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Everything posted by Zaeo

  1. Why is everyone so hung up on returning it? The idea is to use the resources in space for space missions. Returning is a waste of fuel, and could potentially mean some nasty things...*increased gravity over the span of 100 years due to the asteroid mining kicking off and becoming corporate...and possibly more problems in a 3 million year cycle.* Yes, processing the asteroids is difficult, And that's really the only thing stopping us aside from Budget. Once we come up with a way to generate the heat needed to create a foundry on the asteroid, The only barrier is mastery of null-G Construction.
  2. A lot of us are overlooking some pretty big factors: A young child is curious. They want to try new things and experience them and find what they like. As for how to implement interest in these interests, I am at a total loss. However, As I am 21, I believe i have a pretty good idea of how the schools are run, and yes, they are deplorable. Out of all the "core classes" I took, Only science really interested me. Here's what I went though, I'll break it down to what I enjoyed and what i hated. Science: I loved science from the start, especially physics and Astronomy. Physics had a surreal feel to it, always having a wonder factor that just kept me enthralled. Astronomy too. Biology wasn't really my thing, because the way it was presented, it was almost a taboo subject to talk about. If i had a different enviroment, this may have changed. Chemistry was 70% demonstration, and 30% memorization. I mean, yeah, we did do chemistry experiments. But we already knew the results before we started. that took all of the fun out of it. I was actually so good at Physics, it was my only AP class. Math: This is a touch and go subject for me. Math in context is easy, whereas math without aim, is utterly unenjoyable, tedious busywork. Geometry was cool, as I had an awesome teacher who was a total Star wars Fanatic. He utilized his interest in that to teach us "The ways of the force" And "Dimensions of a light saber". As he was going off of his own math problems he created, he made it fun. we had to find the circumference of a lightsaber hilt, or if a jedi used force push to move a box*translation/rotation/scale* or crush it with the force into a more compact size. He used to say" Well, his quarters were very small, and the box had a volume less then the surface area of the box, so padawan *insert random name of the day here* decided to scale the box down using the force...forcibly... to make it fit." Anyways, that class i pulled a high grade, because it was always fun, and I was actively paying attention and grasping the concepts. A year later, I get thrown into Algebra I, where everything was taken out of the book...incredibly bland. I almost failed that, just enough to pass with a 60 D. Presentation goes a LONG way to improving scores. Literature: Now this subject i am torn. I love reading, I love writing, But i HATE dissecting someones Writing. That consisted of 90% of my literature classes, from "Fine art" to "Literature and Biography Study". I would read, get drawn in, enjoy the hell out of the book...Then realized I'm now 5 chapters ahead of the class, and now know FAR too much. This made it extremely difficult to write an accurate "telling" of the chapter though my perspective and opinions on it. Tests in this class were a complete and utter WASTE of time. we had to study books for some tests, and pull quotes from the story to prove we read them...That's just retarded. I understand they are trying to train your memory, but to do that is just wasted time in my eyes. I'll remember if I deem it important enough to remember. Phys-Ed: Kind of a Null factor for me. I never had PE classes all throughout my life. I am not in the best medical condition...though from the sidelines I found PE to be "over budget" and "overly glorified". Why the HELL does a High school need a brand new turf when the old turf is perfectly acceptable and still usable? Why does it need Expensive Aluminium bleachers, When all you really need is some lawn chairs and a Staggered dirt plateau to raise the chairs different levels? Why a overview tower if you can't hear the Play by play at a game ANYWAYS? Total Waste of money that could go into improving teachers/students environments. Its a School, Not a Stadium. I think that there needs to be a lesser focus on "core groups" and a greater in "Extra-curricular" activities, ranging from art to manufacturing, all the way to computer programming. I would have loved to have the ability to have a very large selection of classes. I moved around a lot. In florida, I had classes in TV Production, a pre-cursor to film and video industries. That was extremely fun for me, and I absorbed and excelled in it. Also, they had a Robotics class, Which had sparked programming as an interest for me, Plus, robotic programming is a form of "Instant Gratification" when something you program it to do works the way you want it to. In Michigan, They had their own Planetarium, And where I lived, there was almost no light pollution, so I could clearly see the stars in far greater detail than I had ever seen. This sparked an interest in two ways for me. The first, being space. As you can see, this has stuck with me, and is still one of my greatest interests. The second thing this did for me was spark interest in "Space art" as I had taken a Graphics design class for photoshop. I had actually joined Business Professionals of America entry, a flyer. I didn't win, as art is heavily based on opinion, and the fact that I had overlooked one of the elements needed...That was due to an over-burdened teacher not having enough time for their students to make sure everything was there.*it was 5 words of text...kind of annoying really* Anyways, As a result of shifting around in my highschool years, I had the chance to experience and gain personal interests in 4 fields. Of which I enjoy two as a hobby, and two as my occupation. I am both a Website designer, and a 3D artist. I play space games and enjoy talking about space travel. I find Physics and Theorycrafting/discussing to be incredibly fun. The point is, If you want to focus on a subject, it should be the first priority over tedious "core skill" classes that make students stress out and hate school.
  3. Why are you worried about "polluting" space with radiation when our star "pollutes" Constantly, and at a much higher degree than what we could even dream of producing at this point in time? Its a problem with earth, because normally, our atmosphere absorbs and disperses most of the very harmful radiation, and nuclear explosions/radiation emitters cause that number to jump FAR above average for that area because it isn't being absorbed completely. In space, its only creating a temporary and tiny fluctuation in the radiation levels, that just get blown away by solar wind.
  4. Not only that, but adding a tilt on your wings downwards at the tips will actually improve lift at high altitudes.
  5. This is a Sky crane. Its actually the system used to deliver Curiosity to mars.
  6. Not entirely true scare. If you position your launches and wait to launch until it is aligned with the equinox, it is very viable. You just cant launch as you please. You could even launch into low minmus orbit, then make a burn into interplanetary space once you are aligned.
  7. Krayt Dragonheart - Eclipse server. Welcome aboard!!
  8. Iron is rare-er than one might think. It is abundant in earth's crust for one reason: the moon. Without that collision, Iron would be very sparse like other minerals are. That being said, take a look for iron. It really isn't that abundant.*look for rust color in rocks* We have a large amount of it because of mining projects like this: As for water, What I am referring to is fresh water. Sure, earth has a massive supply of water, but it is almost completely unsuitable for drinking. For space missions, water found on asteroids is priceless, as it does not require much fuel to obtain it, rather than launching a supply vehicle for any shortages that may occur in space. Take for example a moon colony. are you going to take a supply run from earth, or one from an asteroid field? Water ice on asteroids is *to my knowledge* completely sterile, so no bacteria, requires FAR less fuel to obtain, and is relatively abundant.
  9. And that is EXACTLY what I had in mind for the throttle control, Bravo! Now...to wait for awesomeness to ensue!
  10. The exception to this is that Asteroids are more abundant in rare earth metals, such as Iron, Platinum, and many many others, but only in terms of accessability. The materials are here on earth, but are far beyond our means to harvest. Take for example, Iron. our core is a large chunk of both solid and molten iron, as well as diamonds the size of small continents, and many many other materials, completely inaccessable unless we blow a large chunk out of our planet. So while, yes, the materials are here, they are barred from being utilized for consumption. Perhaps the most valuable asset that asteroids hold is Water, believe it or not. This is true because of two reasons, One, the obvious one: Water for earth, and two, Water for exploration vessels. If we had cheap access to space, we most certainly WOULD mine asteroids. the problem is getting the stuff into space to actually mine it.
  11. Not an issue. It won't be higher than current, and can only get more stiff. A stiffer suspension would mean a higher chance to break a wheel, but a much more controlled handling.
  12. Feels too....Menu-y... The liftoff and prelaunch are each decent tracks, for a menu of sorts. The remix of the space, however is good, imo. I would say something less energetic, I like soothing music to calm me for the already nerve wracking launch. Good luck!
  13. ACTUALLY. I was referring to the fact that the MOMENT you "EJECT" the fairings, that you would have to calculate INSTANTLY of whatever is under the fairing. Hence sped up physics. You obviously don't understand the difference between timewarp and physics warp. You can't just selectively pick and choose what does and what doesn't get affected by physics. It is not within unity's power to do so as an engine. Time warp is physics OFF for every single object by means of Rails. It sets its altitude, velocity, and locks it to that. Nothing can affect it, not even other matter. Launch a ship one direction around kerbin, and then another in the direct opposite direction. Make them collide, and time warp. They will ignore eachother like they weren't even there. That's why you can't timewarp close to a planet, or you will go right on though it. Physics warp is the increase of calculations per second. This results in "time being sped up" but at a loss of accuracy. The problem of course does not lie in the ability to time warp, but in the ability to load 50-100 parts INSTANTLY the moment you eject the fairing. If you load that with physics calculations on, that will load them each at different rates and as a result, some parts go "KABOOM" because the part they are attached to loaded after they did. It isn't speculation. You need to do some more research. All that is needed to allow all 4 cores and unlocked ram amount for kerbal to utilize is a x64 version of Unity that isn't game breakingly buggy. There already is a x64 version of kerbal on Linux.
  14. We know this from several other physics simulators that are out there. Take for example, Universe sandbox. The faster time goes, the more calculations have to be crammed into a shorter period of time, resulting in a loss of physics accuracy. Take for example, take two galaxies roughly 400 million light years from eachother*relatively close, in terms of galactic distances goes* As you accelerate time to 1,000 years a second and beyond, they begin to look like giant solar systems in real time, you see the particles rotating around the center of gravity*galactic core*. The faster time goes, you begin to see some strange things occur... As star *particles* get a close approach to the galactic core, it accelerates FAR beyond the speed of light, and increased further, even the galactic cores begin to break down and get slungshot from eachother at several times the speed of light, leaving the outer rings to drift endlessly without anything to rotate around but themselves. The point that I'm trying to get at, is the "faster" you are forced to do physics calculations, the more inaccurate they become. shutting off physics of everything in this "magical fairing", then suddenly enabling them, WILL rip the monstrosities apart that it hides, completely and utterly nullifying any "reduced lag" benefit you get for actually launching it to space, dealing with the "cruddy" launch lag over an extended period of time. Certainly, under a certain number of part counts, the effect is less and less noticeable, but it still exists. More parts just amplifies it immensely. To this day, the best way to reduce lag would be for unity to support x64 without the game breaking bugs that their current release has. 4 cores calculating physics +*4 threads* vs 1 core, and up to 64 gigs of ram supported will fix almost ALL of the lag issues up to a point of maybe...3000 part behemouths? of course, old hardware is old hardware. *i know it is more involved than that, but these two things will seriously help* Understand now? PS: never underestimate the diversity of the internet. you have fools who play video games, but there are also quite a few tech-savvy gamers out there as well. don't rely on "Devs" and "modders"
  15. no engines, no planes? No problem! Kerbal + Sprint = Top of mountain in 4 hours!
  16. I'd add a crimped top and bottom to more closely resemble stock fuel tanks. Is it possible to offset the stretched face? IE: leave the crimped edge unaffected while stretching the body below it?
  17. That is a gimp option. it is under Render-> Spyrogimp. I use gimp for texture designs. I've been super busy at work the last few weeks, I haven't really had time to sit down and work on the pack
  18. hm... Procedural Adapter plates/fuel adapter tanks*to make them useful as something other than a beauty product?
  19. you can just re-size the stock parts in the config file. Look up guides on how to do it.
  20. Lets expand on this... Have a slider,*or text-input field* for controlling the rate at which the node is manipulated, much like how the click drag functionality works, but with a LOT more precision. I ALWAYS overshoot or undershoot by a SMALL degree with the way it works, and I find myself fiddling with the final orbit trying to get a perfect orbit*85,000Ap, 85,000 Pe, NaN*for several minutes, and occasionally miss my window for it because i was trying to get that darned manuver node right where i wanted it. Also, Make it like rover controls, separate keybindings from the axis controls*ie i could bind it to numpad 8,2,4,6;9,3. *check those keys on your keyboard, and you will see why these are ideal*
  21. I'd like it too, and you aren't alone. It has been suggested since eva was first released.
  22. Coming from a standpoint behind making ksp more "part friendly.." Unrendering parts before launching, it is a fools dream for the scale you desire. However, for things like engine fairings, it actually is a decent idea. Unrendering, but not disabling physics. This lets you cut down on the Face count dramatically, as engines tend to be rather high poly. It helps the low end pc guys out, and generally improves performance of multi-stage vehicles. Multiple parts under the fairings would be excessive, and require more than you think to do coding wise, which is a BIG step backwards in terms of productivity, and would have one major drawback. If you didn't lag launching it, as soon as you jettison the fairings, you will experience extreme lag as all the parts render, Plus physics would freak out and rip the craft apart 9 times out of 10. Sure, you might have a stable orbit, but at the cost of "loosing things to do" because you are able to launch whole pre-fab'ed structures without effort, thus resulting in loss of interest, and the relentless "When is the next patch" cycle will become that much more vicious. My vote? Yes and no. Yes for simple existing fairings to unrender excessive faces of an engine. No for the "almighty procedural fairing".
  23. your center of lift is too far behind or in front of the center of mass, OR you have thrust that is not in line with the center of mass*Important!!!* By the way, The reason you want center of lift behind your center of mass, is because your center of thrust pushes your center of lift forward when "active" A perfectly balanced plane will do this to such a degree that the center of lift is at the same point of the center of mass.
  24. you now know why we don't use space planes today, despite their capabilities.
  25. Of course, manned vehicles would not have this requirement. It already has the sat dish's and antenna in the game, all that needs to be added is the "in view" stuff. However, There is the issue of saves becoming obsolete almost every update, so this probably won't happen until update saves are completely compatible.
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