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Tom K.

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Everything posted by Tom K.

  1. I'm not having any problems with the new ASAS personally, it's a bit smoother and slower though which is also why it doesn't wobble anymore... After 2 flights I'm already used to it!
  2. Oh, I thought nobody was responding to this thread! Well if you vote on the poll you could also leave a little reply so I know people are looking at this thread...
  3. They're in for a suprise when they wake up and look at the forums... xD
  4. Personally I picked resources as you would have a reason to go to the moon and stuff... You can pick multiple options!
  5. Self-confidence and pure talent have learned me all of my skills...
  6. It's Wednesday for Western-Europe...
  7. I don't see how mining resources would somehow unlock acces to the LV-N, it's a part that you have from start, though finding Blutonium should be harder then regular fuel...
  8. Off cours I can still do these missions, but I don't and I've never done, cause I didn't saw the point in flying over to Jool's moons without any serious reason. I can imagine that veteran players don't really see getting into orbit around Kerbin as a BIG challenge, it doesn't give that real adrenaline-kick like the first timed, but when we got probes and scientific instruments I felt accomplished getting that probe just around LKO, because I imagined that it served a real scientifique purpose... And that is the reason why I haven't even bothered doing any Duna-rover stuff, I want to place some sort of ground-scanner on the thing and make progress!
  9. I think IMO that resources will be as game-changing as 0.18's docking, now we can assemble big interplanetary crafts in orbit which completly changed the play-style of many people including me.
  10. After all, real-life space exploration ain't that advanced now is it? The first BIG mission they are thinking of in the future, is a colony on Mars.
  11. You can play without Mining-camps, but there's little to no purpose going of to other planets when all you can do is plant a flag and perform some very simple experiments... Why do sent rovers to Mars? To collect ground-samples... not to drive around and enjoy the scenery, which is all you will be able to do when career-mode gets added...
  12. (entirely useless sentence to get atleast 10 characters into this post...)
  13. I hope certain machinery will need a kerbal to operate it, this way you will have to take extra kerbals in space!
  14. personally I'm irritating myself more with these feel-good-threads that tell us to shut up and stick our heads in the ground... Really, I'm sure only a handfull of the thousands of people on this forum are too impatient to wait, most of us don't have any problems with the test-versions being tested by a small group of people. But that's my personall opinion... *Wispers* It's 5 in the morning ... *Wispers*
  15. He explains everything BUT the little building between the VAB and the Tracking-station, WHAT DOES THAT BUILDING DO?!
  16. Dropsy: Traditional Adventure + Open World? Jay Tholen's brief explanation of how introducing an open world into an adventure game changes the puzzle design. → http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jay ... ture-game/
  17. Hi everyone! I've recently discovered this adventure point-and-click game named Dropsy by Jay Tholen.Though its roots are in the point-and-click games of old, Dropsy will be an almost entirely text-free experience. There are colorful characters to communicate with, but the dialogue is handled visually (via icons) rather than linguistically. Oh, and the music is absolutely brilliant. Jay Tholen borrows from almost every relevant genre of the past 70 years, so the music evokes memories of an old Soundblaster card or FM Synthesizer, fuzzed out guitars, organs, tape echo, 70's drum machines, vintage keyboards... I posted this because I thought some of you would find it interesting. I certainly did. Here's a link to the Kickstarter page: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jay ... ture-game/ The most perfect Kickstarter video I've seen yet. And remember, don't make Dropsy cry and BACK THIS PROJECT!
  18. Am I the only one who thinks we need telescopes and humble-telescopes in space and stuff? Give the tracking-station a key-role in discovering new celestial-bodies, and 'track' their movement to determine their orbit and speed!
  19. For me, at this point the game only needs resources and a bit of optimisation... after that I'm already happy if it were to be finished.
  20. I understand that increasing the scale of planets to realistic sizes is something that will never be in the vanilla game, but damn I want someone to make a mod of! I'm not that handy with computers...
  21. I think in order to archive a save-file that is so important that it shouldn't be lost you need to have done alot of advanced missions. And inorder to do advanced missions you have to be patient and have a decent knowledge of space, these are not the type of people that will start raging that quikly.
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