howdy, found a tiny lil bug with the BSA-0150-0120 - MOS-LA Large Structural Adapter, the end cap size switching doesn't work, it stays fat no matter what:
[WRN 04:33:13.810] Warning on PartSubtype 1.25m on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part bluedog.MOL.Adapter.1875.15: No transforms named Adapter_1875_125 found
[WRN 04:33:13.810] Warning on PartSubtype 1.5m on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='meshSwitch') on part bluedog.MOL.Adapter.1875.15: No transforms named Adapter_1875_15 found
i've had so much fun building all kinds of weird rocket hybrids, huge thanks to you and Jso and also IronCretin for the real names patch