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Everything posted by Causeless

  1. I\'m not 100% sure on what you are asking for, but you can set variables before the .cfg is read by using OnPartLoad()
  2. Anything lower than a terrain tile\'s highest detail has no collision.
  3. It\'ll be leaked, sooner or later, sadly... I had fun finding it, though!
  4. Agreed, and it has weird white edges.
  5. Join the irc I showed further up and talk to me there. trbinsc is also there right now, if not sporadically AFK.
  6. Apparently it\'s not a physical surface, it\'s just a automated failsafe point where you explode.
  7. The problem is, it\'s impossible to make it higher detail when up high without lagging, usually. Try changing PLANET_DETAIL_FACTOR up a bit in the settings.cfg, and you\'ll see what I mean. Also, the surface is generally flat, only a few areas are really rough, and anyways, what I think Nova meant by 'being fairly bland' was the texturing, instead of the actual level of detail... the ground texture is very uniform so you can\'t get any form of depth perception well out of it. We need better shading effects for mountains - on Kerbin, the planet looks tiny up high because the mountains are big but there have no shading to indicate this, and on the Mun, it\'s hard to tell if any mountains are even there at all!
  8. It probably will. Remember this is a very early state of the game. The tutorial has remained practically unchanged since the first public releases.
  9. But you can already translate via a different set of keys, so why is this needed?
  10. Actually, believe heat was always in since public release, just now it works a lot differently.
  11. Maybe you could just... y\'know, not add an end date? Just an idea... :
  12. It\'ll be because of the new terrain in 0.14.2. Try this: delete your settings.cfg, firstly, then start the game again, then quit it, just in case something is wrong with it. Now, go inside the setting.cfg (open in notepad), and change 'PLANET_SCATTER = True' to 'PLANET_SCATTER = False'. This\'ll remove the trees and mun boulders, but it should give a framerate increase. Now, change PLANET_DETAIL_FACTOR to around 0.7 or so, and if it still lags, you can turn it down to a minimum of 0.5 before you get collision issues (please note, you might get some view problems like unloaded chunks at the edge of the camera).
  13. I agree completely. My first orbit, I was absolutely thrilled... now orbiting is easy and routine to me.
  14. Hehe, reminds me, when I first got the experimental I must\'ve been one of the first to get to the North Pole... I got into a sub-orbital trajectory there, and did a powered landing to try and pinpoint my position. I landed with VERY little fuel to spare (about a second, half a second) of fuel left, since I was being paranoid about the height it was at since there wasn\'t much to give myself reference to... turns out it was for nothing as it was only 8m high... :-[ It\'s actually pretty interesting, if you timewarp you see the sun just always rest just about at the horizon.
  15. The kraken still exists. They didn\'t have time to fix it. And the patcher isn\'t technically in-game, it\'s a separate program... and also, it was created for 0.14, it was only just fixed. Oh, yeah, and 0.14 was when it became paid. :-X Sorry to burst your bubble! Anyways, I love the Kraken, I\'d love that as an easter egg in future versions of KSP.
  16. Haha... I loved the very first versions. I only actually created an account after playing for a while, but came near the very start. I remember when the dark side of Kerbin was a minefield, and the sun was in a static place relative to you... where the terrain looked weird because directly below you looked perfect but it mushed out further away... I remember when I had to add SAS to absolutely every part, because we had no control surfaces, gimballing engines... Hehe. You know a games doing great when you look back nostalgically upon it when it\'s not been around for long... this game has greater memories than minecraft, anyways!
  17. I\'ve made a irc channel on esper.net at #KSP_MPmod, everyone. I\'mma just going to haul my ass and start working on a roadmap of things we need doing, then we\'ll be able to start. I\'ll probably need to talk to trbinsc about the team, but don\'t worry - no-one will be removed. We just need a bit more organization if this is going to move forwards.
  18. The onPartAwake isn\'t a standard Unity thing - it\'s exclusive to this game, so that documentation is probably wrong in this instance. For anyone wondering, onPartLoad happens when a part is loaded at the start of the game, and this is before the part.cfg is loaded.
  19. As said by Katallian, the position is calculated by the Universal Time, so that shouldn\'t be a problem.
  20. That\'s awesome. I\'d like to see this progress!
  21. I\'m not sure if a financial incentive would help much - remember, this is a mod, anyways. I\'m not sure if taking money is even legal, considering it would be built upon this game. I should be joining as a coder, but first we need some sort of roadmap set up before we dive in, or else bad things will happen. I think the first step would be to merge Kessler into a in-game plugin, which would allow a semi-realtime multiplayer for unloaded vessels (so you don\'t need to reload the game every time you want to update). The hardest parts of this project will probably be synchronization for loaded vessels, and having unloaded vessels being real-time. I\'m not sure how much access we\'d have to unloaded vessels without needing to force the game to reload, which could be very slow. For loaded vessels, it would be very hard to keep them in synch... the problem is, everyone\'s computer has different speeds, and would handle the physics differently. We could assume that every computer is perfect, and have it only synch after it\'s unloaded (sending input to other craft to make them move), but of course there would still be major issues with synch after something would be loaded for a while. We might be able to just force-position craft in the correct place, and attitude, but then we\'d need some way to show engines firing, and rcs, landing legs, etc. Finding a way to connect to servers in-game is probably (hopefully) possible, because that Elderberry plugin managed it, and irc integration shouldn\'t be far off either.
  22. This is very awesome. I\'d love to see how you managed the attitude control - it could help a lot in a future multiplayer plugin. Also, I\'m not sure if attitude control during timewarp is possible, but for attitude control for when loading a satellite, you could try either changing the .sfs file and forcing a reload, or you could stick some stuff in a in statement in onPartStart() to make it realign when you load it.
  23. That\'s pretty cool. I wonder, now, if this can help HarvesteR fix the actual rotation bug!
  24. This is because, it seems that the attachment stuff hasn\'t been compiled yet, or anything.
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