSP.
  8. Granted, but then you get banned. I wish for nothing.
  9. I could really go for an Enclave flag. Kinda like this.
  10. This isnt the place to discuss hardware, Go to the KSP Unofficial Official Computer Building Megathread. We have plenty of pages about SSDs.
  11. Lookin good. Good choices, Hope it lasts for years to come.
  12. Wow, That escalated quickly.
  13. +1 on this advice. Do some thinking, take a real look at what you use you computer for. Affording a computer is sometihng that shouldnt be discussed here.
  14. Indeed, Ram is very subjective discussion with verying opinions on what is right or wrong. Plenty of factors should go into your purchases. Such as what you want to do and what you currently do. Sure editing anytihng on a computer an be ram intensive, but most end users dont.
  15. You make a good point there. It usually comes down to situationals. If you buy a board that supports dual channel memory, Why not utilise it? Most users wont need* to get over 8GB of Ram. *There is always the intangible "Moar ram = good" thought process.
  16. What do you plan to do with this? Im assuming your budget is around $600? Other than that, The 7770 is an alright card for the money. If you can get an FX series CPU i would suggest a FX-6300, the phenoms are a tad dated. Two sticks of 4GB@1600 will outperform a single stick of 8GB@1333. The comments on that are very good.
  17. I was hoping you would look up the Hura crepitans (also known as the Sandbox Tree). It has seed pods that "Explode" which causes their seeds to be launched outwards around speeds near 70 m/s. Now does this have the Explosive force of a grenade? Of course not. Something like that that is not possible, dont be facetious. Maybe after many years of research and billions of dollars there could be an "Exploding Lemon" based upon the same prinicples that the Hura crepitans seed pod utilises for seed dispersal.
  18. I wasnt insinuating that it was as simple as "flipping a switch". Who is seriously considering the practicality of recreating an item from a video game in real life?
  19. As long as Waltzing Matilda is their general purpose song of choice. Such as waking up thier astronauts. I would put money into that.
  20. Well, If you think about gene manipulation, a lab could take the sequence that is prevelant in the Hura crepitans which causes Explosive dehiscence. This in theory could yeild "explosive lemons". Before we get a bunch of Non-Practicing Biology Majors that claim "Genetically Modified/Engineered Organisms are impossible" Please remember we do have BT Corn. This Corn internally produces BT insecticide. Ignorance is not bliss. Look up a little company called Monsanto, they do a bunch of work in the GE world.
  21. For SRBs in an asparagus design, i would put them on your first tank to be droped. They will burn shorther than the engine they are attached to.
  22. Leonov


    Most likely it wont work in Laptops, The dims are most likely different, pin numbers are usually different.
  23. Leonov


    You've really put a doozy of a riddle out here. The anagram really cut out a lot of things that can be logically deduced. Good Luck.
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