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Everything posted by Stargate525

  1. I like this. Reasonable issues, but not overt failure in most cases. The one problem I see with this is that at the current game dev stage, these issues can be mistaken for bugs.
  2. I would rather be annoyed than bored. And that's what these test missions are for me currently. The fact of the matter is that, if your mission is to take something somewhere and test it, you don't make it a critical part of your vessel. Test an experimental jet engine, you don't make it the primary engine on your plane. Testing a decoupler, you don't make it detach crucial stuff. And I don't think he's suggesting that a 'failed' part even fails the contract. You went there, tested it, and it didn't go as planned. What is the POINT of testing something if you know what the result is going to be?
  3. SRBs. As many as needed to get the first liquid fuel engine into an orbit for later capture and recovery. They're dirt cheap, and since Squad doesn't believe in part failure, their main RL drawback is essentially negated.
  4. Well, they're missing anything with a ring structure. They're also missing asteroid belts, anything with serious orbital eccentricity, retrograde spin planets, any axial tilts, and geological activity. When they say 'we want to make them as interesting as kerbin' I have no idea what they mean. Biomes? There's been a mod for all the other planets for at least six months. Done by ONE person. Come now. And this is why I've stopped listening to anything the Devs say.
  5. More easily accomplished by swapping the keybind to ctrl+f5. alt+f4 is a windows keybind that force closes whatever you've got attention on. I don't think there IS a way to add a confirmation to it.
  6. Mmm, you have a point. Other planets, then. Mun/Minmus is indeed too close.
  7. I know, but in a designing game like this I don't see the point of real-world time. Especially with a timewarp mechanic.
  8. I had a thought after watching some speedruns on Youtube that I haven't seen any such things in the KSP community. I'm gonna change that right now. Your task is simple. Get a flag on another body. -Your time is the year/day/hour that the flag is planted. -No cheats, no debug menu. -Non-exploit mods allowed, but in their own category. -Two main categories, one for career mode (with funding) and one for sandbox. To receive your time, I need a screengrab of the tracking station with the date of the flag's planting. A mission log is, of course, always encouraged. Go! Go go go go! VANILLA Mun: Aphobius - 0y0d27m57s 2nd: 3rd: Minmus: 2nd: 3rd: Moho: 2nd: 3rd: Eve: 2nd: 3rd: Gilly: 2nd: 3rd: Duna: 2nd: 3rd: Ike: 2nd: 3rd: Laythe: 2nd: 3rd: Vall: 2nd: 3rd: Tylo: 2nd: 3rd: Bop: 2nd: 3rd: Pol: 2nd: 3rd: Eeloo: 2nd: 3rd: MODDED Mun: 2nd: 3rd: Minmus: 2nd: 3rd: Moho: 2nd: 3rd: Eve: 2nd: 3rd: Gilly: 2nd: 3rd: Duna: 2nd: 3rd: Ike: 2nd: 3rd: Laythe: 2nd: 3rd: Vall: 2nd: 3rd: Tylo: 2nd: 3rd: Bop: 2nd: 3rd: Pol: 2nd: 3rd: Eeloo: 2nd: 3rd:
  9. Well yes, life is essentially a very slow burning to death. But if you could run a genetic replacement on cells with perfect copies of an original, stored pattern... Or simply keep replacing aging parts with new ones... There are a LOT of ways to cheat when it comes to death. There have been a lot of studies done into this, mostly for criminal justice. It turns out that when you are remembering something, you are actually remembering the last time you remembered it. You are constantly overwriting your old memories, inducing error little by little every time, losing 'unimportant' bits that your brain fills in with best guesses. For instance, I remember the layout of the house I lived in when I was four. I don't remember the color of the walls. When I picture it in my mind, my brain fills in a generic color; it's not something my mind considered important over the many iterations I've remembered that house. I imagine a 200 year old man might have some very few, very twisted memories from two centuries ago; specific in some odd details (I know precisely what tile was in that house), but completely inaccurate in many others.
  10. I have kinda of wondered WHO is sending those Kerbals up there, and if they are, WHY can't they get their astronauts back themselves?
  11. Then play sandbox, not career? Seriously, it's not supposed to be a sandbox game, it's supposed to be a tycoon game.
  12. I know it's a brand new feature, but as it stands right now, the contracts are a little bit of an annoyance if you have several. I'd like to be able to make mission parameters, insert contracts, and not have to scroll through the list of contracts sitting 'on the pad' so to speak. For example, I want to test a part going up, in orbit, and then on descent. I'd like to be able to build my ship, select JUST those three contracts, and then have only those scrollable whilst on the mission. Make sense?
  13. To see how it performs in vacuum? And, as far as I can tell, you don't need to actually burn the whole booster; simply lighting it up long enough to register it suffices. Make it your payload, light it, wait for the contract to clear, then dump it. I suggest radial.
  14. Because unlike earth, 80% of their surface isn't covered in water? Seriously, try mining anything under two miles of ocean. Because a smaller planet has a smaller gravity well; easier to get the stuff into space. Because those planets don't have biological life, and therefore we don't have to worry about otherwise unpleasant byproducts and hazards. Because extreme cold, extreme heat, or vacuum in an otherwise industry-ready area might be useful? Because we've tapped out the surface deposits of almost every useful mineral we could need here? ...I could go on.
  15. It is if that information can help you with the game. For instance, making the scientific equipment actually spit real data and base its value on the findings, rather than a generic 'you are here, have some points' scheme.
  16. Test can come back as false positives, you know...
  17. Besides ADHD, which I don't recall having been related to genetics, name four of these greatest minds.
  18. Usually if something flips around like mad your COM is significantly behind your COL.
  19. Just because it doesn't make sense doesn't mean it's impossible. Pretty much anything that happens at scales smaller than an atom are logical inconsistencies.
  20. It's interesting to think that we assume aliens will be using radio. For interstellar stuff, it's atrocious. The better communication methods don't have nearly as much bleed; it's like blundering around in a forest and shouting, asking why we can't hear anyone else shouting, when they're in tree stands using cell phones.
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