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Everything posted by stargazer1235

  1. I just read and I LOVED IT. Such a good book with a memorable protectionist, I like how it switches between Mars and what is happening back on Earth. Can't wait to see what they do with the movie later this year.
  2. I just rechecked the specs. My telescope is a 60mm aperture with a 700 mm focal length. The type of telescope is a refractor.
  3. Hi I was recently given a telescope set by someone, I assembled it and took it out to have a look at the clear night sky. After some practice I was able to point it at the moon and have some good view but that is about it, I seem unable to see any the planets, either never find them even if I am point righting at them or they are very dim with no detail at all. I have 3 lenses, a 20mm, 12.5mm and a 5mm, none seem to come up with any better results as I tried. I wondering if there would be any advise for a novice like me here. Problems: 1) The reason I can't see anything smaller then the moon is that I am just not good yet are handling the telescope and should get more practice. 2) The reason I can't see anything is because the telescope is just too goddam cheap and not really good at looking at the star. (I believe this is a store bought set from the post office.) 3) A combination of reasons 1 and 2.
  4. I bought Civ:BE and have played through it. It is a good game in my opinion but doesn't really stand up when compared to Civ and the BNW expansion. Would I personally recommend it right now, no, not until we see the worked on and expanded but it is a solid state. The addition of Starships, which is a seperate game in its own right but follows on after you have won Beyond Earth should be interesting and something I will investigate when it releases in two weeks. One of the things I am doing right now is a playing a 'Grand Game' of Civ. Starting in Civ 5, I start on a Earth map with the 8 civilizations meant to represent the future sponsors, playing for a Space victory and depending on how to the game runs through I will then tune that to Beyond Earth and then carry that over (Starships and BE are cross-compatible apparently) to starships.
  5. Well its all up to them, we must remember that Squad is still mainly a marketing company who do muti-media and interactive advertising. KSP is small (but most likely profitable) part of Squad. KSP is just one employees dream game that he (thankfully) was given time to develop. It may be possible that other employees have ideas for games after KSP.
  6. I would like to ask which developers you do fill are trustworthy, because I personally believe there is not such think as a 100% trustworthy company, like people, you can't trust someone 100% but there are some that are more trustworthy then others. Here are some examples: Firaxis: They botched up Civ:BE and only relased one patch in over 4 months and have now decided to release a new game. Star Dock: Planning to release GalCiv 3 which many people have paid for AT FULL PRICE with many missing features and host of bugs resulting from their new 64x bit engine. DoubleFine: Released Space Base DF9 without finishing it and released half a game, the other half we are still waiting. Squad: Sqaud has made some questionable statements and decision in the past but they always listen to their community in the end. So what developer do you trust if it isn't Squad, since I believe they are one of the most trustworthy out there.
  7. Just tried the demo as well I am sold, I actually just brought right now.
  8. I personally think KSP is ALMOST in state of completion but not, so I voted NO!. Instead of whining about the bugs or missing features, I am going to create a game plan for Squad for the Next 1 year till release. GAMEPLAN: 1) Ditch the original plan, you and your customers would be better off if you took your time and made a polished product. 2) Use what you have as a roadmap to 1.0, don't add or take things away but instead break each feature up into smaller updates. Remember guys, the late game is about fixing as many problems as possible and less about adding features. 3) Increase update frequency, every second or third update should purely be bug fixes for KSP and the 64 bit version. Since most features are almost done and bug fixing doesn't take as long creating new asserts, updates should become more frequent. 4) Possibly update to Unity 5, this depends on when it comes out though. If it comes out in the next couple months, then great, update to it and start fixing the bugs that come along because of the transition, if it comes out at the end or next year then it might not be worth it. 5) There is no harm in going back and looking at the tutorials and scenarios, since this most likely what new players will come into contact with, my suggestion it to integrate a tutorial with the sandbox and career modes so when someone starts up, they go into these first. Scenarios can be about more specified things, like docking or actual missions. 6) Right before release, redo the demo so you can show off how far KSP has come to the cynical consumer. I love your game, I think everyone here does and that is why we don't want to see you guys fall flat on your face with these last few months. There a bit more spit and polish can go a long way in terms of game sales.
  9. I for one think this is a positive move by Squad from a purely mechanical point of view. The Kerbal model has remained basically the same since this game became available in 2011, it is one of the oldest unchanged assets in the game. Besides the guys in the space buildings, all your astronauts look exactly the same, this move by Squad is an indication of their commitment to the new 'Beta' state of the game, the idea of going back and Redoing and improving the work done in earlier versions. The addition of a new model is just the start of that, it is possible that this might lead to a 'Kerbalizer' (god who remembers that) system in the game. Where the Astronauts have certain features, like certain types of hair or facial features and that you can customize them to your own taste, thus creating a Xcom kind of situation where you get more attached to them since you invested time into them. Like I said I see this as a good thing.
  10. The new game announced by Firaxis today. Following the events of Civilization and Civilization: Beyond Earth, your faction has flourished on it's new home and has developed the technology to go between the stars in a convenient fashion. You eventually make contact with other races and factions throughout the galaxy (unknown if they are Human or Alien) and head out to start expanding to other planets. Feature (As compiled from many sites) Build a space emprie Manage resources and fleets Do quests to protect or destory the other races Ships are customizable Release Date Spring of 2015, on PC/Mac plus Ipad Announcement Trailer
  11. This is an add for a TV show but I have heard that violin piece, between 5 seconds and 11 seconds before but can't put a name to it, can you guys help.
  12. We, humanity decide to leave earth to go to the stars to find a new home, but at what cost? [Warning: Might need a box of tissues while watching the video]
  13. Version: 0.25 (32 bit version) Explanation: Every part in my game has clone of itself in the part selector menu, both clones can be used in the VAB and SPH. This occurs in both my 0.24 save that I transferred over and a new save that I created in 0.25 itself. I have checked the files themselves and there seems to be only one of each part file, so it can't be that. System: HP Pavilion, Windows 7 64 bit, 500 GB, 8 GB of RAM. AMD Radeon integrated graphics.
  14. Something I just recently saw, I was doing a science run around Kerbin, my ship reached about 14 million metres above Kerbin and started to fall back towards the planet. I put the time wrap on a high speed, expecting the game to slow down as we passed below certain altitudes, but it didn't and my ship smashed into the planet surface. I did a second test and found I could time wrap at the highest speed while only a 100,000 m above the surface. Is this something new I hadn't notice in the changelog or is it a bug that happened to my save while updating. I couldn't find anything in the settings or difficulty settings.
  15. Very, VERY proud of India for achieving this feat of engineering. More countries doing science and space is never a bad thing and very glad that NASA, ESA and even China have gotten aboard and celebrated your success. I was actually visiting India when the probe was launched, a couple of my friends joked about it but I guess you showed them. Good on ya!!!
  16. I like the idea too, but I think it could be a entirely new game in its own right, maybe a spin-off where not only do you have to guide the refugees but also managed them and the new planet once you arrive. Could become a new strategy game.
  17. Hi Guys It is that time of year again, the Winter (Summer) release window is coming in a couple of months and I was wondering what your most anticipated games for the coming season and beyond. Here's a my list 1. Civilization Beyond Earth (very excited for this one) 2. Galactic Civilizations 3 3. Kerbal Space Program (Updates) On a bit of a side note, the developer of the Space Simulator IOS has started a kickstarter project that runs for about another month as off this post, don't know if any of you guys are interested in it. Here is the Website: http://www.space-simulator.com/ Here is the Kickstarter Project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1831895225/space-simulator-for-ios-and-android?ref=card
  18. So I have been on a long hiatus from KSP. I basically got burnt out after the 0.20 update and haven't really been touching the game since, although I have been keep up on the news and the updates. It was the Contracts in the 0.24 update that brought me back and have hooked me again, I really enjoy the idea of having mini goals that give rewards (I am personally someone who doesn't like games where you have to set your own goals, why I don't like minecraft). I wonder what you guys think about it. Here is my personal list. Pros: *Contracts, give mini goals and good variety. *Contracts now give science, means I don't have to go around science spamming the entire planet and mun. *Funds now force you to consider parts more closely. *Reworked tech tree makes more sense. Cons: *Variety, there could be more types of contracts, mine are mostly parts tests right now. *Longer contracts, most right now are just going to one location and testing a part or taking science from a location *More uses for reputation and funds then just Contracts and parts *Make the duration for contracts shorter meaning that you have to make harder decisions.
  19. Hey guys, I am willing to participate in a forum team if anyone wants to take me in. One advantage (I think) I have is that I live on the other side of the world, so what ever the challenge is, I will be able to work on it while everyone else is asleep. I am an expert builder in rockets and have been so far able to make interplanetary trips otu of the kerbin system in KSP game. Thanks
  20. Basically Civ 5 is going to space this year and colonizing a new planet. It is a spiritual successor to Alpha Centauri (even if the devs won't admit it) and was announced at PAX east on Sunday. Targeted release date is Q3 of 2014. Link to Trailer: Link to Website: http://www.civilization.com/
  21. Venus is a tough planet to terraform, the main problem it suffers from is heat and catastrophic climate change. Unlike Mars where it is too cold and we already have to knowledge to add heat, Venus is too hot and we haven't figured out how to cool whole planets yet (just watch Al Gore). Problem 1: Venus Spins too slowly, leading to extreme heat difference and the lack of a magnetic field. Solution 1: Before we start terraforming the planet, it might be advisable to smash some asteroids, at a low angle in to Venus. This might accurate the orbit a bit but I am not sure whether doing this too many times will destroy the surface. It also might kickstart volcanic activity and restart the core so that it creates a magnetic field. Problem 2: Venus's atmosphere is too thick and comprises mostly of CO2. Solution 2: At this point, we will have to delve into the area of geo-engineering, engineering whole planets. To survive on the surface we must reduce the air pressure down there. This might provide us with an opportunity. If the air pressure is so high then it should be easy to flout structures in the thinner part of the atmosphere. Here is what I propose. We can use artificial trees to suck in CO2 and release O2 into the atmosphere, secondly, we could also transport that CO2 Mars and dump it into the atmosphere to warm it up at the same time. Removing CO2 should start to thin the atmosphere and start to cool the planet. Problem 3: Venus is too hot. Solution 3: We must get radical to cool Venus, removing all the CO2 won't completely cool Venus to liveable standards. We might have to start putting up solar mirrors to reflect light away from Venus and start adding aerosols to the atmosphere, which have a natural cooling effect, to cool off Venus to liveable standards. Problem 4. Venus doesn't have much water vapour left and is nitrogen poor. Solution 3. Water and nitrogen are essential for Earth's plant life. Nitrogen can be fixed by looking to Saturn's moon, Titan, which has a nitrogen rich atmosphere. All we need to do is transport it and start dumping it into the atmosphere. Water is a bit harder but we can look at Comets for our solution. We bring water rich comets into areo-breaking manoeuvres around Venus, then every time it passes through the atmosphere, it will heat up and release water vapour into the atmosphere. If it is cool enough then rain can from and reach the ground. Off course all of these steps are costly and if we were to do it today, it would bankrupt Earth and then some. We could look at Futurama for our cheap, last minute solution. Lets just dump an ice cube on Venus and see what happens.
  22. Well I am, hopefully nothing comes up. For me, my viewing time is 11am-1pm on the 15th of March. Check you local guides to see what time you country/region is having live coverage of the ISS. I also presume you need a cable TV subscription since this is on the National Geographic channel.
  23. I joined way back in 0.14.4 after watching some Kurtjmac videos. When I joined I thought I was already late to the party but looking at that graphy I feel kind of old now.
  24. I agree with the above post. Squad has made a wonderful game. But it goes beyond, KSP has revived a genre from the brink of extinction. Before KSP, the space genre was basically dead, there were things, like obiter but they never really captured the vast majority of people who would rather be playing an FPS game then a game were you need to learn all these panels and stuff. When KSP came out, it revolutionised everything, because Squad has focused on the humour plus the fun factor of the game and not sorely on the realism. This game appeals to a wider audience. And where has this got them, winner of many indie awards, a spotlight on NBC, a booth at PAX and the revelation that many at the JPL at playing this game in their down time . I don't think Squad should listen to the community, communicate sure but not listen word for word to it as it would only end them up in a deep dark hole. When 0.22 game out, there are arguments about 'hard-core gamers' being left behind, and I just sat there thinking, why would complain, isn't this what we wanted. A similar thing is happening right now and will most likely happen after the update. You should not pound the Devs on the head but rather encourage them to keep going. I have heard many horror stories where communities have abused Devs so much that the game they were working on is abandoned or just released in a half hearted state. It would be a shame if that happened here.
  25. Well there are a couple of things I would like to say here, actually their are four. 1. I am actually really disappointed with this development but then again, Squad really has the right to change its mind. I see a lot contradictions on this forum, some people want Squad to listen to the community while others don't want Squad to do that. I think this move is clear sign that Squad is still in control of its game and making what THEY want it to be. I presume that resources will return after the implementation of career mode. 2. I have a strong suspicion that Squad is suffering from lack of innovation. There seems to be no more driving force behind the development of the game, I believe that this is because of the change in crew. Many of the originals have gone and disappeared and the new guys are not pulling their weight. Whether it would be communicating with the community or developing the game any further. 3. I personally think Maximaps and Rowsdower are useless in the forwarding of this game.The reason for this is that I think that their job descriptions are bit too much overlapping. PR agent and Community manager should have been consolidated into one job. A good game should be able to do its own PR. I personally prefer Rowsdower as I don't know what Maximaps does all day. 4. Not really related to this but if you go and watch Pewdiepie's last video of 'Crash test' you would hear him at the end of the video saying that he is considering doing KSP as it is a very similar game. He then goes on to say that if you want him to play KSP, write in the comments. As of right now there are a lot of comments asking to play KSP. Is this a godsend or the beginning of the end, I let you decide. Here is the Link: (skip to 9:20 to see what I said above)
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