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Everything posted by OceanFire

  1. Ok guys, I need you to pick what you want the most out of the planned parts (reply to this comment using a quote). After a couple days I'll tally the votes and start on the new parts. Also 130 downloads you guys are awesome!
  2. Finally progress! [ATTACH=CONFIG]34812[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]34813[/ATTACH] Rust FTW . Edit: New Update out! It would have bean out sooner but I something to do first
  3. Ok I'll try that, oh and when I update the mod the parts will have a new texture and there will be at least 3 new parts. Edit: Kerbal.net won't allow me to upload any new pictures. I tell it to upload it, but it doesn't update the photo. Well the website is in beta so yeah.
  4. That's because I had to re-size it for Kerbal.net. I'll see if I can do anything about that. Edit: Couldn't fix the old image so now we have a new one. Edit Edit: I have bean working on some parts I made a decoupler, and everything went well. Now I'm making a fuel tank and its invisible, so yeah .
  5. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34736[/ATTACH] Click on this for larger version Flaming Oceans CO. is a mod pack made by OceanFire, and inspired by NovaPunch remix pack(And everyone who made parts for it), C7(For being Awesome), and my love of video games. Disclaimer: This pack is a early version, and may contain bugs if you find one please message me If you have any or know of any blender tutorials I would love if you told me about them. also if you have any texturing tips feel free to tell me about that too, because I have no idea how to make art on a computer screen. Parts: 1 Meter: Engines: Ocean Flamer: A high thrust, and heat engine used to launch rockets out of the atmosphere, or strapped on the side of a large rocket and used as boosters. SRBs: Solid Rocket Booster MK2: A small SRB for boosting small rockets Fuel Tanks: Rusty Old Fuel Tank: A larger fuel tank than the stock ones. 2 Meter: Engines: 2 Meter NERVA: Like the normal stock NERVA but heavier and more thrust. Pics(Click on the pictures for larger versions. These are also old I'll take pics for the new parts, and textures as soon as I can!): [ATTACH=CONFIG]34737[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]34738[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]34733[/ATTACH] Planned: Fuel Tanks 2 Meter engines Light parts for landers Space station parts More engines More SRBs Download: Change Log: Ocean Flamer's heat prodution decreased from 650 to 550 Ocean Flamer's texture changed Solid Booster MK2's texture changed Boom Decoupler added 2 meter NERVA added Rusty Old Fuel Tank added First Release
  6. This does make since that jets only work on Kirbin and Laythe because there the only bodies that seam to contain oxygen or something like it. While Eve seams to be made up of methane, or something of the like.
  7. The space starfish from the duna SSTV are invading. READY THE SRBs!
  8. I think you forgot that most parts that Kermans use are from the junk yard so the cockpit might be from the Kerman version of WW1
  9. Well clearly we've already broken a great deal of laws by letting so many people under 18 command there own space program. That is if KSP has laws... If so this game has you on a crime spree ever sense you start playing it.
  10. This is awesome! I just made my first model for a small solid rocket booster. At first it was huge(because I made the part two meters wide in blenders my fualt ) but after I fixed it and made some tweaks to the part file it worked great! Thank you!
  11. I always injoin reading a good story long or short. This story made me feel like I was reading about something truely epic, and congratulations on your first succsesful landing mission on the mün .
  12. Thanks Nova and Payload. Thank you Nova for telling me that I need to join the parts, and Thank you Payload for telling me how to(in blender). This will be very useful for making my mod pack .
  13. I give this 10 out of 5 stars! Truely amazing...hu what's that?...Ok ok I get it...I've just bin told that '10 out of 5 stars' is mathimaticly impossible... Ok then 5 out of 5 stars!
  14. Me too I knew about KSP when the demo was the latest version (but my PC couldn't run it back then ). Anyways welcome abord Luker!
  15. Hello Deltaco (hopefully Del Taco doesn't sue ). As RogueMason said don't Liston to Bob Kerman he has rocketphobu. Don't know why he signed up to pilot a rocket though...
  16. You could place them farther down so then don't overheat the tanks (if there's room), or put them on the non-spent rule tanks (facing away from the pod) but this could distupt your orbit. Hope you find solution to your problem!
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